What Juice Can do For You!

If you are on the Holy Juice Challenge (Juicing for Lent 2014) then by now you are probably thinking, WHY THE HELL AM I DOING THIS? Your body and mind is probably “screaming” for sugar. The white kind that comes out of a big bag. Hopefully, you detoxed the pantry before you began on the juicing so that when you felt yourself become a little weak, you didn’t just rip open the pantry door and munch down a bag of Girl Scout cookies. So, here is a little inspiration to keep you going.
Juicing will retain a lot of the plants nutrients known as phytonutrients, and you can drink more than you can eat. I like the feeling I get when I drink 8 ounces of a veggie/fruit juice and realize how many nutrients I just downed. Awesome!
Phytonutrients are amazing and you are consuming so many when you juice. Give yourself a pat on the back. Phytronutrients: (Phytonutrients aren’t essential for keeping you alive, unlike the vitamins and minerals that plant foods contain. But when you eat or drink phytonutrients, they may help prevent disease and keep your body working properly.)
- Fight fat
- Increases your metabolism
- Supplies cells with energy
- Helps fight off infections
As you stick to the juicing, you will feel a motivation to eat healthier and avoiding the sugary foods will become second nature. I know that my taste buds are now pickier about the food I consume. They require a better quality and reject junk food as, well, junk. No thank you!
And with all the benefits of health (my skin looks amazing) you will also have more energy than you have had in 10 years and you will most likely experience weight loss. Hallelujah!
I get asked a lot about what kind of juicer I use. I use an extractor which leaves no pulp; just straight juice from the vegetables and the fruit. I find this easier to drink and there is a theory that this will directly go into the cells so that you don’t have to digest.
It is recommended that you do not eat 2 hours before drinking your juice or 2 hours after to get the full benefits. For the best affects, do drink juice at least once a day for Lent which is March 6 – April 19 hence the name Holy Juicing. Joe Cross did 60 days in Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead.
People can juice once a day as long as they use this as a meal replacement. Don’t blow it by eating gluten, sugar, or red meat. That all causes inflammation in your body and we are shooting for an alkaline body which is a body that is healthy and will lose weight.
Here are some suggestions for juicers: