What is Maca Root?

What is Maca root?
Have I had my head in the sand or is this the new wonder food? All of a sudden, I see Maca Root everywhere as the cure for EVERYTHING. I was watching a video on a new smoothie recipe and the presenter was adding Maca root…WILD Maca root. So, I decided to research Maca. What the heck is it? Here is what I found.
Maca root has been used by native Indians in Peru as a vital ingredient to health for thousands of years. Maca’s use goes back to around 3800 B.C., when Peruvian Indians cultivated and ate it for both its nutritional and medicinal value. Centuries later in 1549 A.D., records indicate that, during his time in Peru, the Spanish explorer Captain de Soto received Maca from the Indians as a gift in return for his help in improving methods of animal husbandry in the Peruvian Castille region. By 1572, as Maca’s health-giving properties gained notoriety, the Chinchayochas Indians had begun using Maca root for barter. It was not until 1843 that this plant was studied by scientists and given the botanical name of Lepidium meyenii, Walpers. after German Botanist Gerhard Walpers
Maca root grows in the mountains of Peru at high altitudes of 7,000 to 11,000 feet, making it the highest altitude growing plant in the world. Maca is a radish-like root vegetable that is related to the potato family, and is tuberous and spherical in form. The root itself is about three to six centimeters across and 4.7 centimeters in length. There are four recognized types of Maca Root based on the color of the root. Root color varies from creamy yellow or light pink to dark purple or black.
Chemically Maca root contains significant amounts of amino acids, carbohydrates, and minerals including calcium, phosphorous, zinc, magnesium, iron, as well as vitamins B1, B2, B12, C and E. Peruvian Maca also includes a number of glycosides. (In chemistry, a glycoside /ˈɡlaɪkəsaɪd/ is a molecule in which a sugar is bound to another functional group via a glycosidic bond. Glycosides play numerous important roles in living organisms. Many plants store chemicals in the form of inactive glycosides. These can be activated by enzyme hydrolysis,[1] which causes the sugar part to be broken off, making the chemical available for use. Many such plant glycosides are used as medications. In animals and humans, poisons are often bound to sugar molecules as part of their elimination from the body.)
As a nutritional supplement, Peruvian Maca has generalized tonic effects on the biochemical functioning of the human body. Chief among these effects is the enhancement of endocrine function. The endocrine system includes all of the glands, and the hormones they secrete, that exist in the body and that control such conditions as fertility, sexual function, digestion, brain and nervous system physiology, and energy levels. Hormonal regulation is responsible for all of the physiological attributes that enable us to enjoy the myriad sensations of being vibrantly alive, including those related to sexual arousal, physical activity and mental-emotional states of being. Maca root has also been called an adaptogen, which means that it increases the body’s ability to defend itself against both physical and mental weakening, hence potential illness. It is believed it achieves this by supporting adrenal and pituitary gland health, both of which underlie proper endocrine function.
Maca Power is cultivated in the Junin plateau of Peru’s central highlands at 4,100 meters above sea level, on ancient terraces. It is a Certified Organically grown and processed product, which is non-irradiated and chemical-free. The Maca root is dried at a specific low temperature and is milled to our specifications, ensuring maximum preservation of nutrient and ingredient content. The result is the optimal light-colored and non-oxidized sweet taste of a high quality product.
Known Modern Applications:
Traditionally, Maca has been used for a variety purposes, which can differ for men and women. For example, women have found it helps relieve the symptoms of PMS and menopause. Women tend to notice a dramatic decline in hot flashes and night sweats. Men have used it to enhance fertility and sexual function. Users of Maca root tend to derive a variety of benefits in accordance with their individual needs. However, both men and women have found that it significantly boosts libido and sex drive, increases energy, stamina and the feeling of general well-being. In fact, recently Maca has been used as an excellent alternative to anabolic steroids among athletes seeking muscle hypertrophy. Unlike many other energy- and muscle-boosting substances, such as anabolic steroids, Maca contains no chemicals that interfere with or over-activate normal endocrine function.
How Can Maca Benefit You?:
- Increases energy (Chronic Fatigue)
- Treat sexual dysfunction (Loss of Libido)
- Increases stamina & athletic performance
- Nourishes glandular system
- Fertility enhancement
- Improves physical and emotional well being
- Promotes mental clarity
- Balance hormones
- Female:
- Treat PMS (Mood Swings)
- Menopause symptom relief (Hot Flashes)
- Sexual stimulation
- Nourishes glandular system
- HRT alternative(Hormone Replacement Therapy)
- Increases stamina & athletic performance
- Increases energy (Chronic Fatigue)
- Balance hormones
Menopause? No Problem – Symptom Free Menopause:
Menopause is a natural progression in a woman’s life – it is the cessation of menses generally accompanied by symptoms. This transition is unique for every woman yet there are ways to prevent and diminish the symptoms that typically accompany menopause.
- Diminished libido
- Insomnia
- Mood swing (blues & depression)
- Migraines, memory problems
- Lower energy levels
- Palpitations
- Acceleration of the aging process
- Joint aches and pains
- Bone pain
- Vaginal dryness
- Benefits of Maca Power: Energy – Balance – Vitality!
- Increases libido
- Deeper sleep
- Balances moods
- Enhances memory and brain function
- Increases energy levels
- Helps adapt to stress
- Slows the aging process
- Lessens aches and pain, more endurance and stamina
- Prevents osteoporosis, high calcium and vegetable protein
- Reverses vaginal dryness
Menopause doesn’t have to be unbearable – implementing Maca Power into a sensible diet & lifestyle regime can produce positive effects.
How does Maca Root aid in the relief?
First and foremost it balances the hormonal system. It works on the pituitary gland – the master gland – which regulates all hormone production in the body. Hot flashes are diminished; sleep is normalized while stress levels are reduced when incorporating Maca Power into a daily wellness routine. Peruvian Maca root encourages the body to produce its own hormones to restore balance, instead of introducing hormones to the body. It’s the simple, natural approach that brings a world of difference to women suffering from the sometimes debilitating symptoms.
Maca root is a superfood naturally high in vitamins and minerals the body needs for nourishment. Its adaptogenic qualities make it a multi-faceted herb useful for a wide variety of conditions, women of all ages can benefit from.
Adaptogens increase the body’s ability to cope with physical, chemical and biological stress. Characteristics of an adaptogenic herb are non-toxic, while increasing resistance to stress, fatigue & distress – helping the body regain balance. Ginseng, is another (perhaps more familiar) adaptogen, that has been used in Asia for thousands of years for strength and vitality and it’s reputed aphrodisiac effects. Maca root falls into this same category, yet it is relatively new to North America although it’s been used in Peru for thousands of years.
Take your health into your hands, and experience the wonders of this ancient Peruvian herb – Maca Power the Inca Superfood.
How do I take Maca Power?
Maca Power is a 100% Certified Organic Powder that can be added to a breakfast fruit smoothie – blend fresh fruit, 1 tsp. of Maca powder with soy/rice milk or yogurt. It is naturally sweet flavored and blends in well. OR sprinkle it on top of your cereal or mix in with muesli.
If you prefer capsules, Maca Power comes in vegi-caps, non gelatin capsules that are easy to take – wherever you are, great for people on the go with busy schedules.
How soon will I see results?
Each individual is different, some women experience decreased hot flashes within days of taking Peruvian Maca root while others may take weeks to fine tune the hormonal system – it depends on the condition of your body. But be patient! The results are worth it.
Maca Root Active Ingredients:
- Alkaloids
- Trypterphene
- Phenolic compounds
- Flavonoids and/or coimarins
- Tannins
- Glycosides
- Saponins
- Free amino acids
- Secondary aliphatic amines
- Tertiary amines
- 2 groups of novel compounds — the macamides, and the macaenes (these agents are believed to be directly responsible for maca’s sex-boosting powers)
- Maca Root Powder Nutrition – 10% protein, 60% carbohydrates and fatty acids.
Note: Maca Power contains 14.6% protein. This is because the amino acid proteins have not been denatured at any stage of the processing.
Maca Q & A
1. WHAT CAN MACA ROOT DO FOR YOU? Maca root has a wide range of benefits all aimed at enhancing the endocrine system’s ability to act in the most efficient manner it is capable of so as to avoid breakdowns that wreak havoc on the body. Hormonal regulation is responsible for many positive attributes that allow our systems to enjoy a variety of sensations including energy, libido, sexual arousal, fertility, athletic performance, and so much more. Maca is an adaptogen, which means that it raises the body’s response to defend itself against disease both physically and emotionally. It functions to support an area that might be deficient such as exhausted adrenal or pituitary glands that are so integral to proper endocrine function. Many people derive a variety of benefits from taking Maca Power honoring the individual’s specific needs or deficiencies. See More Maca Information
2. WHY DOES MACA ROOT HAVE DIFFERENT NAMES? Maca root was originally identified in the 1800’s by a German botanist who named it “Lepidium Meyenii, Walpers” (after himself) – still the ONLY name officially recognized by the Peruvian government today. From the 1960’s, a research worker investigating Maca’s constituents attempted to rename Maca after herself, hence “Lepidium peruvianum, Chacon”. Some suppliers use this confusion as a clever marketing ploy to claim an ‘exclusive therapeutic’ species. DON’T BE FOOLED!! See More Maca History
3. SO ARE THERE DIFFERENT SPECIES OF MACA ROOT? There is only one species that is grown commercially for harvest. Like many other everyday foods, there is a plant that grows wild, but it has no dollar value. Remember, many of our common foods have ‘wild cousins’; for example, bush lemons and wild strawberries.
4. HOW DO I KNOW WHICH MACA BRAND IS THE BEST QUALITY? CERTIFIED ORGANIC Maca Root is your only guarantee. Read the label – high protein count is a great indicator of optimal growing conditions and careful processing. Maca is a carbohydrate root vegetable, so a light color and sweet taste means that the aminos, vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids and other nutrients have been better preserved.
5. HOW MUCH MACA ROOT POWDER SHOULD I TAKE? Maca root is a food and therefore should not be used in extremely small quantities. For it to be effective and to achieve results, proper dosages should be followed. In keeping with original ancestral Peruvian dosages, you should mix 3/4 to 1 teaspoon of Maca into smoothies, yogurt, herbal teas, fruit juices, etc. Or if you are using our MACA POWER& Vegetarian Capsules take 2 to 6 500mg Capsules per day or as directed by your health practitioner.
6. HOW DO I STORE MACA ROOT POWDER? It is best store Maca Root Powder in dark dry cupboard. Some people store it in the refridgerator but this is not necessary but some feel it keeps the powder fresh and the consistency lighter.
7. IS MACA ROOT SAFE? Yes. There are no reports that Maca has any level of toxicity.
9. ARE THERE ANY SPECIFIC MEDICAL RECOMMENDATIONS TO BE AWARE OF WITH MACA ROOT USAGE? Given the high potassium content in Maca, it is not recommended for people with renal insufficiencies.
10. ARE THERE ANY OTHER NAMES THAT MACA ROOT IS KNOWN? Maca, Maka, Maca-Maca, Peruvian Ginseng, Maino Ayak, Chichira, Ayak Willku
So there you have it. Is it a super-food or just another wonder food flash in the pan? Only time will tell.
Source: http://realrawfood.com/maca-history-info
Blogger: Terry Ryan