I did it! I finally tried Baby Foot. What is Baby Foot? It is a kind of foot mask product from Japan that promises to take layers (painlessly) of dead skin off your feet. I had already Googled and viewed a few Youtube videos and watched the amazing results, but I thought the proof is through my own experience, so I ordered it from Amazon.com. You can order it HERE.
It took about 10 days to arrive and I read the instructions.
Wash feet, put on booties supplied in the package and soak for one hour.
I shoved my feet into the booties and my feet soaked for an hour in a rather jelly-like substance. I did not feel any burning and irritation. After the hour, I had a wet towel and wiped my feet off, then carefully walked to the tub where I washed my feet with soap and water to get the rest of the jelly off.
Besides being very clean my feet looked and felt the same before I had soaked in Baby Foot. The directions say that the peeling will not happen until 5-7 days after you soak your feet. By day 5 I had almost forgotten that my feet were going to peel when I was sitting at the breakfast table and looked down to see the first of the peeling. Eureka! It works!
The directions say that you are not suppose to tear or pick at the skin peeling off and to let it happen
Some of the ingredients
naturally, but this just was too tempting. By day 6 my feet looked like a snake shedding its skin. My feet were a peeling and ugly mess. I began to peel and pick, peel and pick. I left trails of dead skin wherever I went. People who witnessed my shedding skin were totally grossed out.
What accelerated the shedding/peeling was soaking my feet in my swimming pool. I read some reviews and suggestions were given to soak your feet first in warm water before soaking your feet in Baby Foot so the product will really penetrate. Also, if you soak you feet everyday after for an hour (I don’t have that kind of time or patience.) it will speed up the process.
After day 10 my feet were smooth as a baby’s behind. I could not believe the transformation. Will I do it again? Yes! When? Probably in about 6 weeks.
Do not do this treatment if you are expecting to attend a wedding and will be wearing sandals. On the other hand, your feet will become a real conversation piece.
My feet are now looking great in flipflop so if you have scaly feet with cracked heels, then this is the product for you! It really works!
I should also point out that I have heard that some women report that they started peeling in 3 days so it may happen quicker for you then it did for me. Maybe soaking your feet before the applying Baby Foot may quicken the process.
The price is around $25.00 for one application but if you go through my link HERE you will pay under $22.00. That is about the same cost for a pedicure but my feet were never this smooth after a pedicure.
So I give this product a 5 star rating. Hope you give it a try.
Osteoporosis is a disease of the bones. It happens when you lose too much bone, make too little bone or both. As a result, your bones become weak and may break from a minor fall or, in serious cases, even from simple actions, like sneezing or bumping into furniture.
Osteoporosis means “porous bone.” If you look at healthy bone under a microscope, you will see that parts of it look like a honeycomb. If you have osteoporosis, the holes and spaces in the honeycomb are much bigger than they are in healthy bone. This means your bones have lost density or mass and that the structure of your bone tissue has become abnormal. As your bones become less dense, they also become weaker and more likely to break. If you’re age 50 or older and have broken a bone, talk to your doctor or other healthcare provider and ask if you should have a bone density test.
What causes osteoporosis?
Prescription drugs
Drinking soda and alcohol
Eating a diet heavy in animal protein
Not enough sun
Sedentary lifestyle
What osteoporosis looks like.
Genetic, well you can’t do anything about that. If you were lucky enough to be born with thin bones that look great in clothes, but in the long run and while you age, you will be at greater risk for osteoporosis.
Drinking soda and alcohol is like drinking poison for your body. Soda contains phosphoric acid, which interferes with the body’s ability to absorb calcium and can lead to osteoporosis, cavities and bone softening. Phosphoric Acid also interacts with stomach acid, slowing digestion and blocking nutrient absorption. Yikes! Research shows that chronic heavy alcohol use, especially during adolescence and young adult years, can dramatically affect bone health and increase the risk of osteoporosis later in life.
Calcium is an essential nutrient for healthy bones, and alcohol is its enemy. “Alcohol has multiple effects on calcium,” says Primal Kaur, MD, an osteoporosis specialist at Temple University Health System in Philadelphia. “The bones deteriorate because not enough calcium is getting into bones — and the body is leaching it away from bones.”
Prescription drugs can cause havoc on your ones. I personally take Triosint for thyroid hormone replacement which puts me at a higher risk for osteoporosis. But what can I do? My thyoid is not producing anymore of the hormone, and I need it to survive. I will have to make certain not to add anymore risks and I do not drink alcohol or soda. What prescription drugs are you taking and do they cause osteoporosis?
Eating a diet high in animal protein is detrimental to your health. I don’t know where this fad of high protein diets came from. People now think they cannot survive without drinking a protein shake. What the heck for? The largest animals in the animal kingdom do not eat meat or drink protein shake. It is just another example of people falling for advertisements by companies that want to make money.
Your body needs to stay alkalized to survive. A 7.0 is the prefect level if you test with a PH test strip. When you eat protein which is acidic, your body must react by leaching your bones of calcium to alkalize your blood. Keep on eating protein in mass quantities and you will be causing osteoporosis. (Click here for a great way to keep your drinking water alkaline.)
Vitamin D is vital for strong bones. People are now scared to go out in the sun without sunscreen but you need sun daily for a good dose of Vitamin D. If you live in the northern state or above the 39th parallel you most likely need to supplement with a vitamin D3 supplement. Here is a great gel cap that uses olive oil instead of GMO soy as a filler.
Smoking is bad for bone health. Studies have shown a direct relationship between tobacco use and decreased bone density. Analyzing the impact of cigarette smoking on bone health is complicated. It is hard to determine whether a decrease in bone density is due to smoking itself or to other risk factors common among smokers. For example, in many cases smokers are thinner than nonsmokers, tend to drink more alcohol, may be less physically active, and have poor diets. Women who smoke also tend to have an earlier menopause than nonsmokers. These factors place many smokers at an increased risk for osteoporosis apart from their tobacco use. (Source) http://www.niams.nih.gov/health_info/bone/Osteoporosis/conditions_Behaviors/bone_smoking.asp
A sedentary lifestyle will cause an increase risk for osteoporosis. Every time you walk sends a message to your bones to build more bone. Weight bearing exercises are another way to pump up your bone mass. Laziness causes bones to weaken. A 30 minute walk a day is a good way to ward off osteoporosis.
Women have a higher incident of osteoporosis once they are postmenopausal because they are no longer producing estrogen that protects their bones from osteoporosis. The same goes for younger women that do not have periods, usually caused by chronic dieting and not eating enough calories. There are thin 30 year-olds that have the bones of an 80 year-old.
What can you do if you already have osteoporosis?
Your doctor may prescribe one of the prescription drugs such as a bisphosphonates, denosumab (Prolia), raloxifene (Evista), and teriparatide (Forteo) which can help prevent fractures in women with osteoporosis; however, they pose a risk of side effects. I met one woman that was taking an oral prescription drug for osteoporosis and it damaged her esophagus to the point that she could not eat solid food. My neighbor had an injection every year of an drug that caused severe bone loss in her jaw. I would recommend talking to your doctor about the benefits vs. the risks and determine then if it is the right prescription drug for you.
Hormone replacement therapy is used to replace the estrogen no longer produced in the postmenopausal woman which in turn is thought to slow down the loss of bone mass. However, there is worry about the risk in increase in cancers, particularly breast and ovarian, with hormone replacement therapy. I was in the doctor’s office and read an article that there is still an increase risk if you use hormones made from plants. (Other estrogen drugs such as Premarin are made from pregnant horse urine.) I admit, I tried a natural formula of estrogen and progesterone made at a compounding pharmacy that I applied 2x a day on my arms, but I stopped refilling the prescription due to my concerns about the risks. I think that it is a personal decision that you and your doctor should decide.
Panera Bread has announced that they will be eliminating some of the chemical additives in their food. Additives?
Today, the company publicly published a “No No List” of artificial additives including colors, flavors, preservatives, and sweeteners that are banned from its restaurants as of today in the US (its rollout date in Canada has yet to be determined). The restaurant says it will remove more than 150 ingredients, including aspartame (taken out of Diet Pepsi last month) and azodicarbonamide (aka, the much-maligned yoga mat chemical), as well as old health foes like high-fructose corn syrup and lard. (Also on the list: sucralose, the artificial sweetener replacing aspartame in Diet Pepsi and acesulfame K, the beverage’s other sweetener.)
Click here for the complete NO-NO List from Panera Foods.
Check out this article about Panera’s announcement about taking another step toward ethical meat practices in Forbes Magazine.
Subway Restaurant
Remember the yoga mat incident? Well it looks like Subway has made another step toward helping their PR and announced plans for a significant reduction in sodium at its U.S. stores that could ultimately nudge much of the fast-food industry to follow.
Beginning today, sodium content in Subway’s “Fresh Fit” sandwich line in the U.S. will be cut 28% vs. 2009, when Subway first began to cut salt. And sodium in its overall sandwich line will be cut by 15%, compared with the same period.
Kraft Foods
Kraft Foods, a few weeks ago, declared that they will be eliminating the food dye they were using in their Kraft Macaroni and Cheese, the stuff that makes it orange, and replacing it with natural ingredients.
Maybe Kraft is making this move because it’s losing market shareto organic products — although the company still sells half-a-billion dollars worth of the stuff annually.
As it turns out, the famous nuclear-orange color of Kraft’s mac and cheese can be obtained from natural ingredients like turmeric, annatto,and paprika — instead of artificial food dye.
But the BIGGEST news was….ta dah! CHIPOTLE GIVES UP GMOS! The public has spoken. Take that Monsanto who has no problem morally or ethically poisoning the consumer if it can make a profit.
WHAT IS A GMO? (Genetically Modified Organism)
A GMO is created by inserting genes from one species (typically bacteria or a virus) into the DNA of another. This can result in a plant with characteristics that wouldn’t occur naturally, such as producing pesticides or the ability to withstand high doses of chemical herbicides.
Not all GMOs are designed in the same way. Crops can be engineered to do a number of different things. The traits that cause the most concern to agricultural, environmental, and medical experts are:
1. Herbicide Resistance: Plants engineered to survive applications of glyphosate, a chemical that would otherwise kill them.
2. Pesticide Production: Plants engineered to produce insecticidal toxins
(Picture source: Chipotle website)
If you eat processed food, you are more likely to consume GMOs.
Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) have been grabbing headlines in recent weeks, with the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) suddenly reversing bans on one genetically engineered crop after another. The list of genetically modified food ingredients is growing at an alarming rate. And what’s even more disturbing is the fact the USDA seems to have sided with big business in allowing GMO foods to be sold without any labeling whatsoever.
Consumers have been left largely in the dark, unable to make informed choices about buying foods containing GMOs. By some estimates, over 75% of all processed foods sold in the U.S. contain a GMO ingredient. Corn, soy, canola, cottonseed, sugar, beef and dairy products are among the most likely to have been genetically modified.
Scientists, environmental activists, supporters of organic farming and consumers alike are joining forces to protest the USDA’s decisions. Organizations like the Organic Consumers Association, Alliance for Natural Health USA and Say No to GMOs! are just a few examples of those working to fight back against GMOs.
What’s behind all of the outrage and fervor? Here’s a brief overview of the case against GMOs. It’s important to educate yourself now, because the onslaught of approved GMO foods entering our food supply is likely to continue, as the government refuses to acknowledge that they could be harmful.
Why do GMOs exist?
If you listen to the government and the Big Agra companies it supports, GMO foods are perfectly safe, and their benefits include lower cost crops, more productive farms and even healthier foods. But the truth is, genetically engineered plants exist for a single reason — profits. Companies like Monsanto have been known to bully farmers into paying “technology fees” to use their GMO seeds.
In most cases, the reason that seeds are genetically modified is so they plants can withstand massive doses of herbicides and pesticides. And guess who sells these toxic chemicals? The same companies that make the GMO seeds.
Why should you be concerned about GMOs in our food supply?
Genetically engineered plants have had either genes from bacteria or viruses, or genes that make plants resistant to toxic chemicals like the herbicide Roundup — spliced into their DNA. These genes were never part of the human diet until the first GMO plant was created in 1996.
To date, there have been no long-term human safety studies conducted on GMOs. To assume that they are safe defies common sense, as we lack any scientific evidence to prove that they do not pose a threat to human health. In fact, more research points towards potentially harmful effects of consuming GMOs.
The American Academy of Environmetal Medicine (AAEM)’s official position on GMOs is that they “have not been properly tested and pose a serious health risk” and that a more research shows that GMOs are posing a harmful effect to humans.
The Center for Food Safety has launched a free mobile application for smartphones called the True Food Shoppers Guide, a program that allows shoppers to quickly and easily identify grocery items that contain genetically engineered ingredients.
You would have to live under a rock if you haven’t heard about music’s new it man, Sam Smith. His famous song Stay With Me. won a Grammy. Sam has admitted that he has struggled with weight all his life and even posted a picture of himself as a chubby child.
Sam’s music career is on the top now but even with his success he was still bothered by his extra pounds. He decided to do something about it and consulted with Amelia Freer, the weight loss guru to the UK stars.
Sam said, “Three weeks ago I met a woman who has completely changed my life,” he wrote, before crediting his weight loss to Amelia Freer, Certified Nutritional Therapist and author of Eat. Nourish. Glow. “Amelia Freer has helped me lose over a stone in 2 weeks and has completely transformed my relationship with food.”
Sam Smith
Forget fad diets, now is the time to make a lasting change and develop a healthy, clean and sustainable relationship with food.
Being healthy is a way of life, but it doesn’t have to be about denying yourself. Amelia Freer loves food and encourages a positive and realistic approach to healthy eating. In her book, providing an introduction to her food philosophies for the first time, she offers simple changes to your diet and lifestyle to help you look and feel amazing.
Here are some of her basic principles :
Skip process foods
Eat fresh fruits and vegetables
Leave the sugar in the sugar bowl
Take small steps in diet changes so you don’t become overwhelmed.
Okay, we all have tried the new diet crazes and lost weight and then put it right back on once we fell off the wagon. This is more of a way of life for now on and not a fad diet.
Take a look at this video about what is in Amelia Freer refrigerator. CLICK HERE!
Where do people live the longest? If you watched the CNN report on Sunday, March 15, 2015, you would have seen the show called The Blue Zones. It was based on the book with the same name by author Dan Buettner.
“People in the Blue Zones reach age 100 at 10 times the average rate. What’s their secret?”
Not surprisingly the common thread was about centenarians who live on remote islands, never saw a McDonalds, and eat only home-grown veggies. One interesting fact was that eating meat was reserved only for special occasions. And also having less stress is a big common denominator, but we all already know that, and unless we are ready to sell everything and move to a remote island that would be almost impossible. But guess what? One of the areas with the most people living to 100 is not only on a remote island in the South Pacific but right here in America. There is hope for us all. Where is it? Loma Linda, California. What do they do that is different from the rest of the country? They are Seventh Day Adventists who eat a vegetarian diet. Plus, they have a strong church community and therefore a tight group of family and friends which is also a key point in life longevity. Here are the 9 key characteristics: Power 9 principles from The Blue Zones:
Move Naturally The world’s longest-lived people don’t pump iron or run marathons. Instead, their environments nudge them into moving without thinking about it.
Purpose Why do you wake up in the morning? Knowing your sense of purpose is worth up to seven years of extra life expectancy.
Down Shift Stress leads to chronic inflammation, associated with every major age-related disease. The world’s longest-lived people have routines to shed that stress.
80% Rule “Hara hachi bu” – the Okinawans say this mantra before meals as a reminder to stop eating when their stomachs are 80 percent full.
Plant Slant The cornerstone of most centenarian diets? Beans. They typically eat meat—mostly pork—only five times per month.
Wine @ 5 Moderate drinkers outlive non-drinkers, especially if they share those drinks with friends.
Belong Attending faith-based services four times per month – no matter the denomination – adds up to 14 years of life expectancy.
Loved Ones First Centenarians put their families first. They keep aging parents and grandparents nearby, commit to a life partner and invest in their children.
Right Tribe They world’s longest lived people chose or were born into social circles that support healthy behaviors.