Terry Ryan
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How Well Your Balance is Indicates Health

Did you know that how well you can balance on one leg is a good indicator of your physical and metal health? The older you are the more likely you will have issues with your balance.
When a toddler or child falls, he or she usually shakes it off and keeps moving. But when an older adult falls, there are often consequences. Broken bones limit mobility. They can also lead to a downward health spiral. Each year, thousands of older Americans die as a result of breaking a hip. Broken bones and head injuries can knock confidence, create a fear of falling, and undermine independence.
As we age
As we age, cells in the vestibular system die off,
A number of changes that come with aging can affect our balance.
- Inside our ears is a balance center called the vestibular system that detects where our body is in space. Are we upright or lying flat; are we standing on our feet or performing a handstand?
The vestibular system is connected to centers in the brain that also control our balance. When the vestibular system and brain determine that we’re about to fall over, the brain directs the body to take corrective action. Maybe we twist back upright so we don’t fall. Maybe we’re too far off center to avoid falling, so our arms and hands stretch out to brace our fall.As we age, cells in the vestibular system die off. This affects how accurately we detect our position in space. That, in turn, affects our ability to correct our position. For example, if we
start to tilt to the right and the vestibular system doesn’t detect this quickly, it becomes harder for the brain to prevent falling to the right.
- Our sight, the ability to focus and see things clearly, diminishes with age. So do depth perception, night vision and sensitivity to contrast. Eye problems can impair, blur or distort vision. The loss of these visual cues compromises balance. Corrective lenses or surgery may help.
- Blood pressure can dip suddenly when you stand up, causing dizziness, lightheadedness, blurry vision, even fainting. Standing up slowly — sitting first on the side of the bed when you rise, for example — may help.
- We lose a lot of muscle mass and strength as we age. We also lose power — a function of strength and speed — which affects balance, too. If you start to trip, power helps you react swiftly. Exercise can help you rebuild strength and power, or at least slow the pace of decline.
- Our reflexes and coordination slow with age. Thus, you may be more likely to stumble — and take more time to react when you do.
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Many health problems can interfere with balance. They include, but are not limited to, arthritis, stroke, Parkinson’s disease and multiple sclerosis.
Medications may also increase your risk of falls. They can cause blurred vision, dizziness, lightheadedness and drowsiness. Some medications may damage the inner ear, spurring balance disorders.
Along with regular aerobic exercise and weight training, balance exercises are important as we get older. Such exercises really can help you improve your balance. (Source: http://www.askdoctork.com/why-does-balance-decline-with-age-201306054928)
I’ve noticed a balancing problem with my then 79 year-old mother. One day we were walking and I witnessed her doing the “old-person shuffle.”
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“Why are you walking like that?” I said horrified to see my mother actually show signs of aging.
“My brain isn’t communicating with my feet,” said my mother.
I never thought my mother would have a problem with her walking or balance. She was a person who was more comfortable walking in the woods picking mushrooms than she was shopping in a mall. Mystified that she said her brain wasn’t communicating to her feet I decided to research and see if there was a way to improve my mother’s balance. While staying active physically at any age it is also important to keep the mind active. I’ve noticed people who retire suddenly decline physically and mentally in the supposed “Golden Years.” And I’ve seen active seniors in their 80s playing pickleball against people in their 60s; the 80+ year-olds just as fast moving and quick thinking as the 60 year olds.
Balance Board provides great balancing exercises(Click here)
- Improves core strength, functionality, sense of balance, visual sense
- Helps to strengthen the targeted muscles, ligaments, tendons and joints
- Relax the muscles and release your stress away and enhance self confidence
- Great for rehabilitation centers, gyms, professional athletes and individual
In my observations, seniors that take care of their health or more likely to maintain good balance. They eat well, limit their alcohol, skip the sugary snacks and will walk or engage in other physical activities.
The above activities also provide social connections; very important for mental health in seniors.
Some basic balance exercises you can do anytime include:
- One-legged stands: Stand on one foot for 30 seconds, or longer, then switch to the other foot. You can do this while brushing your teeth or waiting around somewhere. In the beginning, you might want to have a wall or chair to hold on to.
- Heel rises: While standing, rise up on your toes as far as you can. Then drop back to the starting position and repeat the process 10 to 20 times. You can make this more difficult by holding light hand weights.
- Heel-toe walk: Take 20 steps while looking straight ahead. Think of a field sobriety test.
- Sit-to-stand: Without using your hands, get up from a straight-backed chair and sit back down 10 to 20 times. This improves balance and leg strength.
Just as the body needs physical exercise to keep fit, the brain needs mental exercise to stay active and alive. Mental exercise stimulates the brain, often providing long-lasting positive effects regarding thinking and reasoning skills, memory and processing speed.
Playing games such as cards, mah jong, and hobbies are a great way to keep a senior’s mind sharp.
Depending on the seniors interests and abilities, the following are examples of possible crafts or hobbies they may enjoy.
- Drawing
- Painting
- Knitting
- Playing music
- Scrapbooking
- Woodworking
- Mosaics using tiles or colored paper
- Photography
Keeping the mind active and constantly learning and stimulating the brain will help with balance.
Don’t just age, but improve with age!
Thanks for reading!
Terry Ryan, Blogger
My Review of Stitch Fix-Your Personal Online Stylist

My review of STITCH FIX-An online personal stylist.
Meet Your Partner In Personal Style. Get Started Today.
For busy women on the go, Stitch Fix is the personal styling …stitchfix.com has been visited by 10K+ users in the past month
Stitch Fix | Online Personal Stylists for Women
I’ll be the absolute first to admit that I have no style…zip…nada. There you have it. The first step is admitting that you have a problem. I envy women who can pull an outfit together and look like that they stepped out of a page in a fashion magazine. Nope. Not me.
Unable to afford a personal stylist like, Rachel Zoe, I have to refer to magazines
catalogs and store mannequins, but I never look quite put together. So, you can imagine my delight when a friend told me about Stitch Fix, an online personal stylist. Whooohoooooo! (Available through monthly subscription.) I was ready to give it a try.
Their web site (Stitchfix.com) is very easy to navigate with lots of amazing photos of beautiful clothes. First step is filling out a questionnaire so that they can get a feel of your style and size. You can also select a price range and shipment schedule. I must say …easy peasy. Along with signing up, I submitted my credit card number, and then I was in eager anticipation for my first shipment to arrive.
In about 2 weeks the first box was at my front door. I ripped into the box to find a couple of cute tops, a black dress, and stylish necklace. Well done, I thought. I have to say I liked everything.
Included with the clothes was a colored styling chart showing how to mix and match the clothes in the shipment. Nice touch! The total price was around $168.00 and I did keep everything.
A month later, I received another box at my front door (These are delivered by USPS.) This time I was not as eager to dive into the box, and to tell you the truth, it sat unopened on my dining room table for a couple of days before I found the time to open it. The magic of surprise had worn off, and I was not as thrilled to be receiving more clothes. I hadn’t worn the clothes that I had received the month before, so let’s say, the “bloom was off the rose.” Now I had the exasperating task of returning the items I did not want. Ugh! Returns!
You have 3 days to return before your credit card would be “hit” so time is of the essence. To return you have to log in to your account and check off the items before you send them back for credit. But of course, I forgot my password so I moused over and clicked the “reset password” button. I received a message that the link to reset would be sent to my email box. I waited and waited and waited. I must have hit the reset link 5 times but NOTHING in the email box. Okay, time to call customer service, but wait….no telephone number could be found for customer service. I had violated my all important rule on ordering anything over the Internet. THEY MUST HAVE A CUSTOMER SERVICE NUMBER! Also, I usually like to try calling the customer service number before ordering or signing up. Does an actually ENGLISH speaking person answer?
There is a section on the web site for Q and A, and you can submit any questions or concerns to hello@stitchfix.com. I received an automatic reply email that said you have ticket number so and so, and refer to that number for further communications. I emailed Stitch Fix about the lack of help to reset my password. About an hour later, I did receive some actual email assistance and I was told to return the items. I had also requested to cancel my account and they confirmed that I was canceled. I put the clothes in the bag they provide and sent them back VIA USPS, and you do not have to pay to return. A few days later I received an email and credit for the returned items. All is good…
Weeks later, another box was delivered to the door from Stitch Fix. Oh no! I immediately tried to log on with the temporary password that Stitch Fix had sent to me a few weeks before, but that didn’t work, and I had to resort to RESET PASSWORD once again. Same story, the link never showed up in my email box. I emailed hello@stitchfix.com to let them know of the error that they had made, and remind them that I had canceled. Also, I had noticed the week prior that a $20.00 charge from Stitch Fix had shown up on my credit card. Why???
I got another automatic reply email and 1/2 hour later I did receive an email from a Melissa telling me that they did see that I had canceled and, sorry, send the stuff back. She said they were also going to credit me the $20.00. Just log onto you account…UGH! I can’t log on to my account. I sent Melissa another email saying I CAN’T LOG ON TO MY ACCOUNT! While I am writing this, I keep checking my email to see if I have received an email from Stitch Fix with my NEW temporary password. Nothing yet.
Okay, time to open the box that I want to send back. Here is what was inside.
Got to say…not bad. There were some cute tops and one skirt. Nothing I wanted to keep. but I image if I was a young 20 something with surplus money, this would be right up my alley. (Just checked my email. Nothing yet.)
The clothes is all from China. I noticed one shirt said 100 Rayon. The necklace is $34.00 and I’m thinking I could probably pick something similar up at Bealls for a lot less or at Macy’s in the sales pile. In fact, I believe you can shop for a lot less at TJ Max’s than what comes in the box, however you are paying the extra for convenience.
Ahhh finally!
My final comments about Stitch Fix.
- The clothes is of medium quality from China and made for Stitch Fix. No judgement there, just stating a fact.
- I ordered extra large and some of the items fit and some do not. It is hit and miss because no two bodies are alike.
- I think through the questionnaire they got my “style” down. Casual. Down to earth, Sporty and not too fancy.
- I may be too old for this service and it is more a young women’s thing.
- I was the dummy who didn’t write down their password but then again…who does?
- Shame of them for not having a customer service number.
- For me, it is better to go to the store and try things on…and cheaper.
- There you go. That’s my review. Check it out if you want. It may be something for you.
Thank you for reading,
Terry Ryan
Blood Chocolate

I hate to burst your chocolate bubble, but you could be eating blood chocolate!!!!
That’s right, you could be munching on a bar of chocolate that came from the sweat and tears….and blood from a child who is being forced into child slavery. You probably heard of Blood Diamonds, and I wrote a blog on coffee, which uses at SOME of the plantations slave workers. CLICK HERE FOR BLOG But I and I’m sure a lot of people reading this blog on www.slimhealthysexy.com did not know that CHOCOLATE is WORSE than Blood Diamonds! (Bigger market therefore uses more slaves.) How did I find out? I was talking to my local coffee guru who informed me that chocolate uses the most slave labor than coffee and diamonds. What?! Blood chocolate!!!! Hershey uses SLAVE LABOR? Can this be true? So, of course, I did a little research. Here is what I got.
Where does chocolate come from?
It all starts with a small tropical tree, the Theobroma cacao, usually called simply, “cacao.” (Pronounced ka-KOW. Theobroma is Greek for “food of the gods.”) Cacao is native to Central and South America, but it is grown commercially throughout the tropics. About 70% of the world’s cacao is grown in Africa.
A cacao tree can produce close to two thousand pods per year. The ridged, football shaped pod, or fruit, of the cacao grows from the branches and, oddly, straight out of the trunk. The pods, which mature throughout the year, encase a sticky white pulp and about 30 or 40 seeds. The pulp is both sweet and tart; it is eaten and used in making drinks. The seeds, were you to bite into one straight out of the pod, are incredibly bitter. Not at all like the chocolate that comes from them. (Source: http://facts-about-chocolate.com/where-does-chocolate-come-from/)
Then what happens?
At the factory, the cacao beans are first sifted for foreign objects- you know, rocks, machetes, whatever got left in the bag. The cacao is weighed and sorted by type so that the manufacturer knows exactly what type of cacao is going into the chocolate. Some manufacturers use up to twelve types of cacao in their recipes, and they must carefully measure so that the flavor is consistent time after time.
Next, the cacao beans are roasted in large, rotating ovens, at temperatures of about 210-290F. Roasting lasts from half an hour up to two hours. The heat brings out more flavor and aroma, and it dries and darkens the beans.
Okay, this sounds very innocent so far but…
According to an investigative report by the BBC, hundreds of thousands of children are being purchased from their parents or outright stolen and then shipped to Ivory Coast, where they are enslaved on cocoa farms. Destitute parents in these poverty-stricken lands sell their children to traffickers believing that they will find honest work in Ivory Coast and send some of their earnings home. The terrible reality is that these children, 11-to-16-years-old but sometimes younger, are forced to do hard manual labor 80 to 100 hours a week. They are paid nothing, receive no education, are under fed, and are often viciously beaten if they try to escape. Most will never see their families again.
Who are the biggest chocolate companies that use slave labor?
The bottom line: Most chocolate is very, very bad — even if it’s expensive, comes in a fancy box, or calls itself “gourmet.”
Hershey, Nestle and Mars. Didn’t we all grow up with those brands? Right now, I bet they don’t taste as good now that you know they use slave labor. Everybody’s favorite chocolate bar is now involved in a lawsuit. As per Refinery 21, lawsuits were filed against major candy companies namely The Hershey Company, Mars Inc., and Nestle.
What can you do for your chocolate fix?
Well, first of all, you shouldn’t wolf down a large chocolate bar like it was the last chocolate bar you were ever going to have. Chocolate, and good TOP GRADE chocolate that is ethically produced and ORGANIC should be savored on special occasions.
Look for chocolate that comes from Latin America which seems to have the labels ORGANIC, Rainforest Alliance and FAIR TRADE.
Here is a list:
- Aldi
- Alma Chocolate
- Alter Eco Chocolate
- Amano Chocolate
- Askinoise Chocolate
- Belicious
- Caribeans Chocolate
- Charm School Chocolates
- Chocolate Cartel
- Chocolat Celeste
- Chocolate Tree
- Choconat
- Compartes Chocolates
- Chuao
- Dandelion Chocolate
- Denman Island Chocolate
- Divine Chocolate Co.
- El Ceibo
- The Endangered Species
- Equal Exchange
- Forever Cocoa
- Fresco Chocolate
- Fruition Chocolate
- Gayleen’s Decadence
- Giddy Yo Yo
- Grenada Chocolate Company
- Grocer’s Daughter Chocolate
- Health by Chocolate
- Honest Artisan Chocolate
- Ithaca Fine Chocolates
- L.A. Burdick Chocolates
- La Iguana Chocolate
- La Siembra Cooperative
- Lillie Belle Farms
- Madecasse
- Malagasy
- Max Havelaar
- Mayordomo
- Montezuma’s Chocolates
- Nayah Amazon Chocolates
- Newman’s Own Organics
- Purdy’s Chocolate
- Omanahene Cocoa Bean Company
- Original Hawaiian Chocolate
- Montevérgine
- Patric Chocolate
- Plamil Organic Chocolate
- Pure Lovin’ Chocolate
- Rain Republic
- Rapunzel Pure Organics
- Ritual Chocolate
- Samaritan Xocolata
- Seed & Bean Chocolate
- Shaman Chocolates
- Sibú Chocolate
- Solkiki Chocolate
- Sweet Earth Chocolates
- Sweet Riot
- Sun Eaters Organics
- Taza Chocolate
- Terra Nostra Organic
- Terror Chocolate
- Theo Chocolate
- The Original Chocolate Bar (Houston, TX)
- Tobago Estate Chocolate
- Vivani Chocolate
- Vosges
- Wei of Chocolate
- Zotter
You can also Google your favorite chocolate company to see where they stand on SLAVERY. Example: I want to see if Godiva uses Blood Chocolate. I found this-
Hershey’s and Godiva both poor social track records . Hershey’s has been a perennial target for refusing to take action to end child slave labor on cocoa farms in the Côte D’Ivoire. You can find more information about Hershey’s and their track record at Raise the Bar or their report card by Free2Work.Godiva received a “D-” ranking from Free2Work and is not certified by any 3rd party agency.
Now, both Hershey’s and Godiva are doubling down and opposing consumers’ right to know regarding genetically engineered foods. Hershey’s has contributed $498,006.72 and Godiva has contributed $11,121.53 to the No on 37 Campaign. You can see a full list of corporations supporting and opposing Proposition 37 here.
My name is Vida Tsatso Boaful, and I am a cocoa farmer at Nkranfum, a community in the Assin North Municipality in Ghana. I am part of the Rainforest Alliance certification program because I want to be trained in improved and efficient ways of cultivating cocoa, so as to let my cocoa trees last longer, increase my yield, get some premium on the sale of my beans and also conserve and protect existing forests and waterways in and around my farm. http://www.rainforest-alliance.org/work/agriculture/cocoa/vida
So, the next time you purchase chocolate, I advise you to skip the impulse shopping at the checkout where are the BLOOD CHOCOLATE is and peruse the candy aisle for FAIR TRADE chocolate. It will up the price on the chocolate from $1.00 to $4/$5 but it is soooo worth it.
The issue of children working in the cocoa industry has been the subject of scrutiny and attempted reforms for more than a decade. Yet an estimated 2.24 million children under the age of 17 still work in cocoa production in the Ivory Coast and Ghana, according to a study published by Tulane University in 2015. The number of child laborers in the industry rose by about 59% over a five-year span, the study found, despite a 2001 international agreement aimed at ending such abuses.
Thank you for reading,
Terry Ryan
Shop Amazon Tap – Small. Loud. Smart.
What a Drop of Blood Can Tell You

First of all, let me apologize for not blogging in awhile. I have been feeling so good lately, words that almost never come out of the mouth of somebody who has Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, that I have been playing hours of pickleball, racquetball, and walking on the beach. Plus, I take care of several houses, am a landlord, do all the shopping/errands along with writing, meal planning, and taking care of my 84 year-old mother. Life has been busy and good.
One day while standing by a racquetball court talking to a fellow player, he told me about a health test he had recently done at a nearby health food store that happens to be located near my home. He said that a person comes around every 3 months, or so, and has the equipment to analyze how healthy (or sick) you are from a drop of your own blood. What???? Could this be possible? My interest was peaked, and right after racquetball I visited the health store and registered for the next blood test clinic, a few weeks away.
Here is a picture of the flyer that was advertising the event.
It reads: In just 20 minutes with a virtually painless live cell analysis you can:
- Learn how to improve your digestion and energy level
- Learn Key Supplements to Boost Your Immunity
- See if you have free radical damaged red blood cells
- Learn how to protect yourself from oxidative stress
- Learn the key supplements that you need most
Live Cell Analysis opens a fascinating window into your inner health. See the inner environment of your body LIVE and the activity of your blood cells in living action! Includes an On-The-Spot-Full Color Copy of Your Instant Results.
The night before my scheduled test, Robert S. Aronson, who would be preforming the Live Cell Analysis, called me to remind me that the cost was $35.00 (inexpensive, I thought), and to come a little early so he could spend more time with me. I thought that was very considerate. I arrived 30 minutes early and met Bob as he was hurriedly setting up his table, handouts, and computer screen. We sat down and Bob started rapidly explaining how he was going to receive a blood sample from me (by pricking my finger) and what he would be looking for. I began to interrupt his talk (yeah, I’m like that) by asking questions and he stopped me by saying, “You can ask me questions later.” I told him I needed to take notes because I was going to blog about this experience, but he didn’t think that was necessary (that may slow the process down), so we agreed that I could record the session with my phone. Phew! No way could I remember all the information he was giving to me without someway of recording it.
(From Wikipedia) Live blood analysis
I was intrigued by Bob but how did he get into this business? I annoyingly persisted with my questions and he finally relented and told me his story.
Bob’s Story…
I was working in Port Charlotte where I owned a fan shop (fan shops are popular in Florida), and i wasn’t feeling well and went to the doctor and he shockingly diagnosed me with Stage 4 Colon Cancer. My doctor told me I was to be scheduled for surgery the following week, then there would be months of chemotherapy and radiation. I went home, got on my computer and researched natural or homeopathic cures. My doctor was not happy when I called him a few days later to cancel my surgery and tell him I was going to try a macrobiotic diet to cure my cancer. He thought I was crazy, and he was so angry with me that he told me I would be dead in several months if I did not go through the surgery, and he was cutting me off from my prescription of pain killers. Then he fired me as a patient.
After 14 Months of being on the macrobiotic diet, I went back to conventional medicine for a CAT scan and amazingly all traces of the cancer was gone. It was then that I decided to devote myself to helping people get well holistically.
Wow! What a story!
Bob starts out with a disclaimer as in he has no financial relationship with the health store that he is in and gets no monies for any of the supplements he will recommend once he examines your blood sample.
Then he shows you a picture of what your blood should look like: healthy, round red blood cells. He stated that very few people will have a blood sample as healthy looking as the one that he shows me that is now displayed on the screen. I’m starting to feel nervous about what he will find when he looks at my blood, like a palm reader about to read your future. Yikes!
He shows me colored pictures of possible things he may find such as:
- Chylous: Fats
- Spicules: Fibers that form in response from liver stress.
- Fungal Forms: Fungal growth
- Bacteria Rod Forms: Bacilli and cocci that produce toxic by-products
- Crystals: Tiny crystalline particles in the plasma. CAUSE: Inability to utilize sugars, poor assimalation of carbohydrates/sugars.
- Uric Acid Crystals: Green or yellowish cast to crystalline forms. CAUSE: High levels of monosodium urate from undigested proteins.
- Plaque: Fat and platelet aggregation which has broken off the artery wall.
- Stomatocytes: RBCs with oval or rectangular center pallor. CAUSE: Liver disease
- Anisocytosis: Small and large immature RBCs. CAUSE: Lack of B12/Folic acid/Iron
- Poikilocytosis: Free radical damage. Irregular shaped RBC. CAUSE: Ingestion or inhalation of toxins such as fumes, tobacco, smog, pesticides, preservatives.
I asked Bob why didn’t my own doctor offer to perform the blood analysis, and Bob said it was controversial and he wasn’t going to get into the politics of modern day medicine.
Then it was time to do the test. Bob pricked my finger (painless) and placed a couple of drops on a slide. He slid the slide under his microscope and it immediately displayed my blood cells in front of us on a 32″ screen. There it was! Hmmm, it didn’t look bad. I saw nice round and plump red blood cells, the right number of white blood cells and not much clumping. I’m alive!
Bob agree with my quick, mental self-diagnose that my sample looked pretty good but, what is that? He pointed out some rod-looking shapes. Only a couple, but that was an indication of leaky gut. He also noticed liver inflammation and asked me if I was taking a lot of ibuprofen. Yes I had, because after racquetball my knees were aching. He told me to STOP taking ibuprofen, and in a flash he was out of his seat and down the aisle and back with a bottle of Turmeric. “Take this instead,” he said. Then he noticed some small RBCs (red blood cells) and told me I was low on iron. Previously, I had been tested for iron by my endocrinologist and the result was that I was extremely low and told to take iron supplements. I did buy a couple of different kinds of iron pills but was lax on taking them.
My test also showed that I had a few irregular shaped RBCs from free-radical damage. He asked me if I use air fresheners. I don’t but I said to him, “Who doesn’t have free-radical damage today with all the pesticides and chemicals we are all bombarded with everyday?”
By this time, the next appointments were lining up so our session was coming to an end.
Bob gave me list of supplements to take and to come back in 3 months for another test.
Iron Flonadix Liquid
Methl B12 500 MCG along with B-Complex
Turmeric with Milk Thisile 2xs per day
He also hands out a lot of literature for you to review. Here are Robert Aronson’s TOP 8 SUPPLEMENTS RECOMMENDATIONS:
1.Probiotics (1st Thing before breakfast)
- Enchanced immune system response
- Reduces negative effects of taking many types of anibiotics
- Increase ability to digest food
- Reduces incidence of yeast infection, vaginitis and candidasis
- Increases ability to assimilate the nutrients from food
- Alleviates many common digestive disorders such as constipation, diarrhea and IBS
- Acts as a rememdy for bad breath
- Increases ability to absorb calcium
- Increases ability to synthesize vitamin B12
- Promotes anti-tumor and anti-cancer activity in the body
2. B12 & Folic Acid
- Has been shown to be helpful for patients with depression
- Reduces cognitive decline-Protects against Alzheimer’s
- New studies indicate that those suffering from schizophrenia can be benefited with B12 & folic acid
- It is needed to convert carbohydrates into glucose in the body, thus leading to energy production and a decrease in fatigue and lethargy in the body.
- It helps in healthy regulation of the nervous system. Vitamin B12 also protects against heart disease by curbing and improving unhealthy cholesterol levels, protecting against stroke, and high blood pressure.
- It is essential for healthy skin, hair, and nails. It helps in cell reproduction and constant renewal of the skin.
- Vitamin B12 helps protect against cancers including breast, colon, lung, and prostate cancer.
- B12 and folate should be taken together for best results as they work as a “nutrient team.”
3. Vitamin D3 – Vitamin D Council recommends 5000IU’s 1-2x per day
- Helps the intestines absorb nutrients, including calcium and phosphorus. This ensures strong bones and a strong immune system.
- Vitamin D prevents osteomalacia which causes weakness of the muscular system and brittle bones. Vitamin D provides calcium balance in the body that prevents osteoporosis or arthritis.
- Vitamin D regulates blood pressure. reduces stress and tension, relieves body aches and pains by reducing muscle spasms; reduces respiratory infections, helps differentiation of the cells, aids in insulin secretion, helps fight off depression; improves skin texture; improves cardiovascular strength by providing a protective lining for the blood vessels.
4. Vitamin C – Recommends mg 1-3x per day.
Vitamin C is a well-known component of your immune system and necessary for collagen, the main structure protein found in connective tissue. A healthy dose of vitamin C will protect your body from infection and maintain healthy bones and teeth, as well as quicken the body’s ability to repair wounds.
5, CO Q 10 – Recommend mg day UBIQUINOL is the superior formulation
Dr. Mercola states that CO Q 10 is the single most crucial nutrient to energize every cell in your body.
- May protect or retard the development of fatty liver related to obesity.
- Can help protect your body from free radical damage. Free radicals are oxygen atoms deficient in electrons that become highly reactive. This in turn causes potential damage to your tissues and DNA.
- Helps froduce more energy for your cells
- Boosts heart health
- Acts as an antioxidant to protect you from free radicals
- Reduces signs of normal aging
- Helps maintain blood pressure
- Supports your nervous system
- CoQ10 is essential if you take stating drugs.
6. Food Bases Multivitamin (Garden of Life, Mega Food, Country Life) <You can click on the names to bring you right to the products.
Remember your alphabet, vitamins A,B,C,D, and E. A good food based multivitamin will give you a complete spectrum of vitamins, along with essential minerals. Traditionally, eating fresh grains, fruits and minerals. Aggressive modern farming techniques have brought many of the earth’s minerals to the surface where they have been washed away and synthesized fertilizers are routinely applied to farms and fields which also deplete nutrients from our modern day foods. That is why taking vitamins is important.
This is the Multivitamin that I take (when I remember) CLICK HERE
7. Omega 3 Fish Oil: Look for EPA > 600 mg and DHA > 400 mg per dose.
- Decrease pain and inflammation
- Improves cadiovascular health
- Reduces heart attack and strokes
- Builds better brain functioning
- Reduces depression and psychosis
- Increases both male and female fertility
- Improves pregnancy health
- Lowers incidence of childhood disorders
- Decreases chances of osteoporosis
- Reduces breast, colon and prostate cancer
8. Turmeric – Curcumin – Recommend 600 mg per day
The health benefits of turmeric are primarily due to its powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties. Studies have been conducted on the turmeric and cancer connection. Turmeric hampers the growth of cancerous cells. Studies reveal that turmeric can induce a process that triggers the self-destruction of cancerous and damaged body cells. Turmeric is also effective in treatment cancer since it increases liver function. The liver helps to eliminate toxic substances from your body. Turmeric is reported to be beneficial in treating many types of cancer, most noticeably: breast, colon, lung cancer and leukemia.
Turmeric protects the liver and increases liver function by detoxicating your blood through the production of essential enzymes
Turmeric helps reduce pain and inflammation which helps with arthritis and inflammatory pains including headaches, muscle pains and sprains.
As an anti-bacterial and turmeric works to heal wounds, cuts and other skin injuries.
Studies with turmeric have shown that it helps prevent Alzheimer;s disease. It is believed that turmeric blocks the production of IL-2 protein, which is known to destroy the protective sheath found around nerves and also helps protect brain swelling which is also thought to be linked with Alzheimer’s disease.
Turmeric contains vitamin B6, which regulates homocysteine levels.
Through interaction with the liver, turmeric lowers cholesterol levels in the body
Turmeric helps moderate your insulin levels.
- Refined sugar is possibly one of the biggest killers on the planet. It is heavily promoted and legal. Pathogens, parasites, candida and even cancer feed off refined sugar. It is deadly product linked directly to Type II diabetes, cancer, heart disease, and a gamut of autoimmune disease from rheumatoid arthritis to Crohn’s disease and fibromyalgia.
- Artificial sweeteners like Aspartame (NutraSweet, Equal, Splenda). Aspartame has been linked with depression, weight gain, blood cancers, brain damage, and immune disorders.
- Pork: According to Dr. Jeff McCombs, author of Lifeforce found that eliminating pork cause dramatic increases in energy level, immunity, overall health and feelings of well-being. Pork contains trichinosis worms, tapeworms, as wall as a retrovirus named porcine endogenous. Pork is hard to digest and putrefies in the gut according to Michio Kushi of the Kushi Institute. More information about pork…Click Her
- Aluminum & Teflon: For decades aluminum has been linked with Alzheimer’s and cognitive decline. It accumulates in the kidneys, brain, lungs, liver, and thyroid. Avoid antiperspirants, aluminum cookware, antacids, and use only aluminum-free baking powder. It is also found in pancake mixes and donuts. Chemicals found in Teflon are known carcinogens and there is a $5 billion class action lawsuit against DuPont the maker of Teflon. For more information click here.
- Antibiotics: Over 90% of the prescriptions for antibiotics will do nothing as antibiotics only kill bacterial, not viruses. Colds and flu are viruses. Antibiotics kill your “probiotics” the beneficial intestinal flora that aids in digestion, regularity and over 80% of of our immunity. Antibiotics cause chronic joint pain, hearing loss, vision disturbances, and neurological problems. They can cause skin rashes, liver failure, and have been known to cause heart attacks, strokes and clotting. Recommend taking instead SCF Immune support formula by Buried Treasures.
- Processed and GMO Foods. Replaced with organic produce, wild caught fish . Cage free organic poultry and grass fed beef.
- Vegetable, Trans-Fat and Hydrogenated Oils: These oils raise LDL (Bad Cholesterol) and lower HDL (good cholesterol) levels. They contribute to cardiovascular disease, inhibit brain function and increase insulin resistance contributing to obesity and diabetes.
- Microwave Ovens: Microwaves produce electromagnetic waves at 2.45 Giga Hertz. A Hertz is a measure of a sine wavelength. Microwave radiation cycles over 40 million times faster than your stove and standing 1 foot away from a running microwave can expose you to over 400 milliGauss of microwave radiation. Exposure to only 4 milliGauss has been linked to leukemia. Do not use a microwave oven.
I found the entire test and Bob very interesting. I did Google Live Cell Analysis and there are websites and blogs PRO and CON. As is always the case with alternative medicine vs. conventional medicine. I may have another test done in a year just for research.
If you want to find out more information about Live Cell Analysis and live in the state of Florida. you can call Robert Aronson 727-645-1850 and ask him when he will be visiting a health food store near you. or you can email him at Rsaltra22@gmail.com.
Thank you for reading,
Terry Ryan
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