Terry Ryan

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Cancer: The Macrobiotic Diet Saved Robert’s Life

Cancer: The Macrobiotic Diet Saved Robert’s Life by Terry Ryan, Health Blogger

It has been a year since the first time I had my blood analysis done by Robert Aronson, president of Preventive Screening Services, (see my post about it HERE) and I was curious to see how I, hopefully, improved. Robert had told me that I was showing signs of leaky gut, anemia, and liver damage. He gave me a list of supplements to take and said to stay away from Advil which I was taking to fight off pain from inflammation. My legs ached at night.

I did just what he recommended, and a year later I was back to see how I fared. I did great!  My blood showed I improved remarkably, and no leaky gut, no signs of liver damage, and healthy blood count. “Take a picture of it,” Robert said enthusiastically as he pointed at the screen.

My phone was back home charging up on the night table so I wasn’t able to take a picture. But I was happy to see the results.

Was I surprised? Not really because I had stuck to clean eating, eliminating sugar, and taking my supplements. The pain in my legs had ceased so I no longer needed daily Advil which can affect the liver.

Robert doesn’t mince words. He is one busy man who has devoted himself to promoting holistic health to anyone who will listen. He travels around Florida, health store to health store, and does blood analysis procedures. There usually is a line of people who have reserved a half hour time slot with Robert, and there can be no unnecessary small talk. He likes to get right down to business.

Well, lucky for him, I was a repeat customer so he didn’t have to go through the normal descriptions and pictures of what he was going to do, and what to expect. I told him to get right to the chase.

He gently rubbed the tip of my finger with alcohol and pricked it with a needle device so quickly that I hardly felt anything. Then he applied the drop of my blood on a glass plate and placed it under the high-powered microscope. He looked up at the large screen and turned the tip of the microscope until my blood cells were all in focus.

While he was doing this, I figured it was a good time to shoot some questions at him. The prior time that we met, I thought I was going to have time to thoroughly interview him for my blog, Slim Healthy Sexy. Heck no!  Robert goes at the speed of light. He talks fast and there is very little time for idle chit chat. He has one mission and that is to examine your blood. Then he is scribbling suggestions down and jumping out of his seat to hand other people waiting in line a clipboard to fill out, or to grab a supplement he thinks you should take. What a whirlwind!  Whirlwind but in a very nice way.

I was prepared this time having an entire year to think about what he told me. No, it wasn’t about me, it was about him. He told me that years ago, while he owned several fan stores (this is Florida and ceiling fans are a staple) he was experiencing tremendous abdominal pain. He went to his doctor who ordered a CT scan, and a large mass was detected in Robert’s colon. That along with some startling blood lab results confirmed that he had STAGE 4 colon cancer. Acutely alarmed, understandably so, the doctor told Robert that he needed surgery immediately followed up by chemotherapy. Now, I don’t know how a person can summon up the emotional strength to do this after just learning that he had colon cancer, but Robert said, “let me think about this.” Or something to that effect.


Robert went home and researched and decided to try a macrobiotic diet. He called his doctor and cancelled the surgery, and informed him what he was going to do. The doctor was so aTerry Ryan, Health Bloggerngry with Robert that he said, “Robert, you will be dead in four months if you do not go through with the surgery and chemotherapy!”

Not only did the doctor FIRE Robert as a patient he stopped his pain prescription. Boy, what guts it must takes to turn down your conventional doctor who writes the prescription for your pain medication, and has told you you were going to DIE within months! I can’t image having that kind of courage.

Robert told me that he had too many things going on to stop for cancer surgery. What?! Too much going on? Fan stores and a family to support vs. being treated for cancer. Wow!

Anyway, he is sitting right next to me years later so obviously the macrobiotic diet worked. I asked him (see, I’m getting more questions in this time) how did he find out about the macrobiotic diet besides just stumbling on it on Google? He said he was inspired by a Life Magazine story by Anthony Satillano. I could not find the Life Magazine article but I did find his book on Amazon. Click here to purchase it. HERE

Fabulous autobiographical story about a Philadelphia physician and hospital administrator who has metastatic prostate cancer. One day, feeling hopeless, and resigned to an early and painful death, he picks up some hitchhikers. They ask him why he is so depressed, and upon hearing about his condition, they pronounce it not so difficult to cure. Of course, the Dr. is very skeptical, but he agrees to meet their friends and so is introduced to macrobiotics. The book is about Dr. Sattilaro’s healing journey and how his new macrobiotic food and friends help him return to good health and give him back his life.To Dr. Sattilaro’s surprise, the life to which he returns is much richer and filled with infinite gratitude.

Holy moly!  A cure so easy! Could I really believe a macrobiotic diet could be it?  Well, there was the proof, Robert Aronson.

Here is a link to the macrobiotic diet. Click here!

Robert told me he called his former doctor 14 months after he was FIRED as a patient. The doctor was SHOCKED that Robert was still alive. Intrigued the doctor asked him to come in for testing and much to his amazement, Robert was free of all signs of cancer. That was 20 years ago.

Here are the supplements Robert suggested I take after my last blood analysis:

Probiotics-Garden of life 30-50 Billion per day TO ORDER CLICK HERE
TO ORDER CLICK HERE per day, Country Life and take with Co-Enzymy B Complex

“It wards off dementia and Alzheimer,” he said.

I will definitely add probiotics and B12 to my daily supplements.

Thanks, Robert. Glad you’re still with us!

Picture of Robert S. Aronson who is director of operations at Optimum.

Robert S. Aronson Director of Operations

By Terry Ryan, Health Blogger

I Tried The Golden Milk Recipe For Insomnia

I tried the Golden Milk recipe for insomnia, by Terry Ryan


Ah yes, the Golden Milk…its name derived from the yellow color from the focus ingredient, turmeric. (Also know as Golden Tea!). I believe I saw the recipe on Facebook sponsored by the Paleo Mom.

Follow me on Twitter.com/mslakegeorge

I looked up several other sites that had the Golden Milk recipe and some were slightly different. I decided to go with Paleo Mom’s because it was the first one I saw and well, looked good so let’s give it a try.

Who is it for?

If you have insomnia, you may want to check this recipe out. I have suffered with insomnia for years…should say HAD suffered. It no longer is a monkey on my back.

Check out my book: How I Kicked Insomnia to The Curb


Occasionally, I will have a short bout of insomnia; but nothing as bad as not being able to sleep for days in a row. But sometimes, I have a difficult time falling asleep or waking up in the wee hours of the morning wide awake. I will admit, in times of stress when I really need a good night sleep, and I am having an insomnia spell, I will take an Ambien, a prescription sleeping pill. But the hopes of finding a NATURAL REMEDY got my interest, so I tried the Golden Milk.

The 7 ingredients are: (You don’t have to run around. Purchase all the ingredients by clicking on the links below through Amazon. They are affiliate links so I do get a couple of pennies when you order this way. Keeps the web site up and running.

I wrote down the list and briskly determined what I had and had not in my pantry and off the to the grocery store I went.

I used Organic Turmeric spice
Organic cinnamon spice
Organic Coconut Oil I found at Trader Joe’s
McCormick whole peppercorns
Organic fresh ginger root that I had purchased at the local organic farm (Jessica’s located in Sarasota)
Stevia…sugar substitute youcan pu rchase in any grocery store now

The procedure…

Take 1/2 cup of water and put in a saucepan on med heat. Add 1/4 cup of turmeric. Cook down until you have a turmeric paste. Spoon into a spare jar you have saved from the last time you used pasta sauce. You can store this in the refrigerator for up to 7 days. This is the hardest part (after you have shopped for all the ingredients).

Health Blog Terry Ryan

I sprinkled more cinnamon on top.

Now take a saucepan, add 2 cups coconut milk (for the purpose of full disclosure, I used organic almond milk which is fine), 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon, 1 tsp of coconut oil, 1 tsp of chopped ginger, 4 to 6 whole peppercorns, and 1 teaspoon of the turmeric paste. Simmer that all together for about 5 mins, then strain into two mugs and add a packet of Stevia for sweetness…but I bet a spoonful of raw honey would be good too!


I shared this concoction with my better half, and we both liked it. The turmeric wasn’t overwhelming and the ginger and cinnamon gave it a nice taste.

ZZZZzzzzzzz   And…I slept like a baby. Deep sleep like back when you were 10 years old and it’s snowing outside and you’re snuggled under a down comforter. Must admit, I had some wild dreams but not sure that was related to the Golden Milk.

The science behind all the ingredients: (All the ingredients must be used for the formula to work. Oh and take before bedtime.)

Turmeric fights inflammation. See my post on turmeric HERE

Ginger offers strong antioxidant capacity and has similarly enjoyed a long history of use in folk medicine where it is traditionally used to ease stomach upset or to ease the symptoms of colds.

Cinnamon is one of the most beneficial spices on earth, giving it antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic, anti-microbial, immunity-boosting, cancer and heart disease-protecting abilities.

Peppercorns contain a good amount of minerals like potassium, calcium, zinc, manganese, iron, and magnesium.

Coconut oil help provide your body with the necessary building blocks to manufacture sleep hormones.

Stevia is just for taste. A natural sweetener.

I have read reviews and I think the Millennials were protesting about all the ingredients/steps. Millennials are forever in a hurry and simmering something in a saucepan isn’t their idea of a good time. However, and to my surprise, I found this in the heath food store.  Just a couple teaspoons in water and hocus pocus…Golden Milk. Do I think this will work as well as making it from scratch?  Probably not, but if you hate the idea off mixing up all the ingredients, then give this a try. Click here to purchase.

Golden Milk by Terry Ryan

The easy way to make the tea.

Thanks for reading,

Terry Ryan, Health Blogger

My view while writing this blog…

Who is the Medical Medium?

Who is the Medical Medium and what does he claims causes autoimmune disease? by Terry Ryan, Health Blogger

The medical medium is, Anthony William, the now famous author of the New York Times best selling book, Medical Medium. According to William, he has the miraculous talent of being able to diagnose illnesses in individuals just by being close to them. Previously, he was giving phone consultations for $500.00, but he is now so popular and busy that he has suspended one on one consultations, according to his web site. He does however, have a few great YouTube videos that I would recommend that you watch. Just type in Medical Medium in the search bar.

Anthony William’s God-given gift for healing is nothing short of miraculous. This landmark  book sharing Anthony’s immense knowledge of how to prevent and combat disease will impact the medical community for decades. Don’t wait for this information trickles its way into the mainstream in  to 15 years. Buy this book and start getting healthier right now.”

-David James Elliot, Scorpion, Trumbo, Mad Men, CSI:NY

Health Blog by Terry Ryan


If you want to see the supplements he normally prescribes for people you can click here>>CLICK

The most prominent message that William promotes throughout his book is that autoimmune disease is caused by Epstein Barr Virus (EBV). Many people remember catching the “kissing disease” in high school or college called mononucleosis. Its main symptom was debilitating fatigue. What many people don’t realize is the virus stays in their body in a dormant state, and will SOMETIMES be activated again when people are in a high stress and low immune condition.

>>Click here for the Holistic Epstein Barr Virus Protocol recommendations.<<<

Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), also known as human herpes virus 4, is a member of the herpes virus family. It is one of the most common human viruses. EBV is found all over the world. Most people get infected with EBV at some point in their lives. EBV spreads most commonly through bodily fluids, primarily saliva. According to William, it is the ROOT OF ALL AUTOIMMUNE DISEASES.


Symptoms of EBV infection can include

Sick child in bed
  • fatigue
  • fever
  • inflamed throat
  • swollen lymph nodes in the neck
  • enlarged spleen
  • swollen liver
  • rash



Not everyone is convinced that EBV is the cause of everyone’s autoimmune diseases. In Isabella Wentz book, The Root Cause, there are 6 main causes.

  1. Your genes. Family history sets you up. (Not sure I agree with this.)
  2. Gluten Sensitivity. If you have an autoimmune disease, you most likely have a gluten sensitivity.
  3. Glutamine and Zinc depletion
  4. Parasites!  (Ugh! Didn’t see that one coming.)
  5. Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) Caused by taking too many antibiotics, eating too much junk food.
  6. Candida (Fungal infection)

And if you read other books…you will get different takes on WHAT CAUSES AUTOIMMUNE DISEASE? Confused? You bet!

Do not ask traditional medicine this question. “What causes autoimmune disease?” They are educated on how to treat a disease and not how to prevent it or the root cause. How do they treat autoimmune disease?  They treat the symptoms with medications.

Medical Medium Thyroid Healing: The Truth behind Hashimoto’s, Graves’, Insomnia, Hypothyroidism, Thyroid Nodules & Epstein-Barr

by Hay House, Inc.

$16.65 icon-anchor 

William has a deep and raspy voice with almost a tinge of somebody who smoked too many cigarettes. He laughs freely and often, and is incredibly passionate about what he preaches. He calls the voice he hears speaking into his ear, Spirit. His first scan (reading from Spirit) was at the age of 4 when he pointed at his grandmother and said, “Lung cancer!” Obviously his family was baffled that a 4 year-old would say lung cancer, but unfortunately for the grandmother, she indeed did have lung cancer diagnosed a few weeks later by a doctor.

For a while, William wanted to turn the voice off that was speaking in his ear, Spirit. He would shimmy up trees trying to get as far away from the voice as he could, but to his dismay, the voice was always to be with him. Eventually, he accepted it as his duty and privilege to be able to diagnose people.

I’ve seen him give health readings on TV to the host of whatever talk show he was on. He told one woman that she didn’t need to worry about the calcium deposit in her breast that was showing up on the mammogram that had her and her doctor concerned. Needless to say, she was relieved, and she had not mentioned any of her health problems or concerns prior to the scan. He also said she had a thyroid problem that needed to be addressed. (Ugh! Who doesn’t????)

On another show, he told the host that she had an inflamed pancreas and she burst out with, “I knew it!”  Seems she had been suffering with a pain in the right side of her rib cage, and had already made an appointment with her doctor.  He also told her, much to her shock, that she had a kidney stone.

William is not the first medical medium. Edgar Cayce (March 18, 1877 – January 3, 1945) is a historically famous medium who had the talent to diagnose ill people just by looking at them. You can read more about Edgar Cayce, a fascinating person, by clicking on this link. EDGAR CAYCE

Terry Ryan, Health Blogger

Click on the book!

Here is Anthony William’s new cookbook.
William is a proponent of fruit and lots of it. Just like the poor avocado a few years ago, fruit has taken on a bad reputation that it was not good for you. How can something that is made by nature, as long as it isn’t drenched in harmful chemicals or corrupted by GMOs, be bad for you?  Yes, fruit contains sugar but your body and brain need the right kind of sugar that fruit contains.

Fruit saved me. When I upped my fruit intake, I was able to energize my body so I was able to return to activities that for a while, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, had prevented me from doing.


Medical Medium, the book, covers a lot of topics towards healing including, medication, menopause, Lyme disease, gut health, essential angels, etc.

I give the book 5 stars just for the reason it answers a lot of questions for me. The book also gives HOPE that there is a way back to health.  I always thought my autoimmune disease was brought on by EBV that I came down with after attending the Montreal Boat Show in 1991, and it rears its ugly head every once in a while, usually when I least need it to. Anthony William confirmed my intuition.

You can purchase Medical Medium as an ebook or physical copy. Here are both.

Click here for Medical Medium EBook                Click here for Medical Medium Paperback

Terry Ryan,, Health Blogger

2 Book set. Click on the picture.

Knowledge is power! Knowledge is being able to heal yourself.

To your health!

Terry Ryan, Health Blogger

What Killed Bill Paxton?

What killed Bill Paxton by Terry Ryan

Bill Paxton, 61, actor, father, and husband, passed away Saturday, February 25, 2017 due to complications from surgery. He underwent heart surgery and suffered a stroke afterwards. (Source: TMZ)

Potential Complications During and After Heart Surgery

Some of the more common complications of heart surgery are routinely dealt with during the hours and days of recovery in the hospital.  The patient is closely monitored for these complications by staff.

  • Bleeding: May occur at the incision site or from the area of the heart where surgery is performed
  • Abnormal heart rhythm: In rare cases a temporary external, or permanent internal pacemaker may be necessary to correct this problem.
  • Ischemic heart damage: Damage to heart tissue caused by a lack of blood flow to the heart
  • Death: The risk of death is increased in surgeries where the heart is stopped for the procedure.
  • Blood clots: Clots may form in and around the heart or travel through the bloodstream.
  • Stroke: Often caused by clots that form in the blood after surgery
  • Blood Loss: In some cases, a transfusion may be necessary.
  • Emergency surgery: If a problem is discovered after surgery, an emergency surgery may be necessary to repair any problems.
  • Cardiac tamponade (pericardial tamponade): A life-threatening condition where the pericardium, the sac surrounding the heart, fills with blood. This makes it difficult, or impossible, for the heart to fully function. (Source: https://www.verywell.com/heart-surgery-complications-and-risks-3156953)

From The China Study: Startling complications For Diet, Weight Loss and Long-Term Health by T. Colin Campbell, PHD and Thomas M. Campbell II, MD

Other side-effects include heart attack, respiratory complications, bleeding complications, infections, high blood pressure and stroke. When the vessels around the heart are clamped shut during the operation, plaque breaks off of the inner walls. Blood then carries this debris to the brain, where it causes numerous “mini” strokes.

About 70-80% of patients undergo bypass surgery remain free of chest pain (angina) for one year. But this doesn’t last forever. Within three years of the operation, up to one-third of patients will suffer from chest pain again.

Long-term studies indicate that only certain subsets of heart disease patients live longer because of their bypass operation.

Click here to order The China Study

What to do? A vegetarian diet could prevent and even reverse heart disease.

If all the parts of your circulatory system—the veins, arteries and capillaries—were placed end to end, they would stretch for more than 60,000 miles. That’s more than two times around the earth! But one tiny blockage could bring all 60,000 miles to a halt. Doctors use many medicines and surgical procedures to keep the system running.

But back in 1990, a major shift began in medical practice. That was the year that a young doctor in California published a study that set out to test whether heart disease could not simply be prevented, but might actually be reversed. And he wanted to see if it could be done, not with surgery or drugs, but with diet and lifestyle changes alone.1 This notion was inconceivable to some. After all, heart disease was a one-way street unless it was treated with cholesterol-lowering drugs, heart pills, and when needed, open-heart surgery.

Dr. Dean Ornish, a Harvard-trained physician, studied 47 patients in the San Francisco Bay Area, all of whom had significant heart disease. That is, the coronary arteries that brought blood and oxygen to their hearts were starting to narrow, pinching off blood flow and threatening the viability of the heart. Some had already had heart attacks. He assigned half of the patients to a control group that received the standard care that doctors usually prescribe, meaning a diet centered on “lean” meat, poultry, and fish, along with various medications and the usual advice not to smoke.

The remaining patients were assigned to a very different program. They were asked to follow four steps:

  • A low-fat, vegetarian diet
  • Brisk walking for a half-hour per day or an hour three times per week
  • No smoking
  • Stress management exercises

He used a vegetarian diet, because cholesterol and saturated fat are found mainly in animal products. So the prescribed diet excluded red meat, poultry, and fish, virtually eliminating cholesterol and animal fat. It reduced all sources of fat, including vegetable oils. But Dr. Ornish used no drugs at all—not even cholesterol-lowering drugs. The program consisted only of simple diet and lifestyle changes.

One year later, all patients had an angiogram—a special x-ray that reveals the blockages in the coronary arteries, and the results were compared to the same sort of test done at the beginning of the study. The results made medical history. The control-group patients, who had been following the more traditional medical routine, had not generally improved. In fact, the blockages in their coronary arteries were worse, on average, than at the beginning of the study. They still had chest pain and still needed medications. That was not news. Despite typical heart treatments, heart disease usually worsens as time goes on.

For the patients in the experimental group, however, the story was very different. Chest pain began to disappear within weeks. Their cholesterol levels dropped dramatically. And their coronary arteries, which had been gradually closing off, year after year, were actually starting to reopen. In fact, the effect was so great that angiograms showed clear evidence of reopening in 80% of patients in the first year.

These results were published in The Lancet in 1990 and gave doctors a new tool for reversing heart disease. The program cost much less than surgery, was surprisingly easy to follow, and could help keep patients healthy over the long run. The only “side effects” were good ones: the average patient lost 22 pounds in the first year!

A Cleveland Clinic surgeon, named Caldwell Esselstyn, used the same type of diet for severely ill heart patients.Some of the patients had been told they had less than a year to live. But of the 17 patients who stuck to the program, there was not a single cardiac event over the next 12 years! They were alive and well—and had reversed their disease. (source: https://www.pcrm.org/about/volunteer/preventing-and-reversing-heart-disease)

The Bill Clinton Diet

When President Bill Clinton suffered from debilitating chest pain, he was living on the typical American diet of meat and potatoes.

In the White House, Bill Clinton’s appetite was legend. He loved hamburgers, steaks, chicken enchiladas, barbecue and french fries but wasn’t too picky. At one campaign stop in New Hampshire, he reportedly bought a dozen doughnuts and was working his way through the box until an aide stopped him.

Click here to purchase Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease

Former President Clinton now considers himself a vegan. He’s dropped more than 20 pounds, and he says he’s healthier than ever. His dramatic dietary transformation took almost two decades and came about only after a pair of heart procedures and some advice from a trusted doctor. (Source: http://www.cnn.com/2011/HEALTH/08/18/bill.clinton.diet.vegan/)


Instead of people waiting for heart disease to stop them in their tracks, start adopting a vegetarian diet. Not only will your heart “thank you,” but so will your eyes, your skin, your everything. Your life.

Conventional medicine is great!  You have a broken leg, infected toe, sore throat, etc. they are there for you and can help you heal. But they can’t do all the work. It is up to you to take the mature steps to a healthy and long life. That means taking care of yourself, unless you want to someday lay on a table in an operating room counting down from 100 for the anesthesia to kick in. As we all know from what happened to Bill Paxton, that outcome is not always in your favor.

Things to stop right now for a better life:

  • Give up smoking (Are you kidding? You are still smoking?)
  • Alcohol…nope
  • White sugar – the devils poison. Stop eating sugar
  • Eating things like prime rib. Come on! Self-explanatory
  • Not taking time to smell the roses. Stress is a killer!
  • Illegal drugs (Bad idea)

I’d like to add that Bill Paxton was one of my favorite actors, and I am so sorry for his family’s loss. What a tragedy and was it possibly preventable with a vegetarian diet. That question will never be answered. He could have had a family history of heart disease and genetics played a big part in this equation.

My suggestion is put the odds in your favor. People depend on you and you deserve a healthy and happy life. Eat more vegetables!

Thanks for reading!

Terry Ryan, Health Blogger

Vague about the Vagus Nerve?

Vague about the vagus nerve?  Don’t feel alone because most people are. Did you know it is referred to by the medical community as the MIRACLE NERVE?

>>>>>Read this story about a Super Woman! Wow! Things you find on the web!<<<<<<

Vagus nerve slim healthy sexy

I first became aware of the importance of the vagus nerve while watching a medical mystery show on TV. The main character in the true story, a woman, kept on passing out while she was eating. The doctors were stymied and she bounced to specialist after specialist until one finally diagnosed her with a vagus nerve abnormality. Every time she ate something the food would apply pressure to her vagus nerve and she would pass out. Weird and very unusual but it peaked my interest.

What is a vagus nerve? The vagus nerve is either one of two cranial nerves which are extremely long, extending from thbrain stem all the way to the viscera. The vagus nerves carry a wide assortment of signals to and from the brain, and they are responsible for a number of instinctive responses in the body. (The vagus nerves are paired; however, they are normally referred to in the singular.)


Weight loss when you click

The vagus nerve helps to regulate the heart beat, control muscle movement, keep a person breathing, and to transmit a variety of chemicals through the body. It is also responsible for keeping the digestive tract in working order, contracting the muscles of the stomach and intestines to help process food, and sending back information about what is being digested and what the body is getting out of it.

When the vagus nerve is stimulated, the response is often a reduction in heart-rate or breathing. In some cases, excessive stimulation can cause someone to have what is known as a vaso-vagal response, appearing to fall into a faint or coma because his or her heart rate and blood pressure drop so much. Selective stimulation of this nerve is also used in some medical treatment; vagus stimulation appears to benefit people who suffer from depression, for example, and it is also sometimes used to treat epilepsy.

Most of the time, you don’t notice the actions of the right and left vagus nerves, but you probably would notice if this nerve ceased to function as a result of disease or trauma, because the vagus nerve is one of the many vital nerves which keeps your body in working order. Without the functions of the vagus nerve, you would find it difficult to speak, breathe, or eat, and your heartbeat would become extremely irregular.

Vagus nerve stimulation has been used to treat obesity, tinnitus, Crohn’s disease, strokes and headaches. Vagus nerve stimulation is going to be used more and more in the future.

The Treatment

Gentle pulses of electricity is applied to the vagus nerve. It is relatively painless. The FDA has approved an device that is implanted in the neck and connected to the vagus nerve to treat obesity. The vagus nerve is full of fibers like an electric wire, and each wire relates to a different area in your body. It turns out that the vagus nerve tells your stomach when to empty and your brain when it is full.


Click the Picture

How to self-stimulate your vagus nerve

“Deep breathing is a great example of that,” says Dr. Golubic.“We have a certain space where we can control breathing. We can extend the inhalation and the exhalation. So by those practices we can activate the parasympathetic nervous system.”
Other ways to stimulate your vagus nerve include cold-water facial immersion after exercise and submerging the tongue.
The best practice is a complete breath which involves diaphragmatic breathing,
say doctors.

Click on the picture for your bracelet

(Check out my blog on natural sunscreen. CLICK HERE)
That means expanding your diaphragm, a muscle located horizontally between the Serenity-System-Tinnituschest cavity and stomach cavity. Also known as “belly breathing,” diaphragmatic breathing is characterized by an expansion of the abdomen instead of the chest.
Start by taking a deep inhalation into your belly while counting to five. Then very slowly exhale while pursing your lips. To get into a vagus-nerve stimulation mode, it’s best to reduce the number of breaths from a typical 10-14 per minute to 5-7 per minute.

Read more: Simple Trick to Relieve Stress: Vagus Nerve Stimulation

My husband purchased a device that helps him slow his breathing in an attempt to naturally lower his stress and blood pressure. He lies in bed with ear phone on and tries to breath along with the tempo of the machine. I have tried it and it was really difficult to slow my breathing to the timing of the machine, but according to my husband, it works.

Here is his Resperate


In the future researchers will find ways to harness the power of the vagus nerve from outside the body through the ear, skin or devices delievered by needles or just a topical ointment.

The human body is amazing. Thank you for reading my blog on the vagus nerve.

Be healthy,


Terry and Lucky

Terry Ryan, Blogger