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What a Difference a Day Can Make.

What a difference a day can make. Oh so true. Just happened to my neighbor who thought she had a cold and heavy chest feeling. She went to her doctor and complained about the constant cough and was prescribed antibiotics. Doctors are trained to look for the horse and not the zebra…that’s actually taught at med school. Only look more deeply if the patient keeps on coming back. In one of my progressive doctor’s office she had a small statue of a zebra. I went to her once, then she moved to a small island off Maine. (sigh)
My neighbor’s course of antibiotic treatment didn’t help and different antibiotics were prescribed and more and more until her doctor ordered a chest X-ray, and you, the reader, have probably guessed this one already; lung cancer that already spread. Prognosis, terrible.
Last night I was on Facebook when I received a DM from my other neighbor. “Did you hear about, Mary?” (Name changed for protection.) I grabbed my cell and called my messenger. She told me the ugly details. Radiation, chemo, months to live. The family is crushed! (understatement)
A similar situation happened to a friend in Arizona. He was feeling well at Christmas and by the end of January he complained of problems swallowing. In a few more days it was disruptive enough to send him to his doctor who said he had to ween himself off blood thinners (heart related problems) before he could have an endoscope. A few days later the test showed a large cancerous tumor. A month later, my friend passed away from esophageal cancer. I didn’t even have time to bombard him with alternative treatments.
My friend and neighbor, L. said it best when she said, “What a difference a day makes.” It is so true, You are going along enjoying life and WHAM, life will never be the same.
Let’s look at the facts. Cancer rates are still growing and the treatment is pretty much the same: radiation and cancer. Really? All the money sent to the American Cancer Society for research and they haven’t found a better treatment option?
However, when I really look closely at the 2 lifestyles of the people I mentioned above, is it really that shocking that they both have/had rapidly spreading cancer? They both smoked cigarettes, ate a terrible diet, one drank to excess and both had other serious health issues before being diagnosed with CANCER. It shouldn’t be a shock. Were they asking for it? Heck no! They were just enjoying life and living it according to their terms. They never imagined that they would get a cancer diagnosis down the path of life. But what they really hurt with their reckless lifestyle are their loved ones. My neighbor has young daughters and a husband that depends on her. My Arizona friend leaves behind a wife that was hoping to enjoy retirement with him and children and grandchildren. He was a terrific man who I would always call when I was in a jam, and he would come to the rescue. I called him once from Florida to rescue my friends who broke down in their boat on an upstate NY lake and called me asking what should they do and help? I’ll call so and so….He always came through.
So, my best advice and the purpose of writing this post is, plan ahead. Start taking care of your body now while you still have good health and then maybe you will fight off colds, diseases and cancer. Do it now while you have control of your bodies. I strongly recommend to start healing yourself now and don’t wait for the CANCER diagnose before you take proactive action. TAKE IT NOW!
Take a life lesson from the people I mentioned above. If not for you, then for people who love you and depend on you. You owe it to them! Think what would happen if you were to get sick and leave this life too early? Who would really suffer? Parents, friends, and children that depend on you? When you look at it that way eating and having a lifestyle that is irresponsible is selfish! That’s right, SELFISH! Do you think so much of yourself and not of others that you can eat, drink, not exercise without consequences? GREEDY!
You owe it to your loved ones, yourself, your community and the world to be the BEST person possible and that comes with eating the greatest food for your body. It is also about setting a good example to people around you and to your children and grandchildren.
How to do this?
- Eat raw vegetable when possible everyday…good way is through juicing.
- Chose organic! (You think organic eating is expensive…wait until you pay for cancer treatments even with health insurance.)
- Skip sugar (feeds cancer cells)
- Don’t eat processed carbs
- Gluten…not good for you
- Nope on the alcohol. I don’t care want they try to tell you on TV. Alcohol is poison.
- Move it! I love 10 minutes on a rebounder . Click here to see what it is. Click Here!
- Drink lots of H20.
- Skip all the stress. Take time to sit on a beach, read a fiction book, eat by candlelight.
- Don’t eat red meat with added hormones, antibiotics, fed bad diets, slaughtered inhumanely with
adrenaline rushing though their bodies…so BAD for you. Unless you hunt it yourself skip red meat.
In conclusion, the message here is take control of your own life through healthy living and hopefully live longer and happier. Is eating healthy a guarantee that you will live longer? No. There is no guarantee in life but your chances improve greatly.
- You look better!
- You feel better!
- You’re friends will like you more.
- You will inspire your friends and children.
- Less animals will have to die to support your diet.
- You will support organic farmers.
- Your skin will glow.
- You will just give the aura of good health to people around you.
- You will slow the aging process.
- You will look younger.
- Less colds.
- Better moods.
- Less headaches.
- That rash will go away.
- Better memory.
- Better eyesight.
- Stave off dementia.
- Wrinkle reducer.
- Your skin will be more elastic.
- What anxiety?
What a difference a day can make….It could be a good difference!!! Think about that. To your health!
Adrenal Health!

Foods to Support Adrenal Health and Combat Adrenal Fatigue
The adrenal glands are small organs that sit just above the kidneys. These little glands are responsible for your body’s response to stress. They create, release, and regulate hormones, like cortisol and adrenaline, which let us cope with stress.
The adrenal glands evolved to help us deal with danger, life-threatening situations, and times when we need to be quicker, sharper, stronger, and faster than usual. They are a large part of the fight or flight response which prepares muscles to move quickly and violently by shutting down unnecessary bodily functions. Heart and lung actions accelerate, digestion slows, tear and saliva production shuts down, and energizing nutrients are released for quick use.
Our modern lifestyle has altered how often stress factors affect us. We are not likely to be attacked by a tiger on our morning commute, wrestle a rival for dominance during a board meeting, or chase down a mammoth for lunch. But this doesn’t mean that the adrenal glands are less active.
Our bodies were designed to deal with short bursts of stress like those described above, but not to handle stress that doesn’t dissipate quickly. Unfortunately, we’ve modernized our stress along with everything else, making it more constant. The body also has a hard time distinguishing between life-threatening stress and any other kind of stress. The frustrating traffic during our commute, preparing and giving the presentation during the board meeting, our short lunch hour where we rush to down something, the responsibilities, the financial strains, and the deadlines all pile up and your body acts like it is in imminent danger all the time, no matter how non-threatening the source of stress, physical or emotional.
Modern stress is not the short and occasional thing our bodies evolved to be prepared for. It is frequent, prolonged, and often very intense. This overstimulates the adrenal glands, leaving them unable to meet our needs and resulting in adrenal fatigue. Add on top infections, trauma, poor diet, anxiety, depression, and prescription drugs and we have a recipe for disaster. These all can make it harder for your adrenal glands to keep up. So what are the symptoms of adrenal fatigue?
Fatigue, even after adequate sleep
- Craving salty and sweet foods
- Unexplained pain in back or neck
- Inability to handle stress
- Low stamina
- Difficulty waking
- Normal energy levels arriving in the evening
- Impaired immune system
- Consistently low blood pressure
- Blood pressure drops initially when standing
- Foggy feeling, impaired memory, difficulty focusing
- Sensitivity to cold
There are many more symptoms, but these are the more commonly recognized. You can easily test yourself for adrenal fatigue by checking your blood pressure while lying down and then immediately upon standing. If it drops by quite a few points, your adrenal glands may be struggling. Here are a few things that can help.
Reduce Stress – Take some time and let some of your stress go. Breathing exercises help and so do yoga, meditation, and tai chi.
Sleep – Get enough sleep each night and take a few naps during the day when you can. This will let your body recover, catch up, and rebuild its depleted stores.
Avoid Sugar – Refined sugar and processed foods make adrenal fatigue worse as they cause sugar spikes that burn through cortisol.
Good Fats – Most hormones are composed of good fats that your body needs. Avoid trans fats, but eat healthy fats like those found in seeds, nuts, coconut oil, and avocados. Chia seeds are a great option and they are easily sprinkled into food.
Potassium Rich Foods – The adrenal glands produce aldosterone, which helps control mineral balance in the body. Potassium and salt levels can become imbalanced if the adrenal glands aren’t doing well. Go for seaweed and sea vegetables, sunflower seeds, almonds, parsley, avocado, garlic, and Brazil nuts.
Light on Fruit – Fruits contain a lot of natural sugars that can still cause some bumps in blood sugar levels. Stick with fruits that aren’t super sugary and contain a good amount of fiber and water to balance things out. Think papaya, mango, plums, pears, kiwi, apples, cherries, and a small amount of grapes.
Calcium, Vitamin A, and Vitamin C – Vegetables and dark greens are a great source for some of the vitamins that will help your body heal, recover, and get back to normal. Carrots, broccoli, kale, parsley, oranges, turnip greens, and asparagus are a good place to get all three of these.
Magnesium – Magnesium is used in thousands of processes within the body and plays a part in the formation and function of hundreds of enzymes. Magnesium is important to muscles, sleep, and controlling the release of stress hormones. Magnesium is found in sunflower seeds, nuts, brown rice, wild rice, lentils, and peaches.
Sea Salt – Many people suffering from adrenal fatigue also crave salt. Our modern diet contains way too much sodium. It is a good idea to avoid high sodium foods, but still give yourself the salt your body needs to rebalance fluids. Choose a good natural sea salt with minerals and add it to your food as needed.
Protein – You need healthy protein to rebuild enzymes. Go for more plant-based protein sources and avoid animal protein as these can put more stress on your adrenal glands and kidneys. Go for seeds, nuts, whole grains, hemp seeds, chia seeds, avocado, legumes, and lentils. Deep sea fish are a good option for pescetarians and non-vegans. Warrior Blend and Classic Protein are an easy, vegan way to boost your lean protein intake.
Whole Grains – Avoid processed grains and anything made with sugar and white flour. Stick with complex carbs that come paired with fiber. This will release energy slowly all day, so your stamina stays up and you get less tired. Whole grains, brown rice, wild rice, barley, oats, and quinoa are a good source of good carbs. Activated Barley is a great addition to a morning smoothie to carry you through your work day.

About Charlie Pulsipher
Charlie Pulsipher is a health and fitness enthusiast, writer, author, and neighborhood do-gooder. He shifted his education from Biochemistry to English Literature in an attempt to avoid math, but never stopped loving the natural world of the miniscule. He has published several fantasy and science fiction novels and helped others publish more down to earth books about natural foods. He can’t stop writing. He is probably happily tapping away on some keyboard even now.
– See more at: http://www.sunwarrior.com/news/adrenal-foods/#sthash.LfjhV0Sq.dpuf
Hey, First Day in The hardest!

Don’t worry, be happy. The first day is the hardest. Your brain will be screaming, “Where’s the sugar!” Just ignore the brain. Sugar is an addiction and with all addictions, this shall pass.
Gluten is another really nasty chemical and tough one to give up plus it is in everything. Have no fear…there are breads with no gluten. They are usually located in the freezer section in the grocery store.
Here is a recipe for gluten free bread that is easy to make:
Low Carb Almond Bread Recipe – Jorge Cruise
Almond Bread Recipe
3.5 cups Almond flour
1/4 cup melted butter
3 eggs
1 tsp. baking soda
1/4 tsp. salt
1 cup yogurt
Mix well. Spray pan with baking spray.
Put into loaf pan, bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes. Cool and enjoy.
As far as alcohol….ugh! What good ole alcohol does to your body. Terrible things.
Alcohol is a poison 
Your body can only process one unit of alcohol an hour. Drink a lot in a short space of time and the amount of alcohol in the blood can stop the body from working properly.
It can:
- slow down your brain functions so you lose your sense of balance.
- irritate the stomach which causes vomiting and it stops your gag reflex from working properly – you can choke on, or inhale, your own vomit into your lungs.
- affect the nerves that control your breathing and heartbeat, it can stop both.
- dehydrate you, which can cause permanent brain damage.
- lower the body’s temperature, which can lead to hypothermia.
- lower your blood sugar levels, so you could suffer seizures.
Look out for the signs
It can be a very fine line. One minute your house guest is stupidly drunk, the next they’ve become dangerously intoxicated.
Being aware of the signs of alcohol poisoning is crucial, because if a person you care about is suffering from acute alcohol poisoning, they will be in no state to help themselves.
Look out for:
- Confusion
- Loss of coordination
- Vomiting
- Seizures
- Irregular or slow breathing (less than eight breaths a minute)
- Blue-tinged or pale skin
- Low body temperature (hypothermia)
- Stupor – when someone’s conscious but unresponsive
- Unconsciousness – passing out
Good luck on your first day. Feel free to write to me if you have questions. admin@slimhealthysexy.com
The greatest barrier to success is the fear of failure.
Day 24 – 30 Day juicing Challenge
Wednesday- Day 24
Yesterday I ate some bad things. Well, bad for me. I ate panna cotta (cooked cream) with strawberries and cottage cheese.Today I was hungry because my body got a taste of SUGAR. I decided to fight back by juicing this morning and in the afternoon. I had an appointment with a local artist to see if she wanted me to be her social media manager. I was very impressed with her art and we hit it off so yes, I have a new client.
Embarrassing but she made lunch and put out a good spread on the dining room table. She had nacho chips with homemade guacamole and fresh cut fruit. I declined all because I was juicing today, 100 percent. I noticed that she had a ton of supplements on the counter and essential oils. Obviously she was concerned about health but were the corn chips GMO free? Were the peaches organic? Taking supplements is fine but what you are eating is also important. She also told me she just had a reverse osmosis water system put in and there was a man there repairing the system. She should test the water with a PH strip to see if it tests acid. I understand that reverse osmosis can create water that is high is PH.
Well anyway, by the time I got home just before 4:00 I was starving and I have lots to eat in the refrigerator but I have the will-power now to skip the junk and go directly to juicing.
Today’s recipe:
- Kale
- Ginger
- Carrots
- Celery
- Lemon
Day 24 done. Check!
Day 23 – 30 Day Juicing Challenge

Tuesday, 3/04/2014
The juicing challenge continues and that means I am still making my vegetable/fruit combo juice in the morning. I didn’t let the company be an excuse to stop in fact, I think they found it entertaining. They were offered a sip and politely tried but no one wanted to join me in daily juicing. That’s okay. They did enjoy their cocktails every night but once you start juicing, cocktails doesn’t really sound like a good idea anymore. That’s okay too! We did go out few times for dinner and I ordered sparkling water every time.
I was standing in the kitchen with the gang when one friend look at me and said, “Your skin is glowing!” I am sure it is the juicing. Cleaning my body from the inside out! Did you know that women preparing for the Academy Awards will go on a juice fast two weeks before the Awards? Yes, and they will tell you it is to drop some weight, get a flat belly and to have a healthy glow. If it’s good enough for the Stars it’s good enough for me.
Today’s juice recipe:
- Spinach
- Celery
- Carrots
- Lemon
- Orange