Terry Ryan
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From Sarasota House Flipper to HGTV-Jennifer Hawn

Jen Hawn, my friend, former Sarasota resident now living in Chicago, and experienced house flipper decided to show up at a casting call last year for HGTV (House and Garden TV) on a whim, at a kitchen and bath show in New Orleans and was selected to be a contestant on The Property Brother’s spin off show, Brother vs. Brother. The show features Drew and Jonathan Scott, handsome twin brothers, and it was the number one show on HGTV last year. Each brother has a team of 5 people and the teams compete in renovating separate houses, and the team that produces the most property value through renovations wins. The losing team has to vote a team member off and the last man/woman standing wins a $50,000 grand prize.
So, on one of Jen’s recent trips to Sarasota she stopped in for a night at my house and we talked about her TV experience. The show will air starting on Sunday, June 8 but has already been filmed in Los Angeles area last winter (2014). For Jen it was perfect timing to have a respite from the brutal Chicago winter, however she didn’t have time to see a lot of southern California. Filming 6 days a week kept her busy and the cast ate, worked, and at night slept together in the same condominium complex; men on floor one and women on another. Plus she was sworn to secrecy and had to sign a 30 plus page document that said she would not reveal any personal details from the show. I did
find out that it was a lot of hands on work, stressful working conditions on a the tight time schedule, and that living with a bunch of different personalities was at times difficult. From the sounds of it I would have been gone the first day, but Jen said she was determined to work as hard as she could so she wouldn’t be voted off. I asked her if she won and she said, “I cannot tell you, you’ll have to watch the show.” I plan on it!
Jen and I met when she responded to my Craiglist’s ad offering services as a bookkeeper specializing in construction. She asked me to meet her at the house she was renting and I got there ahead of her and she soon pulled into the driveway. I watched as this beautiful and tall young woman (she is 6′ tall) got out of her car and she enthusiastically held out her hand for me to shake and profusely apologized for being late. She was friendly plus fun and we started working together after that meeting. (Funny fact: Jen’s mother and I have the same name.) Jen needed someone to help her not only with the costs of the different house flips, but also with project management which I was only too happy to do. When I came on board she was just putting the finishing touches on a house in the Gulf Gate area and soon sold it at a nice profit. For the next house I was there at the beginning and got to see the house before improvements, and to tell you the truth, I was scared to go inside because it needed so much work. But Jen has the amazing ability to visualize what renovations need to be done to turn a once neglected house into a beautiful home. She has no problem taking the drywall down to the studs, moving walls to open up a kitchen, add bedrooms, picking out the right plants for curb appeal, and knows how to design great kitchens and baths. I learned from her the importance of selecting the correct tile to go with the granite, to splurge on the faucets, and to choose lighting fixtures with a little pizazz!
The next house she flipped was also in scary condition and was renovated into a gorgeous three bedroom with modern updates and a new kitchen and bathrooms. It too sold quickly and after that Jen had opportunities calling her back to Chicago and she moved away. We still keep in touch through Facebook and text messaging and I truly miss our flipping days and wish she would return to Sarasota, but TV has found Jen and they are in “talks” to create a new show with her as the star.
Please tune in to HGTV and watch Brother vs. Brother on June 8 and see if Jen wins. If she does she owes me a drink!
Terry Ryan lives in Sarasota, FL and is a health blogger at www.slimhealthysexy.com. She is very fortunate to have a great home, family and wonderful friends.
Meditation by Guest Blogger Bobette Stanbridge

I asked Bobette Stanbridge to be a guest blogger. I can tell just from talking to her that Bobette has had an interesting life; once living in California and then upstate NY and now in Sarasota, FL, where she has a sprawling beautiful home and a large art room where she creates her wonderful paintings and children books: Bunky Books. Http://www.thebobetteartco.com. Here is what she wrote.
You asked me to explain how I got on the path I am on so here goes.
In 1967 the Maharishi came to America to teach meditation. The Beatles had gone to India, met him and sang about him so the young people of the world became interested. My friends and I were on a path to expanding our consciousness and were told that meditation was the way. Everyone was experimenting with mind altering drugs and I was one of the lucky ones who decided that meditation was a good path instead. That’s not to say that I didn’t try them too but I chose to give them up. I think meditation helped me make that decision.
A man named Jerry Jarvais came to UCLA in Southern California to initiate many of us. We were given mantras, which were sounds to use as our focal point in our meditation. Each of us was given our own sound. I definitely felt something when I meditated. I remember going to a group meditation at one of the halls on campus. Everyone was meditating in a large auditorium and I started laughing uncontrollably. I don’t know why but I couldn’t stop so I left. I didn’t want to disturb the otherwise very quiet room of mediators.
I meditated but not regularly for years but was always wondering where God was in all of this. After my son was born in 1974 we moved to Oregon. My husband got a job at the Steamboat ranger station up in the mountains. We moved there since it was 40 miles away from Roseburg, which was the closest city. There I met my friend Cathy who turned me onto the book The Autobiography of a Yogi by my now guru Paramahansa Yogananda. After reading his story I knew he had found God and so I read everything I could that he had written. I have been meditating ever since. George Harrison handed out the book to everyone and Steve Jobs had it given to all of his employees at his funeral. I recommend it to anyone seeking God.
Meditation is amazing. It is very difficult to understand the effects of it because they can be very subtle. One of the things I have become aware of is a sense of knowing. I have quoted the bible but have never read it. I have learned to move energy and have watched burns disappear. I have had my own super natural experiences and even though I have had some very difficult lessons, I have thrived.
A successful life is all about choices. We are always presented with a new experience to which we must respond. It is how we respond that counts. If we experience something that is extremely difficult we can either fold or pick ourselves up and continue on. If we start to get depressed, it is extremely important to fight it any way we can because if we go into the negative it is a path that just gets more negative and we feel bad. When we are positive, we feel good. It’s a harder path to get into the positive once we are in the negative.
Our thoughts are so powerful that they can actually “throw ourselves under the bus” daily. When we let them happen without responding, we will have a life that flows. If we let them direct our actions, we need to think about the consequences before we act. Will the action be something we chose to experience? We have the ability to choose and design our lives but sometimes we let the outside circumstances direct us to a place we don’t really want to be. Do we want to spend our time fighting or grooving? Sometimes the answer is fighting. There is no right or wrong choices. Everything we experience will teach us something.
We are creatures of habit. We do things repetitively by nature and so we would be wise to watch our habits. Habits can become addictions and addictions control us and take away our freedom to choose the habit. When we lose our balance our lives can become quite chaotic. It is a good idea to do things in moderation. We can become addicted to anything. This includes food, sports, hobbies, sex, games, gambling, drugs, alcohol, art, music or having too many babies. Anything that we have to do, takes away our freedom to choose.
I love to create and paint most of all but I choose to balance my activities daily. I write, read, clean, cook, and do many different tasks in between my art. It also helps to have a more balanced perspective. Stepping away from something allows it to be viewed from a different perspective.
We are on this planet for such a short time. What do you want to experience? What do you want to learn? Who is the authentic you? Meditating helps to bring our focus back to ourselves because most of the time we are outwardly focused. We reflect who we are in all experiences that present themselves to us. We are all the center of our own universes and see things from our own perspectives. When we meditate, we shut out the chatter and let our spiritual aspect download a higher perspective. It allows us to have a more intimate relationship with ourselves. It helps us to love ourselves, which is my ultimate goal. Everything we put out we get back. Everything is in equal measure and love is no different. We can only love others in equal measure to the amount we love ourselves and we can only feel love from others the same.
Everything in life has atoms, movement, and consciousness and is alive. It is all a piece of God. Each of us is a piece of the puzzle and therefore important. We are all expressing God. Our job is to love ourselves because if we don’t, we do not love God. I hope that one day all of mankind will be able to love one another. We are all one.
What a wonderful post. Thank you, Bobette!
Juicing Made Easy!

Juicing Myths and Myths About Juicing
Juicing Myths? There are many myths surrounding the juicing industry that often confuses consumers. There are those that say it’s a waste of time and money and others that claim it’s just another craze. But yet, there is no denying that juicing is good for you. There’s also no argument that it’s often difficult for most people to eat enough fruits and vegetables in a day that is needed for optimum health.
So let’s separate the juicing truths from the juicing myths:
1. It tastes bad!
This is one of the top juicing myths. Many people assume that when they try a green colored juice, they will essentially be drinking something that takes like their backyard. But this is not true! Even the pickiest of eaters are surprised at how fresh and delicious a nutritious juice tastes! Adding an apple, mint, ginger or a lemon can naturally sweeten a juice to make it taste even better. Want the benefits of kale but don’t think you can stomach the taste? Try this:
1/2-cup pineapple
4-cups kale leaves
1 large cucumber
1/2 squeezed lemon
1/2 mint
Add to juicer and blend. This recipe is rich in enzymes and tastes terrific. Make sure your drink your juice right away, as vegetable juice is highly perishable.
2. Juicing is a fad!
Once you give juicing a try, you will find that it will be a staple to your healthy diet. Not only is it easy, but it’s an excellent way to lose weight safely while increasing your energy level and improving your overall mood. It doesn’t take long to notice a huge difference in how you feel.
3. I won’t get full!
This is one of the most inaccurate juicing myths! Juice fresh from your juicer is a natural supplement that can actually make you feel fuller longer. When your body is getting exactly what it requires, it feels satisfied.
4. Juicers are too expensive:
There are several very high end juicers available on the market, however, if you are new to juicing, then start with a mid-price machine. Because you will be saving on those expensive pre-made supermarket juices, as well as those packaged foods that aren’t always healthy anyway, it will pay for itself in no time.
5. Juicing takes up too much time:
People are surprised at how easy juicing really is. Many chop up their vegetables and fruits and keep in the refrigerator so that everything is ready to go when a juice craving hits. Not only that, many parts from juicing machines are dishwasher friendly. A good quality juicer should produce a delicious, satisfying drink in less than five minutes from start to finish, often shorter than brewing a cup of coffee.
There seems to be plenty of Juicing Myths floating around but you’ll be surprised to find that juicing is healthy, it tastes great, it saves you time and money, and has a positive impact on you.
Source: http://www.justonjuice.com/juicing-myths/
What Thin People Do by Terry Ryan

I consider myself an casual observer of life and people. If I had to do it over again, I would have become a modern day Margaret Mead, the famous social anthropologist. One of my latest personal studies is how thin people eat to keep themselves thin vs. how heavy people eat to keep themselves, well, heavy.
Heavy people will kid themselves with saying-I don’t eat that much. I have a slow metabolism. It’s my genes. Nope, sorry, I have dis-proven the above excuses. What overweight people should be saying is-I eat too many calories. It really comes down to calories in and calories burned. Simple as that.
Yes, your metabolic rate will slow down as we age so we should compensate by eating less. Of course eating less means you should eat only low calorie and high in nutritional value foods. As you get older, you do not have the option of wasting calories to unhealthy food, or eating healthy all day and throwing an extra 500 calorie dessert in at the end of the day. The experts say, 3500 calories intake equal a pound.
I knew a man who changed jobs and at his new place of work there was a vending machine (danger!) full of unhealthy snacks. He would go to the snack machine twice a day and buy a sugary cinnamon bun. I figured that each one contained about 400 calories, so that was an extra 800 calories per day. An average man with average physical activity is supposed to consume around 2200 calories a day. He was of normal weight when he started and he put on 40 pounds in a matter of few months. Let’s do the math. 800 Calories X 7 days is 5600 cals extra per week. That means he was gaining an average of 1.5 pound per week. At that rate in 5.5 months he could easily have gained the 40 pounds. It’s that simple.
It could also go the other way. You want to lose 40 pounds by 5.5 months so you reduce your daily caloric intake by 800 calories. Yes, you can also include in the formula-if I consume 400 calories less per day and work off an extra 400 calories, that will also work. But, do you know how hard it is to work off extra calories? Have you gone to the gym and walked on a tread mill for 30 minutes and when you look at how many calories you just burned, hey, you just walked off a single cookie. You can’t outrun the fork. I think it is better for the masses to put down the fork than to try to become a workout fanatic. Yes, it is great to be a gym regular but who has the time? I’d rather work around my house or walk around the block than try to fit in a gym schedule. Oh, and I have seen my friends buy lots of home workout equipment and use it for a short period of time before they start hanging clothes on them. Save your money.
How did the guy who gained the 40 pounds by eating cinnamon rolls lose weight? He bought a jetski, the kind that you stand up on and went out on the ocean everyday and hit the waves and overtime he pounded the weight off himself. And he managed to keep it off, and I thought it was an interesting example how a simple change in a diet can quickly put on weight.
So, I observed and interviewed thin women. They all seem to do the same thing to stay slim: They eat very little. There you have it. The big secret has been revealed. You need about 1200 calories for a woman to survive. That’s all and that is not very much. Here is an example of a 1200 calorie day meal plan.
- 1 Cup Skim Milk
- 1 Orange, medium
- 1 Cup Cheerios Cereal
- 1 Cup Cantaloupe Melon
- 1 Whole-Wheat Pita Bread, small
- 1 Cup Skim Milk
- 1 Fudgsicle, no sugar added
- 2 Tablespoons Prepared Hummus
- 3 Ounces Celery Sticks
- 1/2 Cup Cooked Brown Rice
- 1/2 Banana, small
Realize how everything is measure out. 3 Ounces of celery sticks. 2 Tablespoons of Hummus. Yes, everything in your mouth counts. Grab a handful of nuts….100 calories. Eat a 1/4 cup of ice cream is 350 calories. It all adds up.
Thin women also plan their meals. They like to pack their lunch so they know what they will be eating. They do not have candy bars hidden in the pantry. They know the calorie count of just about everything they put in their mouths. Thin women know that one Dunkin’ Donut Boston Kreme Donut has 310 calories! They won’t eat it. They also know how to control their hunger. I went to an island picnic with some friends. We the heavier ladies dived into the barbecue of hotdogs and potato salad. We were all starving. But my thin friend said to me and I quote, “I don’t eat that kind of stuff.” Yea, you don’t eat that kind of stuff but wasn’t she as starving as the rest of of? Thin women would rather stay hungry than eat bad food. They do not succumb to their hunger. That’s somebody who is serious about being thin. I observe and learn.
They also keep sweet things out of the house, special treats are allowed on special occasions, and they stay away from activities that focus on food.
For the most part, they are much healthier than overweight people as far as lab testing goes. They have lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol, and fewer health problems.
If you want to see more 1200 calorie diet plans, go to http://www.eatingwell.com/nutrition_health/weight_loss_diet_plans/diet_meal_plans/7_day_diet_meal_plan_to_lose_weight_1200_calories
And go on the Internet and plan ahead. If you want to eat a Steak N’ Shake chocolate covered strawberry milkshake…just know that it will be 1050 calories. Yikes!
Terry Ryan is a health blogger for Slimhealthysexy.com and a social media expert.
Lose Weight And Keep It Off

I had pleasure of meeting with William Anderson at his office in Sarasota, FL on 4/21/2014. His space is small and cozy and the furniture is definitely from an old home in Massachusetts, where he is from. After our preliminary meet and greet he told me he was more interested in having me as a client than having me interview him for my health blog. After going back and forth on this subject I finally agreed to go through the “process” of finding out if I wanted to be a new client. “Okay,” I relinquished. There was of course paperwork to fill out-name, DOB, married or single, what stress do you have? He left the room saying he had to run an errand and I filled out the paperwork and had time to scan the framed diplomas in his office. MA in the Arts and his LMHC (Licensed Mental Health Counselor) from an online division from University of Mass, and also a certificate in hypnotherapy.
How I had found out about Mr. Anderson was through my endocrinologist who had written the forward to his book The Anderson Method. I was intrigued and wanted to meet him, hence, why I am in his office now. After he returned he looked over my paperwork then he proceeded to tell me his duty to what he can keep confidential and what he can’t. Then he told me about his childhood as an obese child. He is 64 so a heavy Babyboomer in school would have been an unusual sight; at least in my school where we were all scrawny. Our parents didn’t give us many in between meal snacks and soda was not a staple in the pantry. Plus we were all active and our TV viewing was at a minimum. He must have had an overindulgent parent and when he talks about his childhood-“I was the fattest kid in school and it was horrible!”- you can still see the hurt in his eyes.
The more we talked I uncovered one of his main points. Food is to be handled as an addiction. Bingo! That made perfect sense. His plan includes weekly counseling sessions, homework, calorie counting, excuse debunking, cognitive behavioral therapy,etc. just to give you an idea of how he reprograms people’s view of eating.
People interested in more info should read The Anderson Method.
Mr Anderson also writes for the Huffington Post. Here is one of his articles.
(Article from Huffington Post 3/11/2014 By William Anderson MA, LMHC, Sarasota, FL)
I’m asked all the time, “What finally made you decide to solve your weight problem?” as if it didn’t bother me being overweight for 25 years. The truth is that I sincerely wanted to solve my problem when I was 12! But I wasn’t successful until 20 years later. It took me that long to learn what I needed in order to be successful.
Wanting, even with all your heart, to lose weight does not make it happen, as anyone with a stubborn weight problem knows. Hopefully, it won’t take you 20 years to learn what I learned. You can learn it from me!
For my first 30 years, I was overweight and out of control, more than 300 pounds as an adult. Only in my early 30s was I finally able to succeed, losing 140 pounds and becoming my ideal body weight. I’ve maintained it handily since. Now I help other people and I wrote a book about what I eventually learned that made me successful. Here are a few of the most important things, five key requirements to make 2014 the year you solve your weight problem for good:
1) You must make it the priority in your life. You need to decide that being healthy in body, mind and spirit is more important than anything else and that your weight problem must be solved. Losing weight must become your No. 1 one concern. More important than your job. More important than your relationships, family, friends, favorite pastimes, clubs, hobbies or comforts. You must become like a religious zealot who forsakes all else, a soldier in the field facing life and death where losing this battle means losing everything. Nothing else can stand in the way of doing what you need in your effort to solve your weight problem.
Some may criticize this as being unreasonable and off-centered. I understand their criticism, but for most of us, this is one of those things where you will not make it unless you are totally devoted. Approach it as if it’s life and death. To enjoy all of those other things you cherish, you’ve got to get this right. Nothing less than total dedication will do. It’s like wanting to make it to the top in a music, sports or business career. Nothing else can get in the way of doing what you need to do to succeed. It cannot take a back seat to anything else, cast aside when something else “comes up” as if it were more important. Controlling your weight is more important.
2) You must respect the science that tells us that we need to eat fewer calories than we burn to lose weight. We must accept the fact that we need to develop habits where we consistently eat within our caloric “budget” to keep it off.
There is no mystery to the science of weight control. It has not changed in eons. Eat too many calories and you get fat. Eat fewer than you burn and you burn it off. Accepting this reality does not by itself solve the problem, but there is no hope until you do. Hoping for a way around this fact will prevent you from ever succeeding. There is no way around this, no magic pill or surgery that will relieve you of having to limit your caloric intake. Fight this reality and you’ll never succeed. Accept it, and you’re on the path to success. In over 20 years, I have never had a client not lose weight when they eat the way I teach them.
3) You must learn how to train your mind to program yourself and master your habits, desires, impulses and feelings. The idea that your behavior and feelings are a matter of just making up your mind or wanting it badly enough is a fallacy. We are not born with well-developed “will power” and conscious control over the things that go on in our mind and body. In fact, most of what goes on is unconscious and a product of conditioning and programming that we were not even aware of. Habits and impulses were not chosen and they can seem to have a life of their own beyond your control. However, you can learn the programming and conditioning techniques discovered in behavioral and cognitive psychology as well as the ideo-dynamic phenomena that hypnotherapies use. The techniques I teach in my method are not unknown to science and behavioral medicine, but we are not born knowing them. They must be learned.
4) Make your goal the development of new permanent habits, rather than weight loss. Don’t focus so much on pounds but rather on the way you are living.
The most common approach to weight loss is doing something out of the ordinary for a while, like eating a special diet or going on an exercise crusade, and then going back to “normal” after a while. This is self-defeating. Even if we lose the weight we want, the “normal” that we have learned is what makes people fat, so we’ll just put it back on.
We are suckers for these diets and schemes because usually, we don’t want to change our habits. We are fond of doing the things we do, snacking the way we do, enjoying our favorite foods and restaurants and not having to think about it. We don’t want to give those things up. We’ve tried and we couldn’t do it or it was so miserable we gave up the idea.
However, we don’t have to give up enjoying food. In fact, one of the keys of reprogramming is that the new behavior must be satisfying. I enjoy food now more than I did when I was overweight. But just wanting and “willing” yourself to change habits is not the way it’s done. There are reprogramming techniques you need to use. The first step is to realize that our goal needs to be a change in our habitual behavior. When that happens, the weight comes off automatically. Focusing on weight loss instead of a change in yourself and your habits will not work.
5) You must be honest and sincere. I used to say things like “no matter what I do, I can’t lose weight.” That’s crazy of course. If I somehow got myself to eat very little, I’d lose weight. If I kept it up long enough, I’d starve to death. People who don’t have food in the Sudan are not fat. I was telling myself nonsense, lying to myself.
I used to say, “This won’t matter” if I cheated or “I just don’t care anymore” when my self-control flagged. Neither was really true. Everything counts. When I got discouraged and caved, I cried “uncle” and gave up in that moment, but I never stopped caring. I never stopped hating obesity and wanting something better. I still cared. Saying, “It doesn’t matter” was a lie.
Behavioral science teaches us that what we say to ourselves affects how we feel and how we act in an almost magical or mystical way. When we tell ourselves this nonsense, we are literally programming ourselves to overeat and become overweight, just as if we were using hypnotherapy to gain weight. When we say, “I just can’t lose weight,” we are using cognitive therapy techniques to make ourselves feel hopeless and depressed and self-hypnosis to unconsciously sabotage any efforts to succeed.
I used to engage in foolish talk, like a child, unwilling to get serious. We need to stop being childish and foolish in our thinking. Changing the way we think and talk is essential to reversing obesity. Getting honest and serious, truly sincere about what we want, is one of the most important keys.
So, what do you think? Can you say, “yes” to these five key requirements? If you can’t, and you are a person who has been overweight and unable to fix it, you now know where you need to start to make changes. We are not going to solve this problem by accident. We need to be very intentional and meet these requirements.
If you think back to your younger days or prior attempts, you’ll recall you may not have met these requirements. If you meet them now, you are on the path to success. That’s progress! Keep going.
William Anderson is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor who specializes in weight loss, eating disorders and addictions. He is the creator of “Therapeutic Psychogenics”, which helped him lose 140 pounds permanently thirty years ago after years of obesity and dieting failure. He has written a book about it, The Anderson Method, and he is teaching these techniques to individuals and therapists all over the country.