Terry Ryan
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Leaky Gut & Diabetes by Terry Ryan

Nearly 26 million Americans have either Type I or Type II diabetes at a cost of more the $245 billion annually. The American Diabetes Association estimates that by 2050, as many as 1 in 3 American adults will have diabetes. While the majority of diabetes research, publicity, and health care dollars focus on Type 2 diabetes and obesity, we need to pay attention to type 1 diabetes. The incidence of Type 1 diabetes (T1D) has increased significantly worldwide just in the last few decades, and it is important we focus our energy on it as well.
Type I diabetes can occur in both adults and children and is due to destruction of the cells in the pancreas called beta cells. Diabetes can start suddenly and symptoms may include:
- Extreme thirst
- Increased urination
- Increased appetite
- Sudden weight loss
- Fatigue or lethargy
- Sudden vision changes
- Fruity odor to the breath
It is caused by the immune system attacking the pancreas, i.e. it is an autoimmune disorder. The pancreas can no longer make insulin because the beta cells have been destroyed and insulin must come from an outside source. It is a constant daily challenge for these individuals to manage their blood sugar.
Medical history shows that childhood diabetes, or Type 1 diabetes, was quite rare in several countries across the world and showed no change in incidence from 1925-1955. The 1892 edition of Osler’s Principles and Practice of Medicine mentions that only 10 patients out 35,000 treated at Johns Hopkins had diabetes (1 and 2). Massachusetts General Hospital recorded admitting and treating 172 patients with diabetes from 1824-1898, of which there were only 18 patients under the age of 20. However, an increase in the prevalence of T1D has been documented since the mid 1900’s and has been steadily increasing since then.
Compare historical findings to the latest statistics. There are three million Americans with Type 1 diabetes with more than 15,000 children and 15,000 adults diagnosed each year. There has been a 23% increase in prevalence of Type 1 diabetes in children and teenagers between 2001 and 2009. Many argue these statistics, reasoning that it is simply better diagnostic techniques, recognition, and statistics. The topic continues under debate, but the numbers are clear. The illness is impacting more every year.
Leaky Gut Syndrome and Type I Diabetes
For decades, medical research has been trying to understand the causes of Type I diabetes. They face many of the same challenges in understanding why the autoimmune disorder occurs as other autoimmune diseases. There have been many theories over the years and research continues to delve into the causes of T1D.
There is strong evidence coming to light that environmental products and subsequent development of digestive issues are triggering autoimmune destruction of pancreatic beta cells leading to Type I diabetes in both children and adults.
Several recent studies have now identified that altered or increased intestinal permeability (Leaky Gut Syndrome) is actually responsible for the onset of Type 1 diabetes. This altered mechanism occurs before the onset of complications, i.e. full blown destruction of the pancreatic beta cells. Animal studies showed that the altered intestinal permeability preceded the onset of diabetes by at least one month. This increase in gut permeability does not occur as the cause in Type II diabetes, but specifically to Type 1 diabetes. Human studies show that this breakdown and change in tight junctions and zonulin* is present in at least 50 % of T1D patients.
In addition to the presence of increased gut permeability prior to T1 D development, the medical journal Diabetes reported that at least half of T1D patients had an abnormal T-cell immune response to dietary wheat proteins and triggered different gene expression than Celiac Disease patients. Meaning when T1D patients were tested for the traditional Celiac Disease lab marker, tissue transglutaminase IgG and IgA, their markers were negative and many times there were no digestive symptoms like with Celiac Disease. However, when tested for other wheat peptides, their markers reacted with a positive finding. It was a completely different gene that was being triggered by wheat/gluten not measured by the standard medical marker and provoked a T-cell immune response against the pancreas. Wheat has been proven in animal studies as a trigger for T1D, but now researchers are seeing this “silent” association in human studies. In fact, the association of T1D with other autoimmune disorders, commonly Celiac Disease and Hashimotos’sthyroiditis, has been known for quite sometime. The scope has widened beyond traditional Celiac Disease markers and T1D.
Knowing that increased gut permeability precedes T1D onset and that wheat/gluten autoimmunity is present at least half the time in T1D development is powerful information. This is a huge breakthrough in understanding T1D and autoimmunity. Testing wheat/gluten autoimmunity and reactivity, increased zonulin levels, and intestinal permeability are now easily done by blood tests leaving the guess work out of the picture.
Gut Flora
Researchers are diligently studying the gut microbiome imbalances or alterations in gut flora and have found that it is clearly associated with increased gut permeability. This means that a germ, i.e. yeast or bacteria that should not be in the digestive tract, can clearly initiate Leaky Gut Syndrome. The antibiotic that was taken by a child for an upper respiratory infection, acne, or the ear infection, can trigger this gut microbiome imbalance. Combine that with the athlete who is trying to make varsity team in high school or college. Then throw in disrupted gut clocks and altered sleep-wake schedules that teenagers often experience while consuming the standard American Diet of white flour (gluten) and white sugar and lots of fast food stops after school. How about the weekend warrior athlete with the same factors? It can be the perfect storm for the development of Type 1 diabetes. <Screammmmmm>
Researchers are studying other autoimmune disorders and there is mounting evidence that several diseases follow this same change in tight junctions and zonulin function leading to Leaky Gut Syndrome and autoimmune inflammation. It also includes other disorders such as asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, inflammatory bowel disease, several types of cancers including brain and pancreatic cancer, chronic inflammation, and schizophrenia. This is similar to Celiac Disease, thyroid problems, and candida overgrowth.
There are several solutions that can be used to help support the body in the case of Type 1 diabetes. It is imperative to be tested for “wheat/gluten proteome reactivity and autoimmunity” and remove these food intolerances if present. It is absolutely vital to also include organic, fermented foods like fermented veggies or probiotics that help support beneficial gut bacteria. It is just as imperative to work on reducing the risk and consequences of Leaky Gut Syndrome. There are several compounds that help reduce this inflammatory response and reduce the risk for T1D. These include L-glutamine, probiotics, vitamin D, and Omega 3 oils.
There also is the whole aspect of helping blood sugar work better and reducing the consequences of elevated blood sugar and AGEs or Advanced Glycation End Units. No matter what age you are, if you have T1D, you have to be proactive lifelong about reducing AGEs responses. Several nutrients can help support this process:
These has been shown to protect against AGEs, but it also helps to protect T- cells that may be part of the issue for Type 1 diabetes. Because poorly controlled blood sugar damages capillaries, kidneys, eyes, nerves in anyone with Type 1 diabetes and Type 2 diabetes, as well as those who have borderline blood sugar levels, it is vital to be proactive about these concerns. A young child with T1D has a lifetime ahead of them. Let’s help protect these children and adults from further damage, or if possible, reduce the risk for the disease from occurring. Be proactive!
*Zonulin is a protein that modulates the permeability of tight junctions between cells of the wall of the digestive tract.
Special thanks to Linda J Dobberstein, DC, DACBN, DCBCN for the above information.
Terry Ryan is a health blogger and lives in Sarasota, FL with her husband, Kenan.
Is Vitamin D Really Important? by Terry Ryan

Is vitamin D really Important? You bet it is! What is vitamin D?
Vitamin D is one of the many fat-soluble vitamins important to the body. This vitamin however, is more than just a vitamin and in the body acts more like a steroid hormone. This hormone affects over 2000 genes and is found in cells throughout the entire body. These genes and cells affect many of the processes carried out daily. Our levels of Vitamin D are affected by the foods we eat, amount of sunlight exposure and supplements we take. Sunlight exposure is the best source for Vitamin D however supplements also work well to alter our levels.
- Enhances absorption of calcium & phosphorus, which helps to maintain strong bones
- Strengthens Muscles
- Immune system health, which helps to fight infections
- Anti-Cancer effects
- Prevention of the seasonal Flu
- Helps regulate blood sugar levels in the pancreas
- Improved cardiovascular function
- Protection against Autoimmune disease
- Improved mood with depression
- Periodontal Disease
- Prevention of Hypertension
- Reduces muscle aches and pains
- Aids in restful sleep
There is a BIG difference to vitamin D2 and vitamin D3. If you are looking for a whole food based Vitamin D supplement remember that Plant sources provide you with D2. The more beneficial D3 can only be had through animal-based source.
Vitamin D supplements are available in 2 forms:
- Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol)
The natural form our body makes from sun light exposure and the form found in foods. - Vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol)
The synthetic form is derived from fungus and plant matter
Did you know?
- Preferred form of supplementation is Vitamin D3.
- As always watch out for Fillers, Additives, Binders, Artificial Flavors etc.
- Use of Ergocalciferol (D2) should be avoided if possible.
- Check the expiration date — Avoid expired products.
- If you are allergic to certain ingredients make sure they are not found in your
Here are my picks for great D3 supplements!
Please speak to your doctor about writing a script for a blood test to test for your vitamin D levels. The test will give you a range where they believe your number should be. (Labs differ in the range.)
I personally take 5k a day of D3 and my levels have improved and I like to keep the range optimal because I have an autoimmune disease. It has greatly improved my health.
Thanks for reading. Here are some books on Vitamin D for more info.
Terry Ryan
Terry Ryan is a health blogger and lives in Sarasota, FL with her husband, Kenan.
Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis
Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. Yes, that’s a mouthful. I told someone I had that once and they burst out loud laughing. I guess they found the name funny. It wasn’t funny to me or to anyone who has been diagnosed with HT but unfortunately that is what I have. What is it? It is an autoimmune disease that is attacking my thyroid and making me hypothyroid. You have heard of that, I am sure, and of all the symptoms such as :
- Fatigue
- Brain fog
- Hair loss
- Infertility
- Dry skin
- Sore throat
- Aches and pains
- Panic attacks
- Depression
- Insomnia
It was discovered by a Japanese physician named Dr. Hakaru Hoshimoto in 1912. It occurs between eight and fifteen times more often in women than in men. Though it may occur at any age, including in children, it is most often observed in women between 30 and 60 years of age.
For years I suffered with the symptoms but went undiagnosed as having an under-active thyroid until it finally showed up on a lab test about 10 years ago. I thought now that my doctor knows what I have they can cure me. No! Sorry. That, unfortunately, is not the way it has played out.
After taking hormone replacement therapy as in the form of Armour, Synthroid and then adding Cytomel, I still wasn’t seeing any relief from my symptoms. What the heck? I remember one day after I had taken more blood work done for a checkup with my endocrinologist, my doctor called with the results. He said I was so hypothyroid that I was close to going into a coma. “You must have felt horrible. Why didn’t you call me? he said.
“Because I always feel terrible,” I replied. And I did no matter if I was on Synthroid or not on Synthroid. It may be changing the numbers on my lab tests but it wasn’t changing my fatigue or constant weight gain. I knew I needed more answers so I started to research the Internet and that is where I found most of my answers.
HT is caused by an autoimmune disease and until you take care of the cause you will not find the cure. How do you know you have HT and not just hypothyroidism? You have high antibodies. That’s right have your doctor run a test called an TPO test. If the test comes back high…you have HT.
- Now, what to do about HT.
- Take D3 as much as 10K a day.
- Take selenium and magnesium
- Do not eat gluten (It’s protein mimics the thyroid protein further causing inflammation.)
- Avoid dairy.
- Eat 10 to 15 servings of veggies and fruit per day.
- Drink lots of water.
- Eat organic as much as you can.
- Skip sugar.
To learn more about Hashimoto’s thyroiditis please read my ebook which you can order here. Hashimoto’s Thryoiditis: What is it! What causes it! How to manage it!
Thanks for reading!
Terry Ryan is a health blogger and lives in Sarasota, FL with her husband, Kenan.
Do You Wake Up at 3:00 AM?

Do you wake up at 3am or some time in the wee hours of the morning when you are supposed to be SLEEPING? Ack! I know, right. It happened to me over and over again. I didn’t know why and neither did the few doctors I saw seeking a solution, but alas, it was as mysterious to them as it was to me.
Now that I am in researching health information for this blog, I stumbled upon the reason why I and millions of other people (I feel your “pain.”) were not sleeping through the night. Stress! Stress! Stress!
And what does stress do? It causes the adrenal glands to shoot off adrenaline for a burst of energy to run away from that lion that you just came upon in the jungle. Okay you don’t live in a jungle but your adrenal glands don’t know that, and your boss just assigned you another project while telling you he was going to reduce your pay. Stress! What happens is your heart rate increases, your blood pressure go through the roof, your pupils dilate and everything internally is on High Alert!
Okay, I can understand the surge of adrenaline during the day when stress is high but why in the early hours of the morning when you need sleep the most? It’s because your liver is regenerating and to do that it needs glycogen*, and you used up all your glycogen during the day from the adrenaline surges caused by stress. Your liver will look for adrenaline if it cannot find enough glucose so cue the adrenaline at 3:00am and, hello, you are wide awake. Mystery solved.
Have no fear for I have the solutions. First thing is please purchase my book available on Kindle here: The Insomnia Cure: How I Kicked Insomnia Out of My Bed! I go into detail and helpful tips on how to get a good night’s sleep. I was an insomniac for years.
Second: Here is the magic recipe for the Adrenal Cocktail that you drink before you to to sleep and it will help you sleep all night long.
Adrenal Cocktail Recipe
½ cup FRESH orange juice or FRESH lemon juice (organic is best)
½ teaspoon cream of tarter
½ teaspoon Himalayan or Celtic salt
Just mix all the ingredients and drink before bed.
How does this work? The juice replenishes the glucose your liver needs to regenerate, the cream of tartar (yes, cream of tarter) is high in potassium, an element that is essential for a good night’s sleep, and the Himalayan salt contains minerals that help feed your adrenal glands. Thousands of people say this works and I urge you to try and see if it helps you sleep through the night.
Before you ask:, here is a Q and A:
Does it have to be fresh juice?
Yes! Double yes!
Where can I find cream of tarter?
In your grocery store in the baking section.
Where can I find Himalayan or Celtic salt?
I bought my Himalayan salt at a health food store but you can order it here Click Here!
Can I add alcohol to the recipe?
Should I consult my doctor before I drink this and ask him for his/her opinion?
By all means, please do.
What if I drink the cocktail and I still wake up?
I would give it at least a week before throwing in the towel and I would definitely read my book about Kicking Insomnia Out of My Bed! Click Here to Order.
Can I tell my friends about this?
Should I tell my boss?
Not if he just lowered your salary. You don’t want him sleeping through the night.
Thanks for reading!
Terry Ryan, Health Blogger and Author
*Glucose is: Glucose (/ˈɡluːkoʊs/ or /-koʊz/; C6H12O6, also known as D-glucose, dextrose, or grape sugar) is a simple aldosic monosaccharide found in plants. It is one of the three dietary monosaccharides, along with fructose and galactose,[citation needed] that are absorbed directly into the bloodstream during digestion. It is an important carbohydrate in biology, which is indicated by the fact that cells use it as a secondary source of energy and a metabolic intermediate. Glucose is one of the main products of photosynthesis and fuels for cellular respiration. Glucose exists in several different molecular structures, but all of these structures can be divided into two families of mirror-images (stereoisomers). Only one set of these isomers exists in nature, those derived from the particular chiral form of glucose that is denoted D-glucose, or D-glucose. (Source: Wikipedia)
My Personal Session With Mary Shomon by Terry Ryan

Hello fellow Hashimoto Thyroiditis patients,
I had the great pleasure to have a one on one session with, Mary Shomon,a thyroid patient advocate. I visited her Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/thyroidsupport on Monday and saw that for $100.00 you may signup for a personal telephone session with Mary. Impressed with Mary’s knowledge, I signed right up and the next opening was Friday at 3:30. I was booked.
Mary promptly called at the arrange time and she introduced herself and got right down to business. I paid by credit card. Then she went over my note I had sent her. “I see here that you want to discuss weight loss.” I have put on about 50 pounds in the ten years since being diagnosed with Hashimoto, and they were 50 pounds that no matter what I did to lose weight, they would not budge. Ack!
Mary speaks in a rapid fire way which is great because that way you get a ton of useful info in the 30 mins. It is also good that I have researched Hashimoto Thyroiditis so I could keep up with her. I had my recent labs done and had previously reviewed them 2x over the phone with my endocrinologist’s assistant, but I had the feeling she missed some things. I was looking at the actually paperwork that was sent to me by the lab, but the assistant was looking at a computer screen and kept on saying, “Wait a minute and let me find that.” Anyway, she had missed a lot and I am glad I spoke to Mary who straightened everything out for me.
Mary asked me for the lab results and then asked me for the range which is on the right side of my lab paperwork. Example below.
TSH 0.102 0.358-3.740 (I was over medicated on T4)
Free T3 2.83 2.18-3.99 (Mary said that was too low)
“Free T3 should to be closer to the 3.99 for optimal health and weight loss,” Mary stated. I had been taking Cytomel (T3) before but in the last few months I had stopped when my prescription was changed to Tirosint (150mcg) from Synthroid and my doctor had eliminated the T3 (Cytomel).
Then going over my lab report she noticed another red flag. My ferritin level was very low. 39
Ferritin (iron) 39 range 0-252 (I was low.)
Mary explained that I could cut all the calories I wanted to and join 10 workout classes a week and with my T3 low and my ferritin so low that I was never going to lose weight. (I should point out that my other lab results were fine according to Mary.)
Her advise was:
- Call my endocrinologist and ask for a prescription of Cytomel. If he prescribes 5mg ask for him to prescribe it as 2.5mg tablets and take one in the morning and the other after lunch.
- Start taking a iron supplement. This is tricky because most will be hard on the stomach and will cause constipation. She recommended a liquid iron supplement called Floradix and said that my local health food store should carry it. I could also call my doctor if I wanted to get a prescription for iron.
- Mary said to go to www.drrosedale.com and on that website there is a tiny heart that if you click on you can download a diet PDF. She said to follow that diet. I did download it (Ron-Rosedale-Health-Plan) and basically no fruit, no sugar, no gluten, no dairy.
I told her about my juicing and she is not too impressed with juicing. She said it was introducing too much glucose/sugar into the body at once. It was okay to juice celery and cucumber but to stay away from spinach and kale because they slow down the thyroid because they are goitrous foods. Goitrous is a substance that slows down the thyroid. It is found in bok choy, broccoli, Brussels’ sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, kale, mustard greens, radishes, soy, soy milk, soy lecithin (often used as a filler in vegetarian food) and tofu and now apparently spinach is on the list. I was using a lot of raw spinach and kale in my juices. Ugh! But I was feeling so much better with juicing and my skin is glowing from all the veggies, but no, I haven’t lost a single pound. (sigh)
Mary also said that some of her clients have had great results on fasting for two days a week. Let’s say you practice a Paleo diet 5 days a week but on Monday and Thursday you only eat 500 calories. Mary said that you don’t have to eat the 500 calories of the fast day and it may be easier to just drink water. She recommended a couple of books. See below.
Other tips were to check out T-Tapp for light exercise on Youtube. Mary said she has lost many inches by practicing the T-Tapp exercises. I checked it out and they look pretty easy so I will give that a try. Also:
- Limit snacking.
- No alcohol!
- Eat only three times a day.
- Don’t eat after 8:00pm
Okay, so that’s why I haven’t lost any weight. I just went out and bought a steak which shocked the heck out of my husband since I have been mostly vegetarian (the dog is thrilled), and I will make a spring salad with lemon juice as the dressing.
Yesterday I drove over to the health food store to purchase the Floradix but they did not have it. The young girl at the counter told me to take a couple of tablespoons of Plantation Blackstrap Molasses ($4.95/15 fl oz.) per day. Okay, that certainly was cheaper than the Floradix which runs around $20.00 for 8.5 ounces so I am giving that a try. It tastes okay, not too bad. What is Blackstrap Molasses? Click here.
So, I would honestly say that I am very happy with my 30 minute session with Mary Shomon and I would recommend it for anyone who is having problems with their Hashimoto symptoms. I will try all the things she suggested:
- Take Cytomel (If my doctor will not prescribe it Mary has already given me a name of a local holistic doctor who will but will not take insurance.)
- Try eating more foods that contain iron like steak.
- Take my iron supplement.
- Stop juicing spinach and kale.
- No fruit, dairy, gluten, sugar.
- Try T-Tapp for excercise.
- Try the 2 day fasting diet.
I’ll let you know how it works out.
Thanks for reading,
Terry Ryan, Health Blogger
Read The Thyroid Diet Revolution by Mary The Thyroid Diet Revolution: Manage Your Master Gland of Metabolism for Lasting Weight Loss
Here’s a great article by Mary Shomon titled
Help, I’m Hypothyroid and I Still Don’t Feel Well
Recommended reading by Mary Shomon
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