Stay With Me
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Lose 14 Pounds in 14 Days!

You would have to live under a rock if you haven’t heard about music’s new it man, Sam Smith. His famous song Stay With Me. won a Grammy. Sam has admitted that he has struggled with weight all his life and even posted a picture of himself as a chubby child.
Sam’s music career is on the top now but even with his success he was still bothered by his extra pounds. He decided to do something about it and consulted with Amelia Freer, the weight loss guru to the UK stars.
Sam said, “Three weeks ago I met a woman who has completely changed my life,” he wrote, before crediting his weight loss to Amelia Freer, Certified Nutritional Therapist and author of Eat. Nourish. Glow. “Amelia Freer has helped me lose over a stone in 2 weeks and has completely transformed my relationship with food.”
Forget fad diets, now is the time to make a lasting change and develop a healthy, clean and sustainable relationship with food.
Being healthy is a way of life, but it doesn’t have to be about denying yourself. Amelia Freer loves food and encourages a positive and realistic approach to healthy eating. In her book, providing an introduction to her food philosophies for the first time, she offers simple changes to your diet and lifestyle to help you look and feel amazing.
Here are some of her basic principles :
- Skip process foods
- Eat fresh fruits and vegetables
- Leave the sugar in the sugar bowl
- Take small steps in diet changes so you don’t become overwhelmed.
Okay, we all have tried the new diet crazes and lost weight and then put it right back on once we fell off the wagon. This is more of a way of life for now on and not a fad diet.
Take a look at this video about what is in Amelia Freer refrigerator. CLICK HERE!
Here are some chapter titles from Eat, Nourish, Glow.
- The Kitchen Detox
- Grace Around Food
- Stop Snacking
- Be Consistent, Not Perfect
- Make Fat Your Friend and Sugar Your Enemy
- Why Healthy Food is Happy Food
- Are You Eating Instead of Drinking?
- Do You Need Supplements
- Movement
Sam Smith posted on his Instagram account “It’s not about losing’s about being happy with yourself.”
Sounds like a good plan to follow and if you would like to purchase Amelia Freer’s book, you can click the link below.
Here are more books by Amelia Freer
Thanks for reading. To your health!
Terry Ryan