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Amazing Turmeric

Turmeric has been a main spice ingredient in Indian food and I may have purchased the orange colored spice once in my life and left it in the spice cabinet for years where it hardened and I threw it in the trash. To tell you the truth I never knew what to do with it. But now that I am reaching Master Juicer title (self named) I have been researching the different herbs and vegetables to super-size my juice recipes turning me and my followers into SUPER HUMANS!!! Da da da TA! So here is what I found out about turmeric.
Turmeric has a peppery, warm and bitter flavor and a mild fragrance slightly reminiscent of orange and ginger, and while it is best known as one of the ingredients used to make curry, it also gives ballpark mustard its bright yellow color.
A Potent, Yet Safe Anti-Inflammatory
The volatile oil fraction of turmeric has demonstrated significant anti-inflammatory activity in a variety of experimental models. Even more potent than its volatile oil is the yellow or orange pigment of turmeric, which is called curcumin. Curcumin is thought to be the primary pharmacological agent in turmeric. In numerous studies, curcumin’s anti-inflammatory effects have been shown to be comparable to the potent drugs hydrocortisone and phenylbutazone as well as over-the-counter anti-inflammatory agents such as Motrin. Unlike the drugs, which are associated with significant toxic effects (ulcer formation, decreased white blood cell count, intestinal bleeding), curcumin produces no toxicity.
“Curcumin may provide an inexpensive, well-tolerated, and effective treatment for inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) such as Crohn’s and ulcerative colitis, recent research suggests.”
Relief for Rheumatoid Arthritis
Clinical studies have substantiated that curcumin also exerts very powerful antioxidant effects. As an antioxidant, curcumin is able to neutralize free radicals, chemicals that can travel through the body and cause great amounts of damage to healthy cells and cell membranes. This is important in many diseases, such as arthritis, where free radicals are responsible for the painful joint inflammation and eventual damage to the joints. Turmeric’s combination of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects explains why many people with joint disease find relief when they use the spice regularly. In a recent study of patients with rheumatoid arthritis, curcumin was compared to phenylbutazone and produced comparable improvements in shortened duration of morning stiffness, lengthened walking time, and reduced joint swelling.
Cancer Prevention
Curcumin’s antioxidant actions enable it to protect the colon cells from free radicals that can damage cellular DNA—a significant benefit particularly in the colon where cell turnover is quite rapid, occurring approximately every three days. Because of their frequent replication, mutations in the DNA of colon cells can result in the formation of cancerous cells much more quickly. Curcumin also helps the body to destroy mutated cancer cells, so they cannot spread through the body and cause more harm. A primary way in which curcumin does so is by enhancing liver function. Additionally, other suggested mechanisms by which it may protect against cancer development include inhibiting the synthesis of a protein thought to be instrumental in tumor formation and preventing the development of additional blood supply necessary for cancer cell growth.
Turmeric and Onions May Help Prevent Colon Cancer
Curcumin, a phytonutrient found in the curry spice turmeric, and quercitin, an antioxidant in onions, reduce both the size and number of precancerous lesions in the human intestinal tract, shows research published in the August 2006 issue of Clinical Gasteroenterology and Hepatology.
Five patients with an inherited form of precancerous polyps in the lower bowel known as familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) were treated with regular doses of curcumin and quercetin over an average of six months. The average number of polyps dropped 60.4%, and the average size of the polyps that did develop dropped by 50.9%.
FAP runs in families and is characterized by the development of hundreds of polyps (colorectal adenomas) and, eventually, colon cancer. Recently, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs such as aspirin, ibuprofen) have been used to treat some patients with this condition, but these drugs often produce significant side effects, including gastrointestinal ulcerations and bleeding, according to lead researcher Francis M. Giardiello, M.D., at the Division of Gastroenterology, Johns Hopkins University.
Previous observational studies in populations that consume large amounts of curry, as well as animal research, have strongly suggested that curcumin, one of the main ingredients in Asian curries, might be effective in preventing and/or treating cancer in the lower intestine. Similarly, quercetin, an anti-oxidant flavonoid found in a variety of foods including onions, green tea and red wine, has been shown to inhibit growth of colon cancer cell lines in humans and abnormal colorectal cells in animals.
In this study, a decrease in polyp number was observed in four of five patients at three months and four of four patients at six months.
Each patient received curcumin (480 mg) and quercetin (20 mg) orally 3 times a day for 6 months. Although the amount of quercetin was similar to what many people consume daily, the curcumin consumed was more than would be provided in a typical diet because turmeric only contains on average 3-5 % curcumin by weight.
While simply consuming curry and onions may not have as dramatic an effect as was produced in this study, this research clearly demonstrates that liberal use of turmeric and onions can play a protective role against the development of colorectal cancer. And turmeric doesn’t have to only be used in curries. This spice is delicious on healthy sautéed apples, and healthy steamed cauliflower and/or green beans and onions. Or, for a flavor-rich, low-calorie dip, try adding some turmeric and dried onion to creamy yogurt.
(Source: http://www.whfoods.com/genpage.php?tname=foodspice&dbid=78)
So, there you have it. I, for the first time, added some fresh turmeric to my juice today. Wow! It was one spice combo. Here is my recipe for today: (everything OF COURSE organic)
- Apple
- Pear
- Celery
- Carrots
- Sunflower sprouts
- Slice of tumeric
- Knob of ginger
- Cucumber
I made about 16 ounces and shared with my husband. I’m trying to convert him and I think he is coming around.
Happy juicing!
Terry Ryan is a blogger and health enthusiast.
The Wonderful Benefits of Celery

Celery, and it must be organic, is one of my favorite vegetables to juice. I love the fresh taste, the ease of pushing it through the juicer, and the smell of fresh celery just being juiced. I find it so refreshing. I just lowered my blood pressure and I believe I owe it all to celery juice.
Celery is also claimed to have a calming effect on the body. If you are feeling stressed, don’t grab a chocolate bar, juice some celery instead and mix in a little apple and WOW do you have a healthy tonic.
A juice fast with celery is know to help the body eliminate toxins. Toxins ofter accumulate in the gallbladder, liver, and kidneys thereby reducing the toxins and possibility of the development of stones. (Ouch!)
There are a lot of other claims about the benefit of celery:
- Stops tumor growth
- Cures asthma
- Gout
- Weight problems
- Menstrual problems
- Treat inflammation
- Relieve headaches
- Nervousness
- Has vitamin A for your eyes
- Reduces your cholesterol
- It replenishes electrolytes
- Curbs sugar cravings
- It is a great snack and fill you up
That should convince you that celery is an incredible vegetable to juice and I try to use it everyday. It is considered one of the worse vegetables to eat non-organic so make sure you purchase it ORGANIC. Eat a lot of it everyday and it will keep you Slim, Healthy, Sexy!
Celery contains a lot of potassium, good sodium, vitamin A and C. Plus it is so inexpensive you should have a pile in it in your refrigerator at all times. Hungry? Munch on some celery. Want a snack? Put some almond butter on a stick of celery. Working out? Replenish with a couple sticks of celery or carry some freshly made celery juice with you. Think ahead!
Juicing For Slim Healthy Sexy

I have a buzz going on in my body but it is not from an overdose from coffee. Heaven’s no! It’s from the juice I just drank in the sun by my pool. I started the day off with hot water and lemon and I love the combo very much. I. goodbye coffee breath, 2. Bye brown teeth, 2. Hello liver cleanse, 4. How ya doing alkaline body!
What a glorious way to start your day! Please join me in juicing. You will be amazed at how much your health will improve. How has it helped me?
- No colds this year
- Better digestive health
- Glowing skin
- More energy
- Excellent memory.
- No need for reading glasses.
- Reduction in my thyroid meds
- Better and deeper sleep
:Last Saturday I went to Jessica’s Organic Farm in Sarasota. It is practically hidden in the middle of Sarasota County and even with my GPS I made a few wrong turns, but I did find it. There were acres of veggies growing and the humble stand was full of produce, and organic produce at that. In fact there was only one item that wasn’t organic; coconuts from Thailand.
At the entrance is a large display of different edible grasses and sprouts. I recognized wheat grass but the rest was foreign to me. I saw a man with long dreadlocks and thought he looked like a juicer but when I asked him he answered in a very thick accent and I really couldn’t understand him except that part that he was not a juicer. The prices were reasonable and a lot of variety that is mostly grown at the farm. The hours are limited: Friday, Saturday and Sunday only and closed June, July and August.
I selected beets, dandelions, parsley, kale, 2 gorgeous artichokes, cucumber, and English peas. The entire bill came to $22.00.
Today’s recipe was:
- Dandelion
- Parsley
- Cucumber
- Lemon
- Celery
- Apple
I am still using my garage sale find, a juice extractor I call Old Faithful.
If you want to be slim, healthy, and sexy at any age, I recommend juicing and signing up with my blog for updates and tips.
Happy juicing!
Oranges…Super Food!

Oranges possess over 60 different flavonoids, making them a nutritious fruit to eat o a daily basis. Immensely rich in hesperidin and naringin, oranges are emerging as a weapon for boosting eye health, fighting heart disease, preventing kidney stones and enhancing immunity.
Orange History
While oranges are widely available and fairly inexpensive today, they were once considered a prized luxury before the 20th century. The orange originated in Asia thousands of years ago9 with the most common types bitter and sweet. The later became popular across Europe in the 15th century before Spanish explorers brought it to Florida and California, currently two of the largest US producers of the citrus fruit. Other major world producers include Brazil, Mexico, and Isreal.
Boosting Eye Health
Glaucoma is a long-term visual neuropathy defined by structural abnormalties is the nerve fibers of eye structures as wall as the optic nerve itself. It can result in permanent vision loss if left untreated. A wealth of carotoids, including lutein and beta-cryptoxanthin, alond with vitamin C make oranges well-equipped to protect against this often symptomless disease. In one study, researchers at the University of California revealed that those consuming more than two servings of fresh oranges per week produced an 82% reduction in glaucoma rish compared to those who ingested less than one serving per week.
A recent study published in the Journal of Neuroscience suggests that vitamin C in oranges might be largely responsible for this powerful protective effect. Retinal nerve cells contain GABA receptors, which help modulate their transmission of electrical signals to the brain. Without sufficient amounts of the vitamin, GABA receptors malfunction, causing retinal nerves cells to fire signals at an excessive rate. This constant workload causes nerve cells death. Vitamin C rich oranges allow GABA receptors to function properly, thereby protecting against the loss of retinal nerve cells and preserving vision.
Along with glaucoma, a greater intake of oranges shows promise in defending against age-related macular degeneration, the most common cause of vision loss in individuals over the age of 50. Researchers analyze data from more than 118k adults between the ages of 30 – 55 regarding fruit and vegetable intake over an 189 year period. They found that those who ate three or more servings of oranges per week had a 39% lower risk of age-related macular degeneration than those who consume less than two servings per month.
Source: Life Extension Magazine June 2013 Issue www.let.org
Source: http://www.bubblews.com/news/1393159-why-we-should-eat-more-oranges
If you would like to join the Joy of Juicing, please check out this course.Click Here!
Do You Have a Healthy Alkaline Body?

Healthy blood has a pH level of 7.35 I’m sure you have heard there is a difference between an alkaline body and an acidic body? The theory is that an acidic body’s support inflammation and even cancer, while a alkaline body is a healthy body that fends of disease. Most people are clueless about the impact of food on our body’s pH level. The foods that we eat can have an acidic or alkalizing effect on our body’s pH level. So, how do you find out if you are supporting an alkaline (good) or an acidic body (bad).
One way is with PH strips that you can easily find at your local pharmacy, The human body should have a neutral pH level of about 7.0, but most people have low, or acidic, pH levels. This condition is referred to as acidosis, and it is damaging to your cells and a serious health risk in the long run. PH Test Strips enable you to quickly and easily test your pH levels using your saliva or urine. This critical health information will enable you to adjust your diet and use specific supplements to boost your pH levels to a healthy range.
Usage Instructions for pH Test Strips
For External Use Only To test saliva: Wait 2 hours after eating. Spit into a spoon. Dip the strip. Read in 15 seconds. Results: Use the color chart to determine pH level. An optimal reading is 7.0 to 7.5. This indicates a slightly alkaline body which is normal. To test urine: Do not test with the first urine of the day. Briefly place the strip into paper cup with your urine sample for 30 to 45 seconds. Shake excess fluid. Read in 15 seconds. Results: Use color chart for to determine pH level. A reading of 7.4 is normal. A reading of 6.5 acidic. Note: Urine is slightly more acidic than saliva; a normal reading is 6.5 to 7.4.
Step 1 – Buy pH Test Strips
Buy pH Test Strips. You can buy them at the health store or pharmacy or order them here CLICK
Step 2- Test your urine. You need to pee on the pH test strip. The color will change.
Compare this color with the color of the pH on the test strip box. Read the PH number.
Step 3 – Write Down the pH number.
Write down the pH number, the date and time. (you’re going to want the average for the week)
Step 5 – Daily pH Testing
You may note that every time you go the bathroom the pH number is different. When you’re healthy the number will always be around 7.3 or even up to 8 just after eating. The first urine of the day is usually the lowest.
Step 6 – How Healthy are You?
If the pH of your urine is mostly around 7.3 you’re fine. If the pH of your urine is lower, especially if it’s below 6.5 this means you don’t have sufficient alkaline reserves to buffer acids. You are short in minerals such as sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium.
Step 7 – Get Healthy – Get Alkaline!
Add alkaline foods into your diet and eat less acid food. Eat more raw green leafy vegetables and less food high in animal protein, sugar and grains.
Eat more avocados, vegetable soup, fresh almond milk, young coconut water, wheat grass, green powder, green vegetable juices, smoothies, seaweed and super foods. Here you can view a full list of alkaline foods . Keep testing a few times a day until you always test alkaline. It’s the best motivation for eating raw food! The pH of your blood is tightly regulated by a complex system of buffers that are continuously at work to maintain a range of 7.35 to 7.45, which is slightly more alkaline than pure water. If the pH of your blood falls below 7.35, the result is a condition called acidosis, a state that leads to central nervous system depression. Severe acidosis – where blood pH falls below 7.00 – can lead to a coma and even death. (Complete list of alkaline foods here alkalifoodlist ) If the pH of your blood rises above 7.45, the result is alkalosis. Severe alkalosis can also lead to death, but through a different mechanism; alkalosis causes all of the nerves in your body to become hypersensitive and over-excitable, often resulting in muscle spasms, nervousness, and convulsions; it’s usually the convulsions that cause death in severe cases. When you ingest foods and liquids, the end products of digestion and assimilation of nutrients often results in an acid or alkaline-forming effect – the end products are sometimes called acid ash or alkaline ash. There are two main forces at work on a daily basis that can disrupt the pH of your body fluids – these forces are the acid or alkaline-forming effects of foods and liquids that you ingest, and the acids that you generate through regular metabolic activities. Fortunately, your body has three major mechanisms at work at all times to prevent these forces from shifting the pH of your blood outside of the 7.35 to 7.45 range. You can imagine these 3 major mechanisms as buffering systems to keep your pH in balance. When people encourage you to “alkalize your blood,” most of them mean that you should eat plenty of foods that have an alkaline-forming effect on your system. The reason for making this suggestion is that the vast majority of highly processed foods – like white flour products and white sugar – have an acid-forming effect on your system, and if you spend years eating a poor diet that is mainly acid-forming, you will overwork some of the buffering systems mentioned above to a point where you could create undesirable changes in your health. For example, your phosphate buffer system uses different phosphate ions in your body to neutralize strong acids and bases. About 85% of the phosphate ions that are used in your phosphate buffer system comes from calcium phosphate salts, which are structural components of your bones and teeth. If your body fluids are regularly exposed to large quantities of acid-forming foods and liquids, your body will draw upon its calcium phosphate reserves to supply your phosphate buffer system to neutralize the acid-forming effects of your diet. Over time, this may lead to structural weakness in your bones and teeth. Have you heard of osteoporosis? Drawing on your calcium phosphate reserves at a high rate can also increase the amount of calcium that is eliminated via your genito-urinary system, which is why a predominantly acid-forming diet can increase your risk of developing calcium-rich kidney stones. This is just one example of how your buffering systems can be overtaxed to a point where you experience negative health consequences. Since your buffering systems have to work all the time anyway to neutralize the acids that are formed from everyday metabolic activities, it’s in your best interest to follow a diet that doesn’t create unnecessary work for your buffering systems. That is why it is extremely important to maintain the acid alkaline balance of your body in order to stay healthy and keep yourself free of diseases and illnesses. The easiest way to keep your body in a healthy, alkaline state is to eat raw foods and juicing is the easiest way to do that. Think raw and green. By the way, I just went to the doctor’s yesterday and my blood pressure was 110/70! (I take no blood pressure pills) I give credit to juicing. Here are some great ways to juice: