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I Tried The Golden Milk Recipe For Insomnia

I tried the Golden Milk recipe for insomnia, by Terry Ryan
Ah yes, the Golden Milk…its name derived from the yellow color from the focus ingredient, turmeric. (Also know as Golden Tea!). I believe I saw the recipe on Facebook sponsored by the Paleo Mom.
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I looked up several other sites that had the Golden Milk recipe and some were slightly different. I decided to go with Paleo Mom’s because it was the first one I saw and well, looked good so let’s give it a try.
Who is it for?
If you have insomnia, you may want to check this recipe out. I have suffered with insomnia for years…should say HAD suffered. It no longer is a monkey on my back.
Check out my book: How I Kicked Insomnia to The Curb
Occasionally, I will have a short bout of insomnia; but nothing as bad as not being able to sleep for days in a row. But sometimes, I have a difficult time falling asleep or waking up in the wee hours of the morning wide awake. I will admit, in times of stress when I really need a good night sleep, and I am having an insomnia spell, I will take an Ambien, a prescription sleeping pill. But the hopes of finding a NATURAL REMEDY got my interest, so I tried the Golden Milk.
The 7 ingredients are: (You don’t have to run around. Purchase all the ingredients by clicking on the links below through Amazon. They are affiliate links so I do get a couple of pennies when you order this way. Keeps the web site up and running.
- Water (from the Ganges River…only kidding. Just good ole H20)
- Turmeric
- Coconut Milk (use unsweetened)
- Coconut oil
- Ginger fresh
- Peppercorns
- Stevia
I wrote down the list and briskly determined what I had and had not in my pantry and off the to the grocery store I went.
I used Organic Turmeric spice
Organic cinnamon spice
Organic Coconut Oil I found at Trader Joe’s
McCormick whole peppercorns
Organic fresh ginger root that I had purchased at the local organic farm (Jessica’s located in Sarasota)
Stevia…sugar substitute youcan pu rchase in any grocery store now
The procedure…
Take 1/2 cup of water and put in a saucepan on med heat. Add 1/4 cup of turmeric. Cook down until you have a turmeric paste. Spoon into a spare jar you have saved from the last time you used pasta sauce. You can store this in the refrigerator for up to 7 days. This is the hardest part (after you have shopped for all the ingredients).
Now take a saucepan, add 2 cups coconut milk (for the purpose of full disclosure, I used organic almond milk which is fine), 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon, 1 tsp of coconut oil, 1 tsp of chopped ginger, 4 to 6 whole peppercorns, and 1 teaspoon of the turmeric paste. Simmer that all together for about 5 mins, then strain into two mugs and add a packet of Stevia for sweetness…but I bet a spoonful of raw honey would be good too!
I shared this concoction with my better half, and we both liked it. The turmeric wasn’t overwhelming and the ginger and cinnamon gave it a nice taste.
ZZZZzzzzzzz And…I slept like a baby. Deep sleep like back when you were 10 years old and it’s snowing outside and you’re snuggled under a down comforter. Must admit, I had some wild dreams but not sure that was related to the Golden Milk.
The science behind all the ingredients: (All the ingredients must be used for the formula to work. Oh and take before bedtime.)
Turmeric fights inflammation. See my post on turmeric HERE
Ginger offers strong antioxidant capacity and has similarly enjoyed a long history of use in folk medicine where it is traditionally used to ease stomach upset or to ease the symptoms of colds.
Cinnamon is one of the most beneficial spices on earth, giving it antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic, anti-microbial, immunity-boosting, cancer and heart disease-protecting abilities.
Peppercorns contain a good amount of minerals like potassium, calcium, zinc, manganese, iron, and magnesium.
Coconut oil help provide your body with the necessary building blocks to manufacture sleep hormones.
Stevia is just for taste. A natural sweetener.
I have read reviews and I think the Millennials were protesting about all the ingredients/steps. Millennials are forever in a hurry and simmering something in a saucepan isn’t their idea of a good time. However, and to my surprise, I found this in the heath food store. Just a couple teaspoons in water and hocus pocus…Golden Milk. Do I think this will work as well as making it from scratch? Probably not, but if you hate the idea off mixing up all the ingredients, then give this a try. Click here to purchase.
Thanks for reading,
Terry Ryan, Health Blogger
My view while writing this blog…
Do You Wake Up at 3:00 AM?

Do you wake up at 3am or some time in the wee hours of the morning when you are supposed to be SLEEPING? Ack! I know, right. It happened to me over and over again. I didn’t know why and neither did the few doctors I saw seeking a solution, but alas, it was as mysterious to them as it was to me.
Now that I am in researching health information for this blog, I stumbled upon the reason why I and millions of other people (I feel your “pain.”) were not sleeping through the night. Stress! Stress! Stress!
And what does stress do? It causes the adrenal glands to shoot off adrenaline for a burst of energy to run away from that lion that you just came upon in the jungle. Okay you don’t live in a jungle but your adrenal glands don’t know that, and your boss just assigned you another project while telling you he was going to reduce your pay. Stress! What happens is your heart rate increases, your blood pressure go through the roof, your pupils dilate and everything internally is on High Alert!
Okay, I can understand the surge of adrenaline during the day when stress is high but why in the early hours of the morning when you need sleep the most? It’s because your liver is regenerating and to do that it needs glycogen*, and you used up all your glycogen during the day from the adrenaline surges caused by stress. Your liver will look for adrenaline if it cannot find enough glucose so cue the adrenaline at 3:00am and, hello, you are wide awake. Mystery solved.
Have no fear for I have the solutions. First thing is please purchase my book available on Kindle here: The Insomnia Cure: How I Kicked Insomnia Out of My Bed! I go into detail and helpful tips on how to get a good night’s sleep. I was an insomniac for years.
Second: Here is the magic recipe for the Adrenal Cocktail that you drink before you to to sleep and it will help you sleep all night long.
Adrenal Cocktail Recipe
½ cup FRESH orange juice or FRESH lemon juice (organic is best)
½ teaspoon cream of tarter
½ teaspoon Himalayan or Celtic salt
Just mix all the ingredients and drink before bed.
How does this work? The juice replenishes the glucose your liver needs to regenerate, the cream of tartar (yes, cream of tarter) is high in potassium, an element that is essential for a good night’s sleep, and the Himalayan salt contains minerals that help feed your adrenal glands. Thousands of people say this works and I urge you to try and see if it helps you sleep through the night.
Before you ask:, here is a Q and A:
Does it have to be fresh juice?
Yes! Double yes!
Where can I find cream of tarter?
In your grocery store in the baking section.
Where can I find Himalayan or Celtic salt?
I bought my Himalayan salt at a health food store but you can order it here Click Here!
Can I add alcohol to the recipe?
Should I consult my doctor before I drink this and ask him for his/her opinion?
By all means, please do.
What if I drink the cocktail and I still wake up?
I would give it at least a week before throwing in the towel and I would definitely read my book about Kicking Insomnia Out of My Bed! Click Here to Order.
Can I tell my friends about this?
Should I tell my boss?
Not if he just lowered your salary. You don’t want him sleeping through the night.
Thanks for reading!
Terry Ryan, Health Blogger and Author
*Glucose is: Glucose (/ˈɡluːkoʊs/ or /-koʊz/; C6H12O6, also known as D-glucose, dextrose, or grape sugar) is a simple aldosic monosaccharide found in plants. It is one of the three dietary monosaccharides, along with fructose and galactose,[citation needed] that are absorbed directly into the bloodstream during digestion. It is an important carbohydrate in biology, which is indicated by the fact that cells use it as a secondary source of energy and a metabolic intermediate. Glucose is one of the main products of photosynthesis and fuels for cellular respiration. Glucose exists in several different molecular structures, but all of these structures can be divided into two families of mirror-images (stereoisomers). Only one set of these isomers exists in nature, those derived from the particular chiral form of glucose that is denoted D-glucose, or D-glucose. (Source: Wikipedia)