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Now We have to Worry About Lectins…Oh Boy!

Let’s take a look at Dr. Steven Gundry’s book, The Plant Paradox, which is all of the sudden the IT book since Kelly Clarkson said she read it and lost 45 pounds. What ensued is a stampede to the book store by thousands in hope that they too will lose 45 pounds. After all, Kelly said she did this, lost weight, without exercise! Hello! Lose weight without exercising. Much different than the poor people who were forced into workout slavery by Jillian on The Biggest Loser! Boy, she got under my skin.
I, being a self-described health researcher, thought it my duty to check Dr. Gundry’s book out. What did I find? Dr. Gundry is against plants. What???? Okay, some plants. He claims that plants have their own defense mechanism that wards/kills maundering insects. The big plant evil ingredient is LECTIN!
What is lectin? A plant protein. Lectins in plants are a defense against microorganisms, pests, and insects. They may also have evolved as a way for seeds to remain intact as they passed through animals’ digestive systems, for later dispersal. This irritates your digestive system and causes an inflammatory response and leaky gut.
Dr. Steven Gundry sets out to demystify long-held myths about plant-based foods. These foods, believed for the most part, to be healthy, have been responsible for hurting the human body for so long.
Gundry exposes the real cause of weight problems, and if you’re one of those people who seem to be eating right and doing all the right exercises, yet suffering weight problems and related diseases, then you’ll want to read this book. Gundry’s book contends that your weight loss efforts are failing not because of any fault of yours, but because you’re mostly misinformed.
Dr. Gundry Bio
Steven R. Gundry is an American cardiac surgeon and held the Chief of Cardiothoracic Surgery title while he was a Professor at the Loma Linda University School of Medicine.
Here is a comment from a representative from the Hallelujah Vegetarian Diet.
First, I don’t buy the war between animals and plants or evolution. In Genesis 1:29 God originally gave us the plant kingdom for food. My understanding of creation is that mankind is the crown jewel of all God created, and He put us in place to be good stewards of His creation. So, thinking that plants were made to be food for us just makes sense. There is a symbiotic relationship between mankind and plants, even indicated by their generation of oxygen for us and our generation of carbon dioxide for them. They are good for us and we are good for them. I don’t see a war here.
Is it a coincidence that some of the most allergic food contains the most lectin?
Soy Beans
Dr. Gundry has products/supplements that he claims helps your system ward off the ill effects of lectin.
From the Amazon listing: At his waitlist-only clinics in California, Dr. Gundry has successfully treated tens of thousands of patients suffering from autoimmune disorders, diabetes, leaky gut syndrome, heart disease, and neurodegenerative diseases with a protocol that detoxes the cells, repairs the gut, and nourishes the body. Now, in The Plant Paradox, he shares this clinically proven program with readers around the world.
The simple (and daunting) fact is, lectins are everywhere. Thankfully, Dr. Gundry offers simple hacks we easily can employ to avoid them, including:
- Peel your veggies. Most of the lectins are contained in the skin and seeds of plants; simply peeling and de-seeding vegetables (like tomatoes and peppers) reduces their lectin content.
- Shop for fruit in season. Fruit contain fewer lectins when ripe, so eating apples, berries, and other lectin-containing fruits at the peak of ripeness helps minimize your lectin consumption.
- Swap your brown rice for white. Whole grains and seeds with hard outer coatings are designed by nature to cause digestive distress—and are full of lectins.
He has a 4.4 out of 5 star rating.
Looks like he has many fans. In my opinion, if it worked for Kelly Clarkson, it can work for you.
Here are some of the supplements he recommends.
Thanks for reading,
Terry Ryan, health blogger and pickleball enthusiast
How French Women Stay Slim by Terry Ryan

How do French Women stay thinner than American women?
What you see on TV is a typical example of a French woman that primarily lives in Paris. Paris is the largest city in France and is the capital. It is a mere 40 square miles with a population around 2.5 million. What do French women do better than American women?
French women are taught at an early age good eating habits
French have better eating habits and are taught at an early age.They say that good eating habits that are taught between age 0-7 will stay with you for the rest of your life.Think of that the next time you serve your daughter a bowlful of sugary cereal In my house growing up, we never had a big bag of chips to munch on between meals, or soda in the refrigerator. Therefore, I never crave chips and soda.
They eat many more servings of fruits and vegetables per day
French women go grocery shopping every 2 to 3 days. Their vegetables and fruit are always fresh. Women shoot for 8 – 10 servings per day of FRESH veggies and fruit and never out of can. Local beef and poultry are at almost every meal but in small amounts.
They never eat processed foods
Everything is made from scratch at home. Most homes do not even have a microwave because there is no need to own one. They like to carefully and consciously prepare their meals.
Conscious eating
French people believe in taking in all the nuances of their food as they eat. They are careful about the quality of the food, the way it is presented, and make sure they have multiple colors on the plate. Time is taken to appreciate the essence, the aromas, and they concentrate on what they are tasting.
French women eat slowly
Each forkful is eating slowly and deliberately. What are they tasting? Is that a touch of nutmeg? French women eat slower than Americans. They believe that helps with digestion, and they fill up faster.
They never overeat
How many times do you eat until you can’t take another bite? French women stop eating before they feel stuffed! Since when did gluttony become popular? I know a lot of people who do not stop eating until—-they hate themselves. Leave a little on your plate.
French women do not snack
So snacking has become a sport in America. The snack food aisle is filled with unhealthy snacks. The whole notion of snacking between meals is not done in France. They eat 3 meals, lunch is the largest. They take time to eat at lunch, and usually will devote an hour to the meal. If a French woman is at work, she will go to a quiet space and eat the healthy meal she brought. They seldom eat out, preferring to eat the food they prepare themselves.
They do NOT drink wine everyday
Sorry to burst that bubble. They only drink wine on occasion no matter what the wine industry tries to tell you. Their preferred drink is water. They do start the day off with a cup of black coffee.
They avoid GMO’s
Anything that has GMO they will not touch. Monsanto is not doing well in France. Here in America we think to ourselves…hey, if the government says it’s okay, it must be, right? Nooooo. It’s all about $$$$$$. GMO’s are bad! Stick to pure, unadulterated foods. Go to your local organic farmer’s market.
They are however stressed out
Surprise! If you think that they are taking siestas in the afternoon, working 4 hour work days, and that is why they can linger on meals take the time to prepare. That is not true. They work 10 hour work days and have long commutes, Jobs are scarce and competitions for jobs intense. So, they are very stressed out. However, they value their health enough to take the time to eat quality food.
They walk everywhere
While with the long work days, they do not have enough time to go to a gym, but they walk everywhere. They use stairs, (no escalators) and run to catch trains and subways. A French woman seldom takes a taxis as they are too expensive. Bikes are not used because the streets are so tight that there is no room to ride.
I can relate. As a suburbanite, I drive everywhere. However, the 2 years I lived on Michigan Ave in Chicago, I walked everywhere. It was easier to walk and cheaper than taking a taxi. We had a car that was parked in the basement in the building, and you had to plan ahead to request your car to be brought up to ground level by elevator, I kid you not. Plus, tipping the garage people was important. The less you tipped the longer it took to get your car. Yes, walking was easier.
Kitchens are not the center of the house
How many people in America watch TV within eyesight of the refrigerator? Many, right. With the open concept and family rooms actually a part of the kitchen, food is always front and center. In France, the kitchens are located away from the living rooms. . In America it is so easy to look over and open the pantry to see what snacks are in there. French women don’t have junk food in the kitchen to tempt them. Maybe if architects start designing homes where the kitchen is not the main event, there would less temptation to eat.
They DON’T eat a lot of sweets
I know, I know. Every time you see a tourism commercial for Paris there is a delicious looking bakery with loads of pastries. Or candy counters with OMG yummy handmade chocolates. Be still my heart. Yet another bubble to burst here. French women do not eat a lot of sweets. No, they are smarter than that. I know, you thought they had a free-pass on sweets just because they are French. Sorry, that is not how it is. Those pastries must only be for the tourists.
They eat on a table
How many times of you come home from a hard day of work…an exhausting day of work…when you nuke a frozen food in the microwave and sit down in on the couch to watch the TV. No…NO! Take some time to unwind,and turn off the TV; grill a little chicken, salad on the side, and sit down at a table where you slowly savor your delicious meal. French women will not give up their peaceful and slowly eaten meals. It’s a must. Put yourself and your family first. As I was writing this blog, my hubby was discussing a stressful subject with me, and I stopped him as my stomach started to knot up. I said. “Can we discuss this later?”
If you and your family are too busy with a hectic schedule, you are too busy. Take off some items on the schedule. Place food shopping, preparing, and dining a priority. Have your children participate in this. They need to learn the basics of choosing healthy foods, how to prepare a meal, and proper dining conversation. Turn off the TV and phones.
They eat small portions
French women and men eat small portions. You will not see large plates overloaded with food as if it was Thanksgiving Day. It is all about quality and not quantity.
They love their homemade vegetable soup
That’s a fact. They like to eat homemade vegetable soup. They will eat it everyday. With lunch being the largest meal, dinner is a bowl of vegetable soup with some homemade bread. Yes, they eat bread but it is not like American bread. Less chemicals and GMO in France.
- Don’t eat processed foods
- Savor what you are eating
- Eat at a table
- Stay out of the kitchen
- Don’t eat until you are stuffed
- Smell, look, taste
- Stay away from GMOs
- Limit alcohol and sweets
- Teach your children healthy eating habits
- Small portions
Remember, you deserve the best!
Thank you for reading,
Terry Ryan
Researcher, blogger, pickleball addict, owned by 2 chihuahuas, hero in my husband’s eyes.
What the Heck is Gluten? by Terry Ryan

What the heck is gluten? by Terry Ryan, Health Blogger
Gluten, gluten, gluten. That’s all you hear about if you are on social media sites like FaceBook. It’s bad for you, or it’s not bad for you. What the heck is it?
Gluten is the glue that keeps bread together. It gives it the chewiness that we all have come to know and love. Gluten is a mixture of hundreds of distinct proteins within the same family, although it is primarily made up of two different classes of proteins: gliadin, which gives bread the ability to rise during baking, and glutenin, which is responsible for dough’s elasticity.
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Sounds great doesn’t it? Here comes the problem. Your body may not like this protein. It views it as an invader and send out the attack squad, your immune system, and goes into red alert.
READ MY BLOG ON COFFEE-What kind to buy!
Who does this affect?
About 18 million people are gluten sensitive. And these are not just celiac disease patients where the villi is destroyed and makes the assimilation of nutrients from the food difficult. I’m referring to the average person who has heartburn or IBS (irritable bowel syndrome). They most probably have a gluten-sensitivity and don’t even know it.
Do you have bloating, cramping and/or diarrhea? You may be gluten sensitive.
Does gluten cause autoimmune disease?
First of all, what is an autoimmune disease?
Autoimmune disease is the body attacking and damaging its own tissues In the case of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, which I have, it is an autoimmune disease that attacks the thyroid. The protein in gluten causes the immune system to go awry and it attacks the thyroid. Thereby destroying the thyroid’s ability to produce thyroid hormones. I’ll be on synthetic hormone replacement for the rest of my life.
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Should people avoid gluten?
I think so. As people say, the bread today is not your great-grandmother’s bread. What is so different? First of all, all the pesticides, herbicides and fungicides sprayed on wheat used by farmers to protect the wheat from insects, and then Roundup is sprayed on the new wheat to force it to mature faster for a quicker harvest, and therefor, more money in the farmer’s pocket. Avoiding wheat for the purpose of just avoiding chemicals is a good reason alone not to eat bread…therefore, gluten. And you may not have an autoimmune disease set off by gluten right now, but it is something that might be destroying your body slowly overtime, so why take the chances.
Giving up gluten has improved my health, eliminated my aches and pains in my joints, and helped me lose weight. It has also helped my friends with other autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis.
Books the Wheat Conglomerate Hate!
What to do to avoid gluten.
Avoid completely bread, crackers, cookies, and pasta are obvious ways, but did you know that a lot vitamins and prescription drugs use gluten as a filler? I switched my thyroid prescription from Tirosint to Synthroid after I found out that Synthroid had gluten as a filler. Yes, even a little gluten will harm you if you are gluten sensitive. You can’t go half way with being gluten. You should not eat any for best results.
Here are some other hidden gluten:
- Barley (flakes, flour, pearl)
- Breading, bread stuffing
- Brewer’s yeast
- Bulgur
- Durum (type of wheat)
- Farro/faro (also known as spelt or dinkel)
- Graham flour
- Hydrolyzed wheat protein
- Kamut (type of wheat)
- Malt, malt extract, malt syrup, malt flavoring
- Malt vinegar
- Malted milk
- Matzo, matzo meal
- Modified wheat starch
- Oatmeal, oat bran, oat flour, whole oats (unless they are from pure, uncontaminated oats)
- Rye bread and flour
- Seitan (a meat-like food derived from wheat gluten used in many vegetarian dishes)
- Semolina
- Spelt (type of wheat also known as farro, faro, or dinkel)
- Triticale
- Wheat bran
- Wheat flour
- Wheat germ
- Wheat starch
These other ingredients may be less familiar to you, but they also contain gluten:
- Atta (chapati flour)
- Einkorn (type of wheat)
- Emmer (type of wheat)
- Farina
- Fu (a dried gluten product made from wheat and used in some Asian dishes)
Gluten Foods
Double-check the ingredients label on these items, as they’re possible sources of gluten:
- Beer, ale, lager
- Breads
- Broth, soup, soup bases
- Cereals
- Cookies and crackers
- Some chocolates, some chocolate bars, licorice
- Flavored coffees and teas
- Imitation bacon bits, imitation seafoods
- Pastas
- Processed foods
- Salad dressings
- Sausages, hot dogs, deli meats
- Sauces, marinades, gravies
- Seasonings
- Soy sauce
I was shocked to find out that even my hair dye had gluten in it. That’s right, hair dye. For years I have been sensitive to hair dye/hair color. It would last a day and I would have to take Benadryl to control the itching. Then a hairdresser suggested I try putting Sweet N Low (sugar substitute) in the dye mix. That did calm it down a little, but I still had the hives for a day after. After I told my latest hairdresser about my allergy to hair color, he suggested I use a GLUTEN FREE hair dye. What? Gluten is in hair dye? I didn’t think it would work but it did. No more itching or rash.
What other products have gluten in them?
- Shampoo
- Toothpaste
- Lipstick
- Facial Cleansers
- Lotions
- Shaving gels
- Hair spray
- Soap
These products can contain grain and gluten based ingredients that you should be aware of so that if necessary, you can switch to a new product line. Some of the most common terms (yet not obvious) you will see on products include:
5 Sneaky Terms You Shouldn’t Overlook
- Wheat germ
- Hydrolyzed wheat protein
- Hydrolyzed vegetable protein
- Avena sativa (oats found commonly in lotions)
- Triticum aestivum (another name for wheat)
Do I miss bread?
No, not at all. I get along just fine not eating bread or gluten. Last night I made “pasta” with butternut squash noodles (I bought them already spiralized) and used marinara sauce on top with a sprinkle of Parmesan cheese. Loved it. Now the family prefers it to regular pasta. (And I was trying to keep it for myself.) Instead of crackers I bake rounds of grated Parmesan cheese on parchment paper. Let them cool a little and use them like crackers. I like to add a dab of guacamole on mine. Delicious and guilt free.
I even eat chocolate cake gluten free. I make it with almond flour. And it takes 2 minutes to cook in the microwave. Then I serve it with mounds of whipped cream.
I’m putting together an eBook of my gluten-free recipes so if you want to receive one send me your email to FREE..just spreading the gluten-free love.
Why are so many people AGAINST gluten-free?
Well, it’s big money for the wheat industry. Huge money. Do you think they want to see their sales go down? Plus all the chemical companies that supply the farmers. Money, money, money. My opinion…they shoot themselves in the foot. If they constantly serve us a product that is going to make us SICK what do they think? We are going to keep buying bread and pasta?
Do I get a lot of flack from not eating gluten?
Yes, I do get a lot of evil looks when I tell someone that I don’t eat gluten. Kind of like the same look vegetarians get when they say they don’t eat look. What I say to them…Hey, eat all the gluten you want. Enjoy! I don’t judge people if they want to eat bread or pasta. Oh heck, no! And if you are at my house for dinner, I’ll serve you bread.
Here are some products I use with my gluten-free recipes.
Swerve (Sugar substitute)
Almond Flour
Coconut Flour
Thank you for reading.
Terry Ryan
I Started the Keto Diet by Terry Ryan

Lake George, Sarasota, Hurricane Irma, and The Keto Diet

Beautiful Lake George

The girls and I. Friends for years and years.
Hi, I’m back after a busy summer vacation in Lake George, NY. We (hubby, mother and 2 chihuahuas) drove up in July, which took 3 days, to Upstate NY from Sarasota, FL which is where I started the KETO DIET. Keto, ketolicious, much protein, meat, butter, cheese. Goes against all the conventional diet thinking. The food pyramid hates this diet. It contradicts everything it stands for. SAD (Standard American Diet) means low fat, grains are okay, low fat diet. Keto is the opposite. Here is a book on the Keto diet. Keto diet prohibits the following:
- No sugar (god no!)
- No grains…including oats, rice.
- No gluten (Check your medicine. Gluten may be a filler)
- High fats
- High protein
- LOW carbs
Stick to the above and you will lose weight. I’ve lost 15 pounds and 20 more to go.
Back toHubby insisted on taking route 95 which proved to be a bad idea when we hit traffic congestion just below Washington, and this was on a Sunday! So, we hunkered down in a Red Roof for the night and decided to start next morning by 5:00am to beat the traffic.

Molly is Kenan’s copilot
We did just that except the traffic on 95 was already bumper to bumper at 5:00am! Plan B was to drive west through Virginia and hop on 81. It was a beautiful drive through Virginia. The morning mist was rising above the fields and horses were grazing. Lovely!

Mom in Ashland, PA.
Finally we made it to my mother’s small cottage on Garrison Lane in Lake George and immediately began to redecorate. Three years prior, the house suffered a lot of water damage due to a busted pipe. We had contractors replace piping and drywall. Anyway, lots more was done but I will spare you the gory details.
Lake George was, as always, a wonderful escape from real life as Internet is limited, and we have no TV. I entertain myself with long drives in the Adirondacks, visiting friends, and reading books, a lot of books. It’s all knotty pine paneling, cool, refreshing lake water, deep green mountains, and boating.
Now, I’m back in Florida after a great, leisurely drive back through Pennsylvania coal country and Ashville, NC where we toured the Biltmore! Wow!
But, hello, (sarcastic) we got back in time for Hurricane Irma. The gosh darn Weather Channel made it worse (that was the worse part-the Weather Channel) with their constant prediction of doom and gloom. Fortunately, no damage at my house. My hubby had to volunteer his time at a make-shift pet shelter at the hospital which has located in a cement block room in the middle of the parking garage. This was made available for doctors, nurses and staff of the hospital that had to work through Hurricane Irma but didn’t want to leave their pets home alone.

Summer of 2017: Mary Jean’s 90th Birthday Party
Mom and I accompanied him to the shelter for 2 reasons: 1) Moral support, 2) The Weather Channel finally got under our skin and we thought our only way to survive was by staying at the shelter.
The shelter was let’s just say “icky.” Mom said, “The first rat I see, I’m out of here!” A pet rat came in and out we went. We ended up leaving (no beds, no food), and went back to my house where we had electric, a full refrigerator, and TV. We watched the hurricane slowly come over the house and then pass on. Windy and rainy but no devastation. Our lemon tree didn’t lose a lemon.
Hubby didn’t fare so well and had to stay in the parking garage for 2 nights watching over 90 dogs, 2 pet rats, 5 cats and 1 turtle. He had to sleep in his car so he had little to eat and little sleep. He was soooo happy to come back home.’
Now it’s a couple of weeks after Hurricane Irma and I’ve started the Keto Diet.
More on the Keto Diet
The Keto Diet is a low carb, high fat, high protein plan. NO SUGAR! Keep away from sugar or you will screw the diet up and no weight will be lost. However, dairy products are allowed on the Keto Diet. Yes, dairy. We are talking cream and butter. I have been taking advantage of this by whipping up a lot of organic cream sweetened with maple syrup.
I made a Keto friendly flourless chocolate cake and served it with spoonfuls of whipped cream. The people in my house LOVED it. Here is the recipe:
Butter a 9 or 10 inch spring form pan.
Mix together 1 cup of coconut flour, 1 cup of almond flour with 6 egg yokes, 1/2 cup of Swerve (sugar substitute). Melt 16 ounces of unsweetened chocolate with a stick of unsalted butter, stir in 2 tablespoons of unsweetened powdered chocolate. Stir until no lumps.
Whip 6 egg whites into frothy peaks. Gently fold into flour mixture and pour into pan. If the batter is too thick, add a little cream. I baked at 350 degrees for 45 mins. Cool and I sprinkled Swerve powdered sugar on top. Serve with whipped cream sweetened with Swerve powdered sugar or a couple of tablespoons of Maple Syrup.
It was a hit at my house.

Tipper insisted on having her time in the driver’s seat.
Here is a chicken dish I made that was DELICIOUS and KETO friendly! We are eating great here.

Bake at 350 for 30 minutes. Here it is obvious that I baked a little too long but we still loved it! Warning, make sure you remove the toothpicks before eating.
I have to admit, I am not that great of a meat eater; preferring vegetables over meat but this is an experiment. so for science I am giving this diet a try. So far, I have been eating well and slowly losing weight.
Things you can not do on the Keto Diet:
- Eat sugar (Sugar is the enemy)
Consume process foods.
No gluten!
No alcohol (sniff)
Limit fruit to just berries (Must admit for full disclosure, I have eaten peaches and oranges.)
On this diet, I do not crave processed carbs. Once, I used to be a sit-on-the-couch-and-snack kind of person. I have broken that habit. No more do I gorge on a pint of Ben and Jerry’s while watching TV. No more mindless eating. It was tough but I did it.
Keto Diet (short for ketogenic) was a diet designed as a cure for children with epilepsy. It eliminated seizures for many (there is a movie about this staring Meryl Streep) and it was discovered that people lost weight on the diet, too. You may have heard of the diet under another name: Atkins.
Click here for the recipe for my Keto Friendly Chocolate Almond Bark. You can eat as much as you like and it will not raise your glycemic index. (The glycemic index or glycaemic index (GI) is a number associated with a particular type of food that indicates the food’s effect on a person’s blood glucose (also called blood sugar) level.)

Delicious smashed sweet potatoes with garlic, butter and cheese. Click on the picture for the recipe.
If you wish to find more recipes on Keto Diet, check out Pinterest.
I’ll keep you up to date on my progress with the diet. I also have a guest staying with me who I have on the Keto Diet. I’m doing better than her because she is, ahem, cheating a wee bit. But I’m slowly converting her so time will tell.
Enjoy these pictures of our trip and please comment.
Thanks for reading!
Terry Ryan, blogger
Get Rid of Your Middle Bulge With Yoga Burn

Phase 1
Foundational Flow
This phase is called the foundational flow because that is exactly what we will be building: A solid Yoga Foundation. The first four weeks are designed to teach you the foundation of a strong yoga practice and of course, start to shape long, lean muscles while having fun! Both beginners and advanced yoga students can and will benefit from this unique set of sequences. You will learn how to execute proper form and build a strong “mind-body” connection so you can call on the muscles you need once we move into the more challenging videos. This initial foundation is the key to progressing through the next two phases safely and effectively.
Phase 2
Transitional Flow
Phase 2 is dedicated to teaching you how to combine the moves we’ve learned in Phase 1 into a smooth flow that will allow you to burn more calories and get that heart rate up! By now you will be more comfortable with our basic moves, so let’s mix it up and keep your body guessing to force it to adapt and change for the better!! Each video in this phase focuses on large muscles groups. The 3 workout videos are: Upper body, Lower Body, and Core. We will work on our transitions from one pose to the next. Learning how to link poses together feels really good, and allows you to focus on the present moment rather than giving the mind time to wander…it’s like a moving meditation!
Phase 3
Mastery Flow
Get ready to kick it up a notch ladies! It’s time to combine all that we have learned from the past 2 Phases into a scorching hot sequence that will fire up your metabolism and transform your body in ways you may have never imagined possible with yoga!
The layout of each video is slightly different than the previous videos. There is more repetition of each pose to really encourage the desired muscle to fatigue. Also, you will be guided through a combination of upper and lower body compound movements. These are designed to get the most done in the shortest amount of time, and the muscles we are going to target will help give your body that sexy hourglass shape.
Phase 3 is designed to spice things up, re-energize and reinvigorate your mental focus while fully maximizing your weight loss results.