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Hey, First Day in The hardest!

Don’t worry, be happy. The first day is the hardest. Your brain will be screaming, “Where’s the sugar!” Just ignore the brain. Sugar is an addiction and with all addictions, this shall pass.
Gluten is another really nasty chemical and tough one to give up plus it is in everything. Have no fear…there are breads with no gluten. They are usually located in the freezer section in the grocery store.
Here is a recipe for gluten free bread that is easy to make:
Low Carb Almond Bread Recipe – Jorge Cruise
Almond Bread Recipe
3.5 cups Almond flour
1/4 cup melted butter
3 eggs
1 tsp. baking soda
1/4 tsp. salt
1 cup yogurt
Mix well. Spray pan with baking spray.
Put into loaf pan, bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes. Cool and enjoy.
As far as alcohol….ugh! What good ole alcohol does to your body. Terrible things.
Alcohol is a poison 
Your body can only process one unit of alcohol an hour. Drink a lot in a short space of time and the amount of alcohol in the blood can stop the body from working properly.
It can:
- slow down your brain functions so you lose your sense of balance.
- irritate the stomach which causes vomiting and it stops your gag reflex from working properly – you can choke on, or inhale, your own vomit into your lungs.
- affect the nerves that control your breathing and heartbeat, it can stop both.
- dehydrate you, which can cause permanent brain damage.
- lower the body’s temperature, which can lead to hypothermia.
- lower your blood sugar levels, so you could suffer seizures.
Look out for the signs
It can be a very fine line. One minute your house guest is stupidly drunk, the next they’ve become dangerously intoxicated.
Being aware of the signs of alcohol poisoning is crucial, because if a person you care about is suffering from acute alcohol poisoning, they will be in no state to help themselves.
Look out for:
- Confusion
- Loss of coordination
- Vomiting
- Seizures
- Irregular or slow breathing (less than eight breaths a minute)
- Blue-tinged or pale skin
- Low body temperature (hypothermia)
- Stupor – when someone’s conscious but unresponsive
- Unconsciousness – passing out
Good luck on your first day. Feel free to write to me if you have questions.
The greatest barrier to success is the fear of failure.
Day 8 – The 30 Day Juicing Challenge

Day 8 and still juicing. Hooray for me! I thought I was going to fold a couple of days ago but I have been re-energized! Yes, I actually have a little more energy today but nothing up to hallelujah strength! I’m still waiting for that moment Joe Cross of Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead talked about in the movie. Come on, Joe, don’t tell me I have to go all the way with juicing? I’m finding once a day hard enough. I want my hallelujah moment. This morning my juice recipe was as follows:
- Celery
- Apple
- Carrot
- Slice of fresh ginger
- Mixed greens of kale, collards, chicory
- Star fruit (yes I had to climb the fence again to get to the fruit)
- Snap peas
- Frozen raspberries
What did it taste like. Wonderful! Yummy! I chugged, chugged, chugged. Down the hatch. I learned to fill the shoot with things like blueberries or frozen raspberries with the motor off and that way you can put the plunger over the shoot and turn on the extractor and no berries fly around the room. I also started with the frozen raspberries and noticed that they just went through without depositing any juice in the cup. So I scooped them out and waited until they defrosted to put them back through. Mental note: I will take raspberries out of the freezer the night before to defrost so they will be juicer. Juice and learn. Day 8, done. Check!
Karen’s Story-It wasn’t About Losing Weight

I love Karen. She has always been a great friend and we have known each other since high school and we even went to the same college. After all these years, we have kept in touch.
Karen is a real beauty; close to 6 ft tall with dark hair and perfect features she could have been a model. But not only is Karen beautiful on the outside she also has a beautiful and caring personality. She cares so much about people and animals that she volunteers at a nursing home and at animal rescues.
Karen’s weight has always gone up and down on the scale. In college we all put on the freshman 10 or 20 but we would also lose them. As we grew older it was harder to lose and easier to put on weight. Karen and I both got heavier and heavier.
A couple of years ago, Karen and I met halfway between our homes at a coffee shop. Boy was I shocked when I saw her. She must have lost 40 pounds and looked wonderful and full of vitality. Karen told me her weight loss was a result of a healthier diet. She wasn’t feeling well and suspected it was the food that she was eating that was making her feel that way. She said she felt bloated and edgy. After reading a couple of health books she realized that she may have food allergies and started eliminating certain foods from her diet. Top of the list to eliminate: wheat and sugar. After 7 days of not eating these foods, she felt the benefits and started to lose weight…a nice side effect. “It was all about feeling better and never about losing weight,” said Karen. She never gets on a scale so she has no idea how much weight she has lost.
“It’s not about the weight, it’s all about the healing.
What I weigh does not matter.”
She did point out that when you start the better-health journey you should not look outside of yourself for validation. Most people will not understand your new diet or may even mock you, and your family will be eating differently than you do. She said she got her support through websites that concentrated on health, reading health/diet books, meditation, and meeting other people who felt the same way about food as she did.
“I feel good in my own body, and I have become aware of how different foods affect me.”
A typical day for Karen:
2 Cups of black coffee and lots of water with Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar (When I asked her how much Braggs she puts in her water she said she doesn’t measure anything. She just pours some in the water and loves the taste.)
2 Hard boiled eggs with a drizzle of olive oil
Baked chicken with veggies
Same as lunch
Snack is a couple of spoonfuls of unsweetened apple sauce mixed with cashew butter throughout the day.
Karen’s tip is: Start the day eating just pure protein. It makes you feel more satisfied than starting the day with carbs.
I asked her if she ever binges. She said, “No.”
If she goes to a party and there is a cake she will have a slice and eat the entire piece (this is a rare occurrence), and she says she can feel that old sugar addiction kick in. But that is it. She then won’t have any sugar for months. She said it takes her about 7 days to get over the cravings for sugar.
Karen says what she misses most of all is crusty bread and dipping it into olive oil. She eats no dairy and drinks no alcohol nor does she miss it.
As far as exercise, Karen does yoga and takes walks but hitting the gym and sweating on a treadmill is not something she would do.
A good point that she brought up is the jealousy that you will sometimes feel when you see other people eat and drink what they want and seem to look fine or suffer no consequences. She said that you have to depend on self-loving yourself when this happens and also find your tribe; people who you relate to and that relate to you.
Karen has done a couple of fasts but does not recommend them unless you have thoroughly studied up on them and proceed under a professional’s care. She said they can be very dangerous if you are taking medications because a fast can be toxic. Proceed with extreme caution when considering a fast. She said her longest fast was for 4 days and that after 2 days she felt amazingly calm and had no cravings. But for other people who fast, they may feel horrible as toxins are released from their body. Again, the best advice if you want to do a fast is find a physician who is familiar with fasting and can offer advice.
Karen’s reading suggestions:
Alkalize or Die: Superior Health Through Proper Alkaline-Acid Balance
Theodore A. Baroody
Clean Gut: The Breakthrough Plan for Eliminating the Root Cause of Disease and Revolutionizing Your Health
Alejandro Junger
Apple Cider Vinegar Miracle Health System
Paul C. Bragg
Wheat Belly: Lose the Wheat, Lose the Weight, and Find Your Path Back to Health
William Davis
Sara Gottfried
Thank you for reading! Terry Ryan