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Turmeric-The Spice For a Longer and Healthier Life

Turmeric is a common spice, you may already have in your cupboard, that may be used for improved health. The spice has been said to:
- Prevent heart disease
- Stave off Alzheimer’s disease
- Eliminate depression
- Alleviate joint pain…and more
How does this work? Inside turmeric is a compound called curcumin which is responsible for the orange color we associate to the spice mostly popular in Indian food. That’s what you want to look for. Turmeric supplements may only have a fraction of curcumin included. You want to look for supplements that contain the most curcumin, which will result in a more costly supplement.
Curcumin: The Ultimate Guide to What It Is, Where to Find It, Core Benefits, and Why You Need It
Clayton Geoffreys
Curcumin has been touted as giving the gift of longevity and provides a great defense against chronic disease. It has anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties.
Oxidation and inflammation cause disease and curcumin helps protect the body from oxidation and inflammation. What causes oxidation and inflammation?
- Pollution in air and water
- Plastics and other toxic material
- Pesticides, antibiotics and hormones in our food supply
- Processed foods, smoking, obesity
Think of curcumin as the “scrubbers” that clean off the oxidation off your cells thereby preventing serious disease and possibly reversing diseases you may already have. It can stop cell deterioration and restores the cellular genetic codes of the cells to more youthful levels. Oh yea!!!!It will setup a roadblock for inflammation and relieves inflammatory problems such as arthritis and joint pain. In addition, curcumin has a unique ability to cross the blood barrier and that gives it the ability to deliver its antioxidants directly to the brain, which is helpful in preventing dementia and depression.
If that’s not all, studies show that circumin protects the liver and kidneys.
Did you know that inflammation is a factor in 80% of all diseases? That’s enough to convince you to run out and purchase some circumin.
But not all curcumin is created equal. Unless you want to eat curry rice 5 times a day, you will not consume enough of turmeric/curcumin to make any difference. Darn it!
Fortunately, there is a company that has found a way to make curcumin highly absorbable. Terry Naturally
The recommended dosage is three capsules daily and many people have reported that they have experienced results. Please let me know what you think.
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Thank you for reading,
Terry Ryan, Health Blogger