From Sarasota House Flipper to HGTV-Jennifer Hawn

Jen Hawn, my friend, former Sarasota resident now living in Chicago, and experienced house flipper decided to show up at a casting call last year for HGTV (House and Garden TV) on a whim, at a kitchen and bath show in New Orleans and was selected to be a contestant on The Property Brother’s spin off show, Brother vs. Brother.Read the rest of this page »

Meditation by Guest Blogger Bobette Stanbridge

I asked Bobette Stanbridge to be a guest blogger. I can tell just from talking to her that Bobette has had an interesting life; once living in California and then upstate NY and now in Sarasota, FL, where she has a sprawling beautiful home and a large art room where she creates her wonderful paintings and children books: Bunky Books.Read the rest of this page »

Juicing Made Easy!

Juicing Myths and Myths About Juicing Juicing Myths? There are many myths surrounding the juicing industry that often confuses consumers.  There are those that say it’s a waste of time and money and others that claim it’s just another craze.  But yet, there is no denying that juicing is good for you.  There’s also no argument that it’s often difficultRead the rest of this page »

What Thin People Do by Terry Ryan

I consider myself an casual observer of life and people. If I had to do it over again, I would have become a modern day Margaret Mead, the famous social anthropologist. One of my latest personal studies is how thin people eat to keep themselves thin vs. how heavy people eat to keep themselves, well, heavy. Heavy people will kidRead the rest of this page »

I Am The Master Of My Health by Terry Ryan

I am the master of my health and also the master of my appetite. Who is control?  You or your cravings? Do you give in to eating sweets easily even though you know they are wicked for your health? Do you turn on the TV instead of a walk around the block after dinner?  Do you have a propensity toRead the rest of this page »

Slim, Healthy, Sexy. What we all want to Be!