Addicited to Being Sick

I had a older relative who always complained. She complained about her husband, her children, her lack of money and therefore, she was a miserable person. I was just a child but innocently thought that one day, and I was sure, soon she would find eternal happiness. I just assumed that people who complained wanted desperately something to change inRead the rest of this page »

I Did The No Poo Shampoo and I liked it!

I did the no shampoo and I liked it, more commonly know as the NO POO shampoo. What is it? It is using baking soda (the kind you put in your refrigerator to soak up the evil smells) and Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV). Why would you wash your hair with banking soda and ACV?  Because typical store-bought shampoos haveRead the rest of this page »

Hashimoto’s Is Not Stopping Jen!

Hashimoto Thyroiditis is Not Stopping Jen! One of my best friends, Jen, who has known me since we cruised the night clubs together many years ago, also has Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. If you don’t already know, I have been battling Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, a debilitating autoimmune disease, for ten years now and have written a book, Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, after I was gettingRead the rest of this page »

The Skinny on Skin! by Terry Ryan

They have been warning us for years…the skin police. Don’t go outside without SPF50 on your skin. Blah, blah, blah. Where were they when I was pouring iodine into the baby oil and slathering it on my body to enhance the perfect burn?  Nowhere, that’s were they were. Now I look at the skin of my peers who all usedRead the rest of this page »

Leaky Gut & Diabetes by Terry Ryan

Nearly 26 million Americans have either Type I or Type II diabetes at a cost of more the $245 billion annually. The American Diabetes Association estimates that by 2050, as many as 1 in 3 American adults will have diabetes. While the majority of diabetes research, publicity, and health care dollars focus on Type 2 diabetes and obesity, we need to payRead the rest of this page »

Slim, Healthy, Sexy. What we all want to Be!