Is Vitamin D Really Important? by Terry Ryan

Is vitamin D really Important? You bet it is! What is vitamin D?
Vitamin D is one of the many fat-soluble vitamins important to the body. This vitamin however, is more than just a vitamin and in the body acts more like a steroid hormone. This hormone affects over 2000 genes and is found in cells throughout the entire body. These genes and cells affect many of the processes carried out daily. Our levels of Vitamin D are affected by the foods we eat, amount of sunlight exposure and supplements we take. Sunlight exposure is the best source for Vitamin D however supplements also work well to alter our levels.
- Enhances absorption of calcium & phosphorus, which helps to maintain strong bones
- Strengthens Muscles
- Immune system health, which helps to fight infections
- Anti-Cancer effects
- Prevention of the seasonal Flu
- Helps regulate blood sugar levels in the pancreas
- Improved cardiovascular function
- Protection against Autoimmune disease
- Improved mood with depression
- Periodontal Disease
- Prevention of Hypertension
- Reduces muscle aches and pains
- Aids in restful sleep
There is a BIG difference to vitamin D2 and vitamin D3. If you are looking for a whole food based Vitamin D supplement remember that Plant sources provide you with D2. The more beneficial D3 can only be had through animal-based source.
Vitamin D supplements are available in 2 forms:
- Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol)
The natural form our body makes from sun light exposure and the form found in foods. - Vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol)
The synthetic form is derived from fungus and plant matter
Did you know?
- Preferred form of supplementation is Vitamin D3.
- As always watch out for Fillers, Additives, Binders, Artificial Flavors etc.
- Use of Ergocalciferol (D2) should be avoided if possible.
- Check the expiration date — Avoid expired products.
- If you are allergic to certain ingredients make sure they are not found in your
Here are my picks for great D3 supplements!
Please speak to your doctor about writing a script for a blood test to test for your vitamin D levels. The test will give you a range where they believe your number should be. (Labs differ in the range.)
I personally take 5k a day of D3 and my levels have improved and I like to keep the range optimal because I have an autoimmune disease. It has greatly improved my health.
Thanks for reading. Here are some books on Vitamin D for more info.
Terry Ryan
Terry Ryan is a health blogger and lives in Sarasota, FL with her husband, Kenan.
Good blog…this is a test
Thanks for sharing this awesome post. I have read this post about the importance of Vitamin D in our life. It is very easy to gain Vitamin D, because we can get it from Sun. It is also very helpful to make our body slim and sexy.
Thanks for this post. Vitamin D3 works great for me. I take 5ooo iu a day.