Insomnia, You Are Not My Friend!
I never dreamed of insomnia slipping into my life after years of being able to sleep like a baby with a full belly and a clean diaper, but here I was, 2am and wide awake. I struggled to get back to sleep night after night trying every trick in the book. I tried counting sheep, OTC sleeping pills, every herbal remedy suggested by concerned friends, but nothing worked. Ack!
Now, it would not have been a bad thing, getting up in the wee hours of the morning, if I could have woken up and been productive for the rest of the day. I hear that Martha Stewart only gets 4 hours of sleep and can function very well. Me? Not so good. I fell asleep from exhaustion around 11:00pm only to wake up like a parade was going past the house around 2-3am. Then I couldn’t get back to sleep until 5:00ish only to be woken up by the alarm clock around 7:00. Yes, I hit the snooze button several times. Dang alarm clock.
Half asleep, I would get dressed and drive to work and then have a groggy and miserable day. By day 3 of not sleeping, I wouldn’t trust myself to drive. Yes, I went to doctors who pretty much brushed me off. I was slim, perfect blood pressure, low cholesterol and they had a waiting room of people who looked nearly dead. No wonder they didn’t take me seriously, but I was suffering.
Years went on and the insomnia became worse and then by happenstance I discovered what was causing me to wake up in the wee hours of the morning. Now I am able to sleep through the night and get up in the morning fresh as a daisy. Yippeee!
I’m not saying that it is a cure for 100% of insomniacs (and there are a lot of us) but I will take a guess and say 75% could be cured with my methods. What do you have to lose by buying my book? A good night’s sleep?
I wrote The Insomnia Cure: How I Kicked Insomnia Out Of My Bed! Available on Kindle and in paperback for a very low cost.
Send me an essay that I can post on my page and I will pick a winner that will receive a free FREE paperback version. Click here for Kindle Version Click here for paperback
All the best!
Terry Ryan