A.I.P. Diet

The Autoimmune Protocol is a diet that helps heal the immune system and gut mucosa. It is applicable to any inflammatory disease.
We have a problem in this country with how we eat, treat disease and heal disease. AIP addresses inflammation in the gut that causes Autoimmune Disease. Autoimmune disease is a condition where the body cannot tell the difference between healthy tissue and foreign invaders and a hypersensitive reaction occurs. The body starts self-tissue attack. For months or perhaps years, this self-tissue attack can occur silently until full blown autoimmune disease develops. There are more than 80 types of “official” autoimmune disorders (and MANY more being discovered daily), but all autoimmune disease have in common is tissue self-attacking in places like the thyroid gland, brain tissue or salivary glands to name a few.
The Autoimmune Protocol (AIP) diet works to reduce inflammation in the intestines. Many elimination diets are not complete enough and often do not remove immune triggers that promote inflammation in the gut. AIP works to calm inflammation in the gut, and also calm inflammation in the body. And while autoimmune disease can never be cured, it can be put into remission. The AIP diet is geared toward healing the intestinal mucosa and supporting low inflammation in the body that can temper the fires of an autoimmune flare-up. First I would like to say that this is our interpretation. There is more than one interpretations of how to “follow” the Autoimmune Protocol (AIP) diet. I call it a lifestyle because in a modified form it is how I eat and live my life. It is also how I recommend my autoimmune clients to eat in their own modified form long term as well.
The Autoimmune protocol has been said to be a version of the Paleo diet, but really, I see that it is so much more than that; it is a dramatic way to address inflammation that is driving Autoimmune Disease that has its beginning roots in the gut. Diet is one aspect of healing. And, although it is the largest aspect long term health, in the short-term, there are other components that require the help of a skilled practitioner. I suggest you find one that is trained in Functional Medicine. There are many divergent paths that have a summation with the AIP lifestyle like Autoimmune disease, adrenal fatigue, H-P Axis imbalances, parasites, SIBO, liver congestion, hormone imbalances, insulin resistance that play a role in how you may use supplements along with AIP to heal your body. Generally I suggest a 6-8 week protocol with no cheating. When I said “no cheating”, I say this with a “pretty please”. This diet counts on you to put your effort into it, and unfortunately the nature of high allergen foods is such that even small amounts of slip ups can set you back significantly. Each person who decides to try the AIP diet should work with their practitioner to determine if they are candidates for a low histamine, low latex and/or low FODMAP in addition to following AIP. This is where you will benefit from having an experienced, clinically seasoned practitioner to help personalize your AIP plan. Other adjunct protocols may include: functional blood chemistry, saliva hormone testing, saliva adrenal testing, stool testing and antibody tests.
A word about Supplements. I use supplements regularly. I don’t discount them. But, food should and must be the most important change in your life for health. Nothing can replace food and its value. Changing your approach to food in your daily life along with managing stress are the two most important changes you can start today. The issue with supplements and why they have gotten such a bad rap in my view, is they are being used improperly by well meaning practitioners. I spend a tremendous amount of time coaching clients, creating recipes and building people’s food life. I always start with the food and build up. But after doing this clinically for a good amount of time, those who cannot manage maintaining micro-nutrient levels through food alone, or those with genetic issue driving disease, supplements work very well. Be cautious however; many many supplements contain ingredients that are not AIP friendly.
Source: http://aiplifestyle.com/what-is-autoimmune-protocol-diet/
6-8 Weeks
Nuts (including nut oils like walnut and sesame seed oils)
Seeds (including flax, chia, and culinary herb seeds like cumin and coriander)
Beans/Legumes (this includes all beans like kidney, pinto, black as well as Soy in all its forms)
Grains (Corn, Wheat, Millet, Buckwheat, Sorghum, Amaranth, Rye, Spelt, Teff, Kamut, Oats etc)
Alternative sweeteners like xylitol and stevia
Dried fruits and/or over-consumption of fructose (I recommend up to 2 pieces of fruit a day)
Dairy Products
All Processed Foods
Nightshades (tomatoes, potatoes, peppers, eggplant, mustard seeds, all chili’s including spices)
No vegetable oils (olive oil and coconut oil is permitted)
Culinary herbs from seeds (mustard, cumin, coriander, fennel, cardamom, fenugreek, caraway, nutmeg, dill seed)
Vegetables (except nightshades)
Fruits (limit to 15-20 grams fructose/day)
Coconut products including coconut oil, manna, creamed coconut, coconut aminos, canned coconut milk (with no additives like guar gum and carageen or bpa lined cans) shredded coconut (this list does not include coconut sugar and nectar)
Fats: olive oil, coconut oil, avocados, lard, bacon fat, cultured ghee (certified to be free of casein and lactose)
Fermented Foods (coconut yogurt, kombucha, water and coconut kefir, fermented vegetables)
Bone Broth
Grass Fed Meats, Poultry and Seafood
Non-Seed Herbal Teas
Green Tea
Vinegars: Apple Cider Vinegar, Coconut vinegar, red wine vinegar, balsamic (that has no added sugar)
Sweeteners: occasional and sparse use of honey and maple syrup (1 tsp/day)
Herbs: all fresh and non-seed herbs are allowed (basil tarragon, thyme, mint, oregano, rosemary, ginger, turmeric, cinnamon, savory, edible flowers)