Day 5-The 30 Day Juicing Challenge

Day 5 was a Saturday and it was almost going to be a no juicing day. On the weekends we have a lot of people in and out of the house and usually eating, so I didn’t have much of a chance to get close to the extractor or the veggies.
Dinner time came and my sister-in-law and mother were here for dinner so they helped themselves to leftovers in the refrigerator from the Valentine’s dinner we had on Friday night. I saw my sister-in-law grab my special organic veggie mixture I use for juicing to make a salad. I thought, oh well, I may have to miss a day of juicing but that’s how it is. They also heated up the stuffed shells which is a no-no on my diet of no gluten or high glycemic foods, so I grabbed a glass of water and went to my room to read.
After awhile I came back to the kitchen and they were finishing up eating dinner and I looked and saw the bowl of salad with a lot of the greens left over; plus fresh tomatoes from the garden and cucumber slices. Perfect!
I got the extractor out and put the veggies through with blueberries, celery, and an apple. Plus, I added powdered ginger. (I still haven’t bought the fresh ginger.)
Everyone wanted a taste and they all agreed it tasted pretty good. My sister-in-law made a comment that last night she noticed that i was getting my waist back. That’s a good thing! Oh yea!
I made everyone hot fudge sundaes with home-made caramel and salt ice cream for dessert (a neighbor made the ice cream) which is amazing we still had because the normal is that if there was any ice cream in the freezer I would have consumed it all in one sitting, but it was still there and since the juicing I have had no cravings for sweets and I had no sundae and didn’t even lick the spoon. That’s new to me and didn’t really see that one coming. Shocking! Shocking, that the juice fills me up so much and satisfies me.
Day 5 done. Check!