Day 3-The 30 Day Juicing Challenge

Yup. that’s right. Made it through another juice. I learned the best way is not to sip through a straw but rather drink it in 1-2-3….down the hatch. Works much better.
Today I bought a mix of greens and added it to my extractor. I found the mix at Publix in between the kale and spinach. I thought, heck, it’s a nice mixture of greens and organic so very easy peasy. I also bought some frozen organic raspberries for the coldness (yesterday’s juice was way too warm) and flavor. It was a good idea and made the drink a bit more tolerable.
So, let’s recap. I only juice once a day. The rest of the day I can eat normally as long as it doesn’t have alcohol, sugar or gluten. Yes, there is still plenty of things to eat. I have not eliminated dairy and do have an occasional piece of cheese. In the morning I will have a cup of coffee with Half N’ Half and Stevia. I try not to snack to give my digestive system a chance to rest between meals. This is my 30 day experiment and I’ll let you know if I feel like Superman after the 30 days. So far, nothing but heartburn.
Today’s drink contained:
- Mixed greens
- Apple
- Blueberries
- Cherry tomatoes
- Frozen raspberries
- Carrot
- Celery