Day 24 – 30 Day juicing Challenge
Wednesday- Day 24
Yesterday I ate some bad things. Well, bad for me. I ate panna cotta (cooked cream) with strawberries and cottage cheese.Today I was hungry because my body got a taste of SUGAR. I decided to fight back by juicing this morning and in the afternoon. I had an appointment with a local artist to see if she wanted me to be her social media manager. I was very impressed with her art and we hit it off so yes, I have a new client.
Embarrassing but she made lunch and put out a good spread on the dining room table. She had nacho chips with homemade guacamole and fresh cut fruit. I declined all because I was juicing today, 100 percent. I noticed that she had a ton of supplements on the counter and essential oils. Obviously she was concerned about health but were the corn chips GMO free? Were the peaches organic? Taking supplements is fine but what you are eating is also important. She also told me she just had a reverse osmosis water system put in and there was a man there repairing the system. She should test the water with a PH strip to see if it tests acid. I understand that reverse osmosis can create water that is high is PH.
Well anyway, by the time I got home just before 4:00 I was starving and I have lots to eat in the refrigerator but I have the will-power now to skip the junk and go directly to juicing.
Today’s recipe:
- Kale
- Ginger
- Carrots
- Celery
- Lemon
Day 24 done. Check!
[…] can see that she has an unfair advantage. Oh yeah that AND today she’s on Day 24 of her own 30 Day Juicing Challenge. So she’s got the juicing thing down. Despite the fact that she originally said I would need […]
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lot in my diet. You can have the best Custom Keto Diet plan here: Kiss you all!