Day 18 – 30 Day Juice Challenge

Thursday, Day 18 of the 30 Day Juice Challenge!
Hello and yes, I am still hanging in with the Juice Challenge. Believe when I say, no one is more surprised than I am. I am juicing everyday but I have been so busy that sometimes getting near the computer to blog about the juicing is the hard part. Yesterday, my hubby took the day off and we finally cleaned out the garage and was able to park our cars into again. We threw away a lot of junk and donated some to charity. I was so amazed
that I had to keep checking the garage to see if we had really pulled off the entire feat. Yup, cars side by side. Yea!!!!!
Sad new. The old Hamilton Beach extractor finally bit the bullet. The mesh basket developed a tear so I can no longer use. I was thinking of seeing if I could purchase a replacement part online but first I used the backup extractor I had purchased at a garage sale. WOW! It was way more efficient at getting out the juice from the veggies and fruit that I realized how inferior the Hamilton Beach was so I dumped it in the trash.
Company coming tonight for dinner and I plan on making lemon chicken and we have Key Lime Pie for dessert. I, of course, will eat sparingly.
Today’s recipe”
- Kale
- Celery
- Carrots
- Blueberries
- Apple
- Ginger
Day 18, done. Check!