Day 15 – 30 Day Juicing Challenge

Day 15: Monday, Feb. 24, 2014
Still going strong. My husband and I made a video of me juicing on Sunday, which was day 14. I will upload the video today. (Sorry, the video didn’t come out.) He, my hubby, tried a taste and while he wasn’t thrilled, he wasn’t disgusted either. It is a acquired taste and at first I was pretty turned-off but must admit that I look forward to my juice now. Today, I drove my mother back home after breakfast and stopped into my sister-in-law’s place where we cleaned a desk I sent over the day before that had been sitting in my garage. Then we went to the store to make a few copies; her for taxes and me for a real estate transaction. Then I stopped at the grocery store to grab a few items for dinner, for my mother’s disabled neighbor, and for my mother. Then I dropped off the supplies and went back home to fill out the paperwork for my next doctor’s visit to schedule my colonoscopy. Yes, I am on the every 3 – 5 years plan. Yuck, not looking forward to that.
But first I made a juice that contained spinach and watercress. Talk about a peppery zing from the watercress and I used a fruit that is a cross between and orange and a grapefruit called Cara Cara: The Power Orange. Tasted great!
Today’s recipe:
- Cara Cara
- Apple
- Spinach
- Watercress
- Celery
- Carrot
I am feeling a little more energy and my throat is not as sore, so I guess you would say that I am feeling better. Do I have the energy I had when I was at 25? Nope! To me everyday is still a struggle to get through. I look forward to bedtime when I know no one can bother me. Last night my husband was restless and kept tossing and turning. I got up and took an Ambien to help me get some shut eye. Had to do it. I was looking at the clock and it said 1:00 and I was still wide awake. Then when I got up this morning and turned on the news I saw that a Kennedy is on trial for driving drugged. That’s what they call it. Drugged driving. She claims that she took an Ambien in generic form instead of her Zynthroid; her thyroid medicine. I have done the exact same thing because they do look so much alike but I realized my mistake before getting in the car and I called work and said, I’ll see ya later. There was no way I could drive so I can see how that can happen. You are in your typical morning hurry and rushing out the door and you grab the wrong pill. I have since learned and keep the medicines far apart. One is in my kitchen cupboard and the other is now in my bathroom medicine chest.
As far as weight loss goes. nothing except a few pounds. I was listening to an interview the other day via a Chronic Fatigue website and the woman being interview said that she was not eating because she was so sick and she actually put on weight!!! The interviewer said that that was because of hormones. Hormones? Hmmmm, I’m going to go back to that website and see if I can email him and ask him what hormones he was referring to as far as the weight gain.
I do believe that once I get past the 30 days on this challenge I will do a 10 day complete juicing fast and see what results that produces. If you have been following my blogging, you know that on this 30 day challenge that I am only juicing once a day and eating sensible dinners and staying away from sugar.
It gets easier everyday.
Day 15 done. Check!