Day 10 – 30 Day Juicing Challenge

Wednesday. It was not a good day for me. I wasn’t feeling great and was experiencing a little body pain and sore throat. I dragged the extractor out and made a juice that was heavy on the cucumber and that upset my tummy. I burped through the rest of the day. I also had to handle some stressful situations between my mortgage company who says I don’t have a wind policy on one of the rental houses, but I do and they are charging me some outrageous amount for insurance, and my actually insurance broker is dragging her feet on fixing.the problem. So, I had to be on hold, on hold, and then send supporting emails out. Then I couldn’t find my new checks that I just received in the mail….it was chaotic. Typical stressful day where I would have liked to munch down a box of Girl Scout cookies, and what do I hear but the doorbell and there stands this adorable girl scout with the 2 boxes I ordered. Of course you have to buy from the neighbor’s kid.
I must admit, between the burps, i did manage to eat 4 cookies….the chocolate peanut butter kind. Good but not as good as I remembered. So I am meh about it and the rest sits in a baggy in the refrigerator. What? Am I really losing my taste for fake, sugary food???
And by the way, I am only trying to be healthy not perfect.
I also think the Atkins bars that I am eating once a day are doing me no favors. When I eat one or two a day as a meal replacement or a snack, I don’t seem to lose any weight according to the bathroom scale. I think I’m going to pass those to my neighbor who loves them.
By the night, my throat was feeling sorer and I bought Chinese food for dinner. I had a couple of bites but it tasted bland and disgusting. My taste buds now demand better. After watching a little Sochi I took an Alka Seltzer Plus and went to bed. I woke up around 3:00 probably because of the cookies I ate as I have learned, sugar eaten later in the day will cause insomnia.
Today recipe:
- Kale
- Carrot
- Celery
- Cucmber
- Snap peas
- Apple
- Slice of ginger
Day 10, done. Check!