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The Natural Thyroid Diet. The 4-Week Plan to Living Well, Living Vibrantly

The Natural Thyroid Diet. The 4-Week Plan to Living Well, Living Vibrantly

The Natural Thyroid Diet eBook ipadIf you are like most people with a low thyroid disorder you feel robbed of energy, you get easily stressed out, your hair is falling out by the handful and you have a constant brain fog.

And if that is not bad enough because your thyroid is working below par you are finding it next to impossible to lose weight. Even though you put so much effort into exercising and eating well. It is down right frustrating.

But there is good news… FINALLY!

The Natural Thyroid Diet. The 4-Week Plan To Living Well, Living Vibrantly is the ultimate guide to treating hypothyroidism naturally.

It is for the newly diagnosed, or those who are frustrated that they are still struggling with low thyroid symptoms after many years.

The author, Louise O’Connor is a leading Australian Naturopath and Wellness Coach. Written from her unique Naturopathic perspective it is unlike most books written on thyroid health. Louise draws on her professional experience as a Naturopathic practitioner and her ongoing research into thyroid health to deliver an eBook that combines a natural healing approach with the latest scientific research.

The Natural Thyroid Diet. The 4-Week Plan to Living Well, Living Vibrantly goes beyond being just another diet book. You will get back-to-basics, real food advice from a qualified Naturopath to help you look and feel your best.

You will also learn why thyroid problems are on the rise and most importantly you will get practical and effective strategies to help you get absolutely clear on what is necessary to navigate your own thyroid health recovery.

This is a breakthrough in holistic thyroid health management. You can expect to see improvements in your health in as little four weeks.

This eBook was first written back in 2007. Since then it has been revised numerous times with new and comprehensive information. The expert advice contained in The Natural Thyroid Diet has helped thousands of people around the world.

Now it is your turn. The Natural Thyroid Diet is available here today.

I can’t wait to share this invaluable information with you.

With much love + respect,

Louise O’Connor

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Juice Fast Can Heal Chronic Diseases

How David’s Battle with Acid Reflux Disease Overweight, Arthritis, Candida, Hypoglycemia, and Prediabetes Lead to Discovering the Deepest Most Powerful Cleanse Ever!!!

Is There an Easy Way to Cleanse Completely? What is it Possible to Heal? Press the Reset Button and Help Your Body Shed
the Toxins and Weight that are Making You Sick.
Get Your Energy and Your Life Back

From: David Rainoshek

Dear Friend,

Over the next few minutes I’m going to introduce you to a revolutionary and rapidly growing Life Practice that I developed over ten years ago with my colleague John Rose (who saved my life) to rapidly heal your body and transform your life.

What You are About to Encounter is an Idea Whose Time Has Come. Juice Feasting, as you are about to learn, is Healling Through Incredible Abundance.

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. . . and if you read this short letter entirely you’re going to know how you can protect yourself and your family from the unnecessary suffering and trauma that 70% of people in the United States today are facing due to causes that YOU can prevent.

The information below will not only help you understand Juice Feasting and its dramatic ability to reduce and eradicate most western health challenges, but will also introduce you to a rock solid method to transform your whole life…

No matter what diet you’ve been eating…

What is the Cleansing Sweet Spot?

. . . You hear the word “cleansing” thrown around a lot in natural health circles, but few people actually understand how cleansing really works and what is truly possible. That’s why many of us do not heal. I tried using my juicer to juice fast, did the Master Cleanser for 12 days, and even tried water fasting. But those cleanses are too extreme, too weak or too short for most people who need to address chronic health concerns.

There was something simple, yet profound that I was missing. I had not yet hit the deep sweet spot of cleansing and healing that I am going to share with you here.

You’ll be shocked – as I was – at how simple it is to relieve yourself of innumerable and preventable health challenges once you know how to put yourself in the biggest cleansing “sweet spot” ever discovered

These preventable, healable health challenges rob you of your potential for a full life of passion and creativity. They affect how you feel, how you treat those you love, and sap you of the vital energy you could be using to live your unique self purpose.

Before I discovered what to do, I thought my life was over. I was taking six different medications every day before the age of 27.

But I kept plugging away… I knew I would find something that would heal me, and that it would involve food and cleansing (not drugs and medication). What I did not know is that what would save me would change the lives of hundreds of thousands of people in just a few short years.

My constant pain and sickness had purpose: it led me to discovering The Cleansing “Sweet-Spot” we call Juice Feasting: a bullet-proof solution to a growing laundry list of preventable health challenges that we badly need to heal NOW.

And I do mean NOW. 70% of the U.S. population is now overweight or obese, and 70% of Americans are on pharmaceutical drugs. Over half the westernized world is clinically pre-diabetic. Our biggest killers are heart disease and cancer – diseases we now know have causes that can be minimized and eradicated.

Why Are We Sick?
And Why is it So Hard to Get Well?

Alfred E. Newman said, “We are living in a world today where lemonade is made from artificial flavors and furniture polish is made from real lemons.” And Astrid Alauda said, “Did you ever stop to taste a carrot? Not just eat it, but taste it? You can’t taste the beauty and energy of the earth in a Twinkie.”

In Westernized societies the disturbing Truth is that our food is lacking in Goodness – both in nutritional content and meal size – and our eating such food is resulting in the fading of Beauty.

A July 2008 Johns Hopkins University study published in Obesity projects that by 2030, 86% of Americans will be overweight or obese, and a shocking 24% of U.S. children will be overweight or obese by 2015.

Childhood obesity has more than doubled in children and tripled in adolescents in the past 30 years, and 1 out of 3 children born today will develop diabetes in their lifetime.

Toxic Waste Matter Builds Up in Your Intestines, Making You Sick

Below are pictures of the Uneliminated Waste Matter in the intestinal tract and colon of almost everyone in the western world. It forms over decades of eating – and even if you have adopted a healthier diet and lifestyle in the past few years, it is very likely you have some of this in you. Such un-eliminated waste in your body is damaging to your health, to say the least.

The average person has between 5 and 30 pounds of this un-eliminated waste matter in their intestines, blocking digestion and secreting toxins into the body. Oftentimes it is so impacted it is shaped like the intestines.

Do you know where you absorb 90% of your nutrition? Through the small intestine. But if it’s clogged with the stuff you see above, you don’t get the nutrients from your food. That leaves your body feeling hungry, it it places more orders for nutrients that it is not getting, causing you to feel like eating even more food.

It also means that you are not absorbing the nutrition from all those expensive supplements and super foods you have been eating, which is like flushing miracle foods and your money down the drain, literally.

But that is not all…

You create more brain-balancing neurochemicals in your gut than in your brain. And if this waste matter is in your gut, it imbalances your brain chemistry, creating foggy thinking, depression, anxiety, lack of creativity, poor sleep…

Juice Feasting is designed from the ground up to get the junk out. Your body will be given the tools, the energy, and the permission needed to let go of all that yuck in a SHORT period of time.

The results? A happier brain and a body that is FAR more well nourished than before… and that is just for starters, as you will see.

Juice Feasting is also designed to address toxicity that is not visible to the naked eye…

65,000: The Number of Human-Created Toxins Assaulting our Immune Systems…

Every year over 13 million people across the globe are diagnosed with cancer and 7.6 million people die because of cancer. This is about 13% of all global deaths. The U.S. ranks in the top three countries with the highest rate of cancer in both men and women. This is not an accident.

The sources of Toxicity are all around us. We’ll show you how to get the lead (and more) out…

70,000 chemicals, according to the E.P.A., are used commercially. 65,000 of those 70,000 are potentially hazardous to our health. According to the Environmental Defense Group, more than 4 billion pounds of toxic chemicals are released into the environment each year, of which 72 million pounds are known carcinogens.

These cancer-causing agents end up in our air, our water, and our food.

In other words, we are surrounded by carcinogens, and we have to use what we as human beings have used all along for survival: a certain amount of cleverness and thoughtfulness in our lives to counteract the lack of consciousness that the corporations and ourselves are living with.

Different tests on the blood and urine of adult Americans have found a total of 167 compounds, with an average of 91 compounds in each person. Of these 167 compounds, 76 are known to cause cancer, and 94 are toxic to the nervous system, 82 effect the lungs, 86 effect hormones, and 79 cause birth defects.

In unborn babies, the Environmental Working Group has found a total of 287 chemicals in the baby’s blood; 180 are known to cause cancer, 217 are toxic to the brain and nervous system, and 208 cause birth defects in animals. Our future generations are explicitly at risk.

Wouldn’t it be nice to find a simple, natural remedy that can act as a practical antidote for this situation? I think so, too, and that is why we are here.

The Health Effects of Toxicty are Devastating…

Disease has weight to it. Mortality rates among the overweight and obese are telling: A recent study in the New England Journal of Medicine showed that being overweight increases the risk of death by 20 to 40 percent, and by two to three times in cases of obesity.

Obesity carries with it a multitude of increased risk factors : heart disease, depression, acid reflux, diabetes, dementia, arthritis, cancer, stroke, kidney disease, sexual dysfunction, and sleep disorders.

With modern research data and its digital dissemination for all to read, the general debate is over on this one: Overweight is associated with numerous diseases, shortens life, and creates direct and associated economic costs:

The U.S. will spend over $3.5 TRILLION dollars on health care this year, much of which could be prevented.

I know it, you know it, and it is why we have created Juice Feasting: to answer the immense call and need for healing in the western world in a way that is accessible to EVERYONE.

We’ve Been Lied To: Modern Medicine Doesn’t Remove The Actual Causes of Disease

Modern Medicine is an Expensive Band-Aid Approach.

The reason why it’s so hard to heal our health challenges is because there are so many, and the modern medical approach is to ignore the underlying causes and treat specific symptoms with drugs.

Remember, most of our ill health arises from very similar underlying causes: stagnation, toxemia (drugs, food additives, agro and industrial chemicals, uneliminated waste matter in our bodies), and deficiency.

Take arthritis for example.

Chronic joint pain is incredibly common in the western world, yet most of it is caused by poor hydration, a lack of alkaline minerals in the body, and inflammatory dietary agents such as wheat, dairy, processed sugar, and GMOs.

Or consider acid reflux disease, (which I had). This preventable condition is the reason over the counter antacids are a perennial top-seller for Big Pharma.

This multi-billion dollar cash cow can be healed in as little as 7 Days of Juice Feasting by rebuilding the alkaline lining of the stomach and rehydrating the body. Stomach Acid is good for you… and this serves to increase stomach acid production.

…I know when you read the following you may be skeptical and say “Acid reflux is too much acid.” That’s what Big Pharma would like you to think.

Actually, reflux is caused by a weakened stomach lining that is deficient in organic sodium (such as in celery – the center of juices on any Juice Feast). The weak stomach lining reacts to the presence of strong stomach acid.

The key is not to diminish your natural production of strong stomach acid but to rebuild the alkaline stomach lining.

The healing experienced from Juice Feasting on a myriad of western health challenges – such as those seen below – is just as dramatic. And it’s easy to see why once you understand how Juice Feasting is designed to remove the underlying causes of most major diseases to rebuild the body’s physiology, biochemistry, and immune system from bottom to top.

If You Have These Symptoms, It’s Likely That Toxemia is Causing Your Declining Health

  • Sore Throat
  • Bloating
  • Gas
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Ear Ache
  • fibromyalgia
  • High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)
  • sugar and alcohol cravings
  • cravings for carbohydrate rich foods
    (bread, pasta, rice, etc.)
  • migraines
  • anxiety
  • depression
  • chronic fatigue
  • vaginitis
  • foggy thinking
  • itching
  • acne
  • Halitosis
  • Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)
  • sinus inflammation
  • irritability
  • dizziness
  • low sex drive
  • ear aches
  • eczema
  • acne
  • athlete’s foot
  • chronic pain
  • muscle weakness

Symptoms are Signs That You Are Marching Through the 7 Stages of Disease…

There are Seven Stages of Disease – which you will learn about in the Juice Feasting Program. As more studies are done on the underlying causes of these Seven Stages of disease, it is being understood that stagnation, toxemia and deficiency contribute to most of our illnesses, including far more than just those listed below.

  • Diabetes
  • Asthma
  • Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis
  • Cardiovascular Disease
  • Clinical Depression
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
  • Gastroesophogeal Reflux Disease (GERD)
  • Arthritis
  • Psoriasis
  • Urinary Incontinence
  • Prostatitis

How Would You Like to Get Your MOJO Back?

…in a moment, I’m going to share with you exactly how you can remove the underlying causes of these symptoms and diseases, rebuild your body, and get your energy and your life back with the most powerful method for eliminating toxicity that has helped hundreds of thousands of people since I started sharing it online 10 years ago…

…just so you know… the amazing results you are about to see from people around the world…

I didn’t just stumble onto this method by chance. It was after a very long and painful journey, and I want to share this story with you so you’ll understand exactly how I discovered Juice Feasting, and how it works…

Click Here For The Juicing Course So You Can Regain Your Health. Money Back Guarantee!
Click Here!111

Healthy Valentine’s Day Gifts

Valentine’s gifts do not have to be super romantic or chocolate. You can give something that is not fattening or….sappy. Especially if it is a new relationship and you are thinking…should I or should I not give a gift. It is perfectly fine to give a funny or uncommital gift.  Here are some interesting ideas:

Hypothyroidism Solution Using Natural Products



Fatigue | Depression | Weight Gain | Loss of Libido | Dry Itchy Skin | Constipation


    • you finally have hope that there is a light at the end of the tunnel
    • you can wake up in the morning feeling refreshed and rejuvenated, get out of bed and do all the things you want to do – without having to go back to bed before morning tea for another sleep
    • your symptoms will ease and for some people they will disappear for good
    • you’ll feel like your old self in no time
    • you will have the energy for your most important relationships
    • your hair will look lush and feel silky again
    • your skin will be soft and smooth
    • your bowels will work every day with no effort or strain375x321_thyroid


  • you will lose weight and get back into the wardrobe of clothes you had to pack away because you were too fat to fit into them
  • you’ll get a specially written cookbook that makes planning your meals and snacks easy and stress free


  • confused-person-7825511
    increase your energy
  • bring back your libido
  • move your bowels better
  • help you manage your stress
  • get to sleep easily and effortlessly at night and stay asleep
  • remove the anxiety of planning meals that support healthy thyroid function


  • it will give you a step by step guide to a healing protocol
  • step by step recipes to follow with a nutritional analysis of each meal and why you should eat these ingredients
  • simple instructions for clearing your energy each day
  • detailed instructions on how to detox your home and you – naturally
  • step by step guide to 11 separate natural healing strategies to cure insomnia
  • easy to follow instructions to STOP the downward spiral of depression


Sometimes, yes drugs are necessary to treat . But, in many cases, they are not.

The question you need to ask yourself is – “Do you want to take drugs or stay on drugs if you don’t have to?”

Why would you ask this question?

Because when you find and treat the root cause of your hypothyroidism … possibly you won’t need drugs at all once you’ve balanced your system.

You need to also ask yourself – “Do you want to explore this alternative before committing to a lifetime of medication?”

And, in the circumstances where you still need to take the drugs, following this solution will support your thyroid and overall well being – giving you a much better quality of life.


When you use natural therapies to treat any health problem – and in this case – the hypothyroidism solution not only balances your thyroid … it balances your whole body.

The truth is … given half a chance … your body will heal itself. You just need to give it the right environment for this to happen. This solution … does just that – by following the protocols with the help of your health care provider – you prepare the right environment for your body to do the best it can in your unique circumstances.



Lost 15 Pounds & No Sign Of Dry, Itchy Skin

“Duncan, I have found your ebook really good, easy to follow and it makes a lot of sense. It has given me a guide to follow, and I have learnt a lot about my condition that I never could have got from my doctor.

“The indications are that I am better. I have lost all of 7 kilos (15 pounds), and the dry itchy skin has all healed. My hands had been dry and cracked and getting infected for about 7 months, and there is not a sign of it now.”

Pauline Food
Vermont South, Victoria



Noticeable Improvement In Energy Levels After Just One Week!

“…I’ve never looked back since. I feel so much healthier, I’m not tired anymore, I’m eating better, don’t feel bloated or stressed. My skin is not dry. My joints don’t hurt as much. It’s surprising what you can do with the correct information explained to you right. I could never understand why I could not lose weight. I even spent 6 months at the gym, going everyday doing two hours each time and still could not lose the weight.

Now I’m on day 34 of the hypothyrodism solution, I’ve lost 8.5 kgs, dropped a couple of dress sizes, and now feel good, sleep better and have heaps of energy.

I’ve even come off my levothyrozine tablets!…”

Carol Harrison
Wellington, New Zealand



Noticeable Improvement In Energy Levels After Just One Week!

“I am 38 years old, and was diagnosed last year with subclinical Hashimoto’s disease–not yet so bad as to require hormone therapy, but suffering lots of the symptoms such as fatigue, low moods, heavy menstruation and weight gain.

“From the first week on [after trying The Hypothyroidism Solution], I have had a noticeable improvement in my energy levels and moods, and in five weeks I have lost 4 kilos (9 pounds).”

Janine Campbell
Puerto Varas, Chili



After 10 Weeks: “I Feel Good… Less ‘Brain Fog’… Nicer Skin”

“When I began the program, my TSH was 0.289 and my antibodies (anti TPO) was 193.5. Today (about 10 weeks later) my TSH is 2.03 and my antibodies are 116.9.

“I feel good, my skin is nicer; I like to think I have a little less brain fog, and I’m sleeping better.

“It was easy to download and receive the information. My questions were answered quickly and I would recommend this program to others.”

Julie Heisey
Timisoara, Romania



Back To Walking The Dog Again…

“Thanks so much. I got the program, and while I haven’t lost much weight yet, I am AWAKE! I feel so much better that I have been able to start walking my dog again. (I was literally too tired before.)

“I also appreciate the updates and newsletter. Well worth the money.”

Cathy Soda
Georgia, USA



Lost Weight & Feeling “Perkier”

“I have found your ebook very thorough and informative, covering a lot more than just the medical side of it.

“So far, I have lost some weight and toned up a bit, and am felling overall a little perkier so will just keep going. Thank you for your help!”

Leslie Henderson
Waitakere, New Zealand



“A Mine Of Information”

“Duncan has obviously studied his subject in great detail, and this–married with his clinical successes in healing people with debilitating –gives great value to the information outlined here in this Comprehensive Report.

“This is a mine of information. The beginning describes the functioning and malfunctioning of the thyroid so clearly that for the first time I understood what was going on. It helped me enormously.”

“Thank you, Duncan!”

Lynette Rodwell
Barnet, London, U.K.

 100 % Money Back Guarantee!!!!!! Order Here! Only $37.00! 

Order Now!



How To Diagnose Your Condition & Find Your Root Cause (Chapters 1 – 4)

  • The 6 most common causes of hypothyroidism, plus a few more you should know about. (The first step back to health is figuring out what made you sick in the first place. Makes sense, doesn’t it?) p. 10-11
  • What to ask for in a blood test to determine whether you actually have hypothyroidism. (IMPORTANT: Many doctors will only test for a substance called “TSH”. But this doesn’t give the complete picture. There are two more critical hormone tests you need to ask for specifically. I’ll tell you which ones they are on p. 12.
  • A comprehensive table to help you interpret your test results. You’ll know for sure whether you have hypothyroidism, and how severe it is. (p. 13)
  • Four more critical blood tests your doctor doesn’t know about, but will determine exactly what is causing your hypothyroidism (so we can properly reverse it). (pp. 13-14)
  • How to determine if you have Hashimoto’s Disease—a type of hypothyroidism caused by an auto-immune dysfunction. (p. 14)
  • How to make sure your blood tests are as accurate as possible. (Yes—they can be inaccurate, which could lead to a misdiagnosis… In fact, it’s surprisingly common. But this checklist will make sure that doesn’t happen to you.) p. 15
  • Why “Western Medicine” masks the symptoms instead of treating the problem at its source. (Chapter 3)
  • Could free-radicals be to blame? Your computer? Certain “innocent” household items? Discover the truth about 11 surprising causes of hypothyroidism, which most people don’t have a clue about. (Chapter 4)

My Step-By-Step Process For Treating Your Problem At Its Source (Chapters 5 – 9)

  • The “Thyroid Support Squad”: 7 vitamins, 5 minerals, and 1 amino acid you should be taking on a daily basis. PLUS, how to get them naturally in the foods you eat. (Chapter 5)
  • Twelve natural herbs—with few to zero side effects—that help support the thyroid. Just look for them at your nearest health food store, or order them from one of the online dealers listed in the “Resources” section. (Chapter 5)
  • Why just being outside under the right conditions for a few minutes a day will help improve your thyroid function. (p. 75)
  • The “4 Phase Treatment Plan”. Chances are, Phase 1 is all you’ll need… but just in case, there are Phases 2, 3, & 4 to cover all the bases. It’s all detailed in Chapter 6.
  • How to eat your way back to health. What foods to eat—and which ones to avoid—to get your thyroid back on track. (Relax… chocolate is perfectly safe—even helpful!) Chapters 5 & 7
  • Easy, fun, and gentle ways to integrate exercise into your life. (Yes, a little exercise will do wonders for your overall health, including your thyroid. But it doesn’t have to be a chore, and it certainly shouldn’t be painful.) Chapter 8
  • Eight easy ways to reduce one of the most insidious causes of hypothyroidism. (This silent killer causes a whole host of problems… but I’ll show you how to manage it.) Chapter 9
  • A comprehensive list of resources – sources for purchasing the best herbs & supplements… online hormone testing, which will save you wads of cash… plus, a list of links to online health information, organizations, & associations related to thyroid dysfunction. (Beginning on p. 84)

“The Hypothyroidism Solution” covers every base … no stone has been left unturned in helping you bring your health back to normal. And you’ll see why I am saying this in a minute.

And fortunately, you will be giving your body its best chance to avoid a lifetime of medication, because when you download “The Hypothyroidism Solution”, you’re going to learn how to manage this problem at the source.

And the best part …

You can have quality of life for less than the cost of a doctor’s visit – at $37 … And even better … you won’t have to keep paying for doctors visits looking for the answers once you have this ultimate hypothyroidism solution.


My comprehensive health report, “The Hypothyroidism Solution”, is available in electronic format. That means you can have access to this valuable information in a matter of minutes.

Once you place your order on ClickBank’s secure server, you will be directed to the download page, where you can download your copy of The Hypothyroidism Solution and get started IMMEDIATELY. The ebook is in PDF format, which can be viewed on any computer (PC or MAC). You can read it right on your computer screen, or you can even print out your own hard-copy.

And in just a few days from now, you may already be feeling the benefits of improved thyroid function. In fact, some of my patients experience health improvements in less than week. For others, it takes longer. For you, I don’t know… and neither will you, until you try.

But either way, you’ll soon be well on your way to playing with the kids or grandkids with renewed energy and vitality… you’ll actually feel good for a change… and you’ll probably even drop a few pounds in the process!

And just in case you’re one of the few who don’t benefit from this treatment, please know that it comes with a

money back guarantee

So, you’ve got nothing to lose except quality of life … go ahead and try the program for 8 weeks. If you’re not experiencing significant health improvements—or you’re not satisfied with “The Hypothyroidism Solution” for any reason—then email me within 60 days and you’ll get a 100% refund of every penny paid—no questions asked.

Is that reasonable?

I really want to make sure there is nothing standing in the way to you getting well again … and having this healing information is the best place to start. I know firsthand that the solution outlined in this report is the key to managing and repairing your thyroid so you can live your best quality of life.

Just imagine…

It’s a few days from now. And … maybe the first thing you start to notice is that you feel a little bit better… or your skin begins to show some improvement… or maybe it’s your temperature… or maybe your depression finally lifts… or it could be that your joints and muscles begin to ease up.

Whatever it is, take notice… because it’s only going to get better!

You deserve this. But you’ve got to give it a go … to get positive results.

To get started, simply click here.


This is what I meant by that … together with the comprehensive health report “The Hypothyroidism Solution” you get a host of special gifts that are — without a doubt — going to help you transform your whole life.


“What can I eat?” is one of the most frequently asked questions my patients ask me.

Together with a world class chef, I created this cookbook with YOU in mind. This Cookbook is not just any cookbook … it is the life blood of your recovery. When you follow this diet plan and eat these scrumptious recipes you’ll wonder why you ever ate anything else.

And … the great thing about it is that all the thinking goes out of your meal planning. This Cookbook does all the planning for you. All you need to do is open the ebook and cook.


How to Vastly Increase Your Energy Levels in 7 Days

The secrets in this ebook are like GOLD. Very precious. And has information you desperately need to know to restore your energy levels.

These strategies will get your energy skyrocketing through your body and you’ll be asking yourself why doesn’t everybody know about this and why aren’t they doing it, too.


Natural Depression Cures

Depression is a terrible, debilitating, dark place to live. And … drugs are something that you really don’t want to have to take.

This excellent ebook gives you a down to earth, layman’s account of what depression really is … and you’ll find the natural depression cures in this ebook are either free or inexpensive to action and they will change your life profoundly in a short space of time.

If you are suffering from depression … this is A Must Have book.


Natural Cures For Insomnia

If you’ve ever laid in bed tossing and turning … or staring at the moon shining through the window … or watching the flickering lights on the wall … begging your mind to shutdown … and give you some peace by escaping into deep restful sleep — And this tragedy happens night after night — You-Need-This-eBook.

This 35 page ebook is filled with natural strategies that will give you the good night’s sleep you need and deserve. They, too, are free or inexpensive to do.


MP3 Audio Interview With Paula Tait – Survivor

Julie Lewin, International Medical Intuitive, interviews Paula Tait about how her crazy, depressed, chaotic life in the horrible clutches of hypothyroidism has turned around with “The Hypothyroidism Solution”– her last desperate resort.

Paula candidly shares with you how her life was during undiagnosed and diagnosed and how she climbed back from the brink of despair to be living a joyful, active life again that is filled with hope and happiness.


MP3 Audio Stress Buster Healing Meditation

International Medical Intuitive and Healer, Julie Lewin, has designed a unique healing meditation for you that guides you to cut all connections to your energy body from all sources.

This guided meditation takes you through an energetic cleansing and leads you into a deep rejuvenating and regenerating sleep.

Even people who believe they can’t meditate or visualise – can do this easily and effortlessly under Julie’s expert guidance … and with fantastic results.


You know what your symptoms are – ask yourself this “Do I want to live like this anymore?”

I’ve done my part to help you … now you need to do your part to help yourself. And … I guarantee you simply don’t need to struggle with this anymore.

Yours for better health,

Duncan Capicchiano, N.D.
Naturopath, Author, Researcher
6 Main Street, Blackburn,
Melbourne, Victoria, 3130

P.S. The way I see it, you have two choices: 1) You can keep feeling tired and depressed all the time, keep wasting money on doctor’s bills, keep popping pills, etc., etc… or 2) Try “The Hypothyroidism Solution” completely risk free and begin experiencing greater energy, more focused thinking, and all the other health improvements that go with it. The choice is yours.

P.P.S. Remember: The hard work is done figuring out the solution. I’ve done the research. I’ve perfected my method by working with real, live patients at the ‘Vitalchi Wellness Sanctuary’ Clinic in Melbourne. All you have to do is click your mouse, and reap all the rewards of my efforts!

P.P.P.S. Oops… I almost forgot to tell you! When you order “The Hypothyroidism Solution”, you’ll receive a few secret bonuses which I don’t have time to go into here… one of them—and this is only for a limited time—is 3 full months of FREE online support to answer any questions you may have as you go through the program. (To be honest, I don’t know how much longer I will offer this because, quite frankly, there is only one of me to go around… and my priority has to be with my patients here at the clinic. So take advantage of it while you still can!)


money back guaranteeYou can confidently purchase “The Hypothyroidism Solution”. It gives you tools to identify and treat the root cause of your underactive thyroid with a guaranteed four phase treatment plan to full recovery.

Duncan Capicchiano, N.D. – a second generation, world renowned, fully qualified naturopath works closely with patients around the globe with excellent, proven and guaranteed results.

The key benefits of his multi-pronged healing protocols are:

  • Get an accurate diagnosis for your symptoms using traditional and little known blood tests
  • Find the root cause of your and treat it with natural therapies
  • Complete a specific body cleanse that initiates the body’s natural healing process and brings it back into balance
  • Get the correct daily amount of minerals, vitamins and amino acids to support normal thyroid function
  • Avoid the ugly side effects of drugs by taking 12 specific herbs with few to zero side effects that repair and rebalance your thyroid
  • Use the comprehensive list of resources to purchase the best quality herbs and supplements for the best price and save money

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NOTE: The Hypothyroidism Solution is a downloadable eBook. No physical products will be shipped. After you order, you will get INSTANT ACCESS to download the ebook and all the bonuses onto your computer. The ebook format is adobe acrobat PDF, which can be viewed on Mac or PC.

The Hypothroidism Solutionthe hypothroidism bookYou can feel completely confident with your purchase of“The Hypothyroidism Solution”.  It gives you the tools to identify the root cause of your underactive thyroid with a guaranteed four phase treatment plan to full recovery.

NOW ONLY $37buy nowcredit cards

The Hypothroidism Solution“Duncan has obviously studied his subject in great detail, and this–married with his clinical successes in healing people with debilitating –gives great value to the information outlined here in this Comprehensive Report.”

Lynette Rodwell
Barnet, London, U.K.

“Thanks so much. I got the program, and while I haven’t lost much weight yet, I am AWAKE! I feel so much better that I have been able to start walking my dog again. (I was literally too tired before.)”

Cathy Soda
Georgia, USA


Duncan is a fully qualified Naturopath and full member of the Australian Natural Medicine Society. He is a co-founder of a leading wellness clinic in Melbourne, with a remarkable 13 natural health therapists practicing together and helping thousands of patients achieve their goals.

He has completed an Advanced Diploma of Naturopathy at the Australian College of Natural Medicine, along with Diplomas in Nutrition and Herbal Medicine. And, he has trained in Nutrition, Herbal Medicine, Dietary Advice, CranioSacral Therapy, Homeopathy, Red Earth Healing, Essence Therapy, Reiki and more.

He blends his unique holistic skills with science and research … often drawing upon specific diagnostic tests to help you understand the root cause of your condition.

As Duncan is a second generation Naturopath, health and wellness has been the foundation of his whole life. He regularly presents to the community on a variety of health topics … but he is particularly interested in Hypothyroidism.

This passion arose through his concern for his many clients who were presenting with symptoms. He knew that he needed to find a solution that would help these people get their lives back on track … not just in the short term, but for the rest of their lives.

He wanted to do this without relying on potentially harmful drugs and other toxins that are prevalent in everyday living. Thankfully for the many people who have discovered Duncan’s work, he has been able to guide sufferers back to vital health using a multi-pronged approach to healing with thyroid appropriate:

    • Nutrition
    • Specific herbs
    • Minerals and vitamins
    • Relaxation and meditation
    • Balanced lifestyle
    • Gentle, regular exercise
  • 4 Phase Healing Protocol unique to hypothyroidism.

You can purchase “The Hypothyroidism Solution” with complete confidence in Duncan’s holistic training, research and development skills and his gifted ability to guide you to a successful outcome with your health.

The Hypothroidism Solutionthe hypothroidism bookYou can feel completely confident with your purchase of“The Solution”. It gives you the tools to identify the root causeof your underactive thyroid with a guaranteed four phase treatment plan to full recovery.

NOW ONLY $37buy nowcredit cards

The Hypothroidism Solution“Duncan has obviously studied his subject in great detail, and this–married with his clinical successes in healing people with debilitating –gives great value to the information outlined here in this Comprehensive Report.”

Lynette Rodwell
Barnet, London, U.K.

“Thanks so much. I got the program, and while I haven’t lost much weight yet, I am AWAKE! I feel so much better that I have been able to start walking my dog again. (I was literally too tired before.)”

Cathy Soda
Georgia, USA

What the Heck Happened to My Feet?

What the heck happened to my feet?  They are rough, scaly, cracked and ugly OLD feet!!!!  Geezzzz Louise, what’s a girl to do?  They practically rip the sheets at night with their jagged calluses. ROUGH!  I probably could take the paint off the side of the house with these sandpaper heels. Ack!  They are

Cracked feet!

Cracked feet!


When did this start to happen?  It happened in my 40s. My once low maintenance feet now started to need constant attention. Why?  As we age the sebum production slows down and our feet get scaly. What to do? I raced to the nail salon for a pedicure, the place where someone yells out, “pick color” instead of “hello.” There they soaked, scrubbed, sanded, massaged and sliced off my thick calluses with a razor blade device.  Wow, the skin that came off in a flurry of pieces and landed on the black towel under my feet was shocking. Once my toe nails were painted and feet moisturized, they once again looked like the version of my younger-days feet. Yahoo!  This would last a few weeks and then back for my pedicure to maintain smooth heels.

That was then, now fast forward to present time and I am much older and my feet are in terrible scaly-heeled shape. Yucky!  I live in Florida, the land of flip flops, so everyday I have to take a foot brush to them 20141103_091313and scrub the day’s dirt off. I have a pumice stone that I also use to smooth down the calluses, but none of this works to get my feet back to looking smooth again.

I still go to my local pedicure place but they now have STOPPED using the razor blade method in removing the dead skin and thick calluses. It is outlawed in all nail salons. I asked why and was told that people were being cut and that it also causes the calluses to come back thicker. Dang!  In the razor’s 20141103_094021place the nail technician uses what looks like a cheese grater to GRATE the calluses off. However, it does not have the same great affect that the razor blade method does. I now walk out of the nail salon with still scaly feet. Why even go?

I now do my own pedicure at home with better results. First I soak my feet in warm, soapy water. Then I scrub with a brush and pumice sponge to get all the dirt off and soften the calluses. After that I apply a thick coating of Profoot Callus Blaster which I leave on for 3 minutes.  I rinse that off and I attack

After and looking good!

After and looking good!


Ingredients in Callus Buster

my heels with a cheese grater device I found in the baking section of a grocery store. Then another rinse, dry with a towel and  I slather on the O’Keeffe’s 20141103_102436Healthy Feet. You could use body butter or coconut oil, anything you like. O’Keeffe’s has a slightly waxy feel to it and lasts longer on my feet. Eureka! My feet are back to looking great!

Note: I have tied other methods such as:

  • Pedi Eggs (don’t last long)
  • Listerine and baking soda (feet turn blue, that’s all)
  • Bought my own razor blade thingy at Sally’s that was a wimpy version of what the nail technician used to use. Didn’t work. RETURN!
  • Wrapping feet in plastic wrap after layering on cream. Didn’t do anything to the calluses.

Sadly, none of the above worked as well as good ole elbow grease and a callus blaster.20141103_090914

Hope this helps if you have rough feet.

Thanks for reading!

Terry Ryan. Health Blogger


Terry Ryan

Terry Ryan