Vegan Life in Sarasota, FL

Vegan goes mainstream. I’m always willing to try the latest food craze, and my interest was on high alert when I met Chantal; a petite woman with a T-shirt proudly displaying VEGAN on the front. (She made it.) We made plans to meet for lunch at a later date where I would pick her brain about being a vegan. Recently, I’mRead the rest of this page »
The Importance of a Healthy Diet in Drug Recovery

The Importance of a Healthy Diet in Drug Recovery By Guest Blogger, Sharon Torres Substance addiction! This is still a problem and we have a great deal to learn about. We have made strides in our understanding, and we have a more detailed understanding of what causes it than ever before. We have also learned a great deal aboutRead the rest of this page »
How to Deal with the Pain from An Autoimmune Disease

How to Deal with the Pain from An Autoimmune Disease By guest blogger, Patrick Bailey In the wake of the technological revolution in the field of health, science, and technology, some things still remain unclear, such as the cause of autoimmunity. Through the years, scientists are trying to find cures for this debilitating set of diseases but until now itRead the rest of this page »
Now We have to Worry About Lectins…Oh Boy!

Let’s take a look at Dr. Steven Gundry’s book, The Plant Paradox, which is all of the sudden the IT book since Kelly Clarkson said she read it and lost 45 pounds. What ensued is a stampede to the book store by thousands in hope that they too will lose 45 pounds. After all, Kelly said she did this, lostRead the rest of this page »
Read This: Books by Anthony Bourdain

Anthony Bourdain has died! What a shock! Just after Kate Spade’s suicide the news reports today that Anthony Bourdain passed away from suicide. That lovable, deep voiced, tall, slender gray-hair man, who ate anything and everything, who could have you believing that eating goat testicles was a journey into culinary heaven, is gone. Not just gone but died by hisRead the rest of this page »